Tuesday, October 23, 2007


Duration: 03:39 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-02-15 23:54:00
User: nanciesweb
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canipanic ::: Favorites
its been a while since i've seen your videos..my bad...loved seeing you again,it was like connecting with an old friend again...i really have to send you a video of myself some day..i feel like i owe ya that much...
07-02-19 20:13:51
TheSkinnedRat ::: Favorites
I didn't leave because of the snow... I actually do like snow... Skiing on rocks just doesn't have the same effect. Apparently there's a ski hill around, but its not open very often. Not to shabby for being surrounded by desert though.
07-02-19 08:01:47
nanciesweb ::: Favorites
It sometimes will snow here like that (in March) at 30 degrees (f) on one day, then it will warm up to about 60 the next day. Tis the season for colds.
07-02-18 17:13:41
nanciesweb ::: Favorites
I don't know. I may not miss it at all. If I ever miss it for any reason, I'll just visit for a day, then after being reminded of why I left the snowy region, would go home content.
07-02-18 17:10:13
nanciesweb ::: Favorites
That's probably the best way to enjoy it, but my kids would disagree.
07-02-18 17:08:19
tubepets ::: Favorites
Usually in PA here, it would snow and then warm up a bit usually, but this time its cold. Miles of traffic were stranded on I81 and I80 for almost a day.
07-02-18 16:37:38
TheSkinnedRat ::: Favorites
Wow! reminds me of back home... I left that much snow behind a month ago... funny, I'm not missing it at all. I'm sure I will when I go a year without snow, though... you know?
07-02-18 16:31:26
Blinkazoid ::: Favorites
I always enjoy snow vids. I guess that's because we get so little of it. So far this year, about 1/2". But actually that's the way I like it. So I'll just enjoy other peoples bounty of snow from afar:)
07-02-17 23:11:34
nanciesweb ::: Favorites
I honestly don't mind the snow, I just wished the season was shorter. We used to live in southern IN, and even though there was a lot of snow, winter was over in 3 months! In VT, winter is too long.
07-02-17 21:43:50
BuckNakedDragKing ::: Favorites
here's one good reason why i live in california.
07-02-17 21:24:51

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