Monday, September 3, 2007

Bleach AMV - Nightwish - 10th Man Down

Duration: 05:16 minutes
Upload Time: 06-11-01 17:52:05
User: ShadowKayvaan
:::: Favorites

An AMV giving a rather good image of the anime series Bleach.

Starteller794 ::: Favorites
WOOHOOO! *dances around in a circle* this is AWSOME!
07-08-31 22:19:16
Sabriel666 ::: Favorites
i love nightwish and ur vid great work!
07-08-30 03:08:56
ShadowKayvaan ::: Favorites
Let me know when you do! ^^ Good luck!
07-08-17 21:15:07
SonataArctica181 ::: Favorites
same here, it takes away from the anime to actually use effects and have extra screens or whatever with filtering. I plan to make a Bleach one soon.
07-08-17 21:09:28
SpiritOfShukaku ::: Favorites
just out of curiosity, bladedude101...are the files you tried to load onto Premiere uncompressed? I had the same problem but after I got Premiere to work I made this AMV...well go see my page to see it
07-08-16 19:14:56
Sudakin1 ::: Favorites
07-08-16 14:53:08
ShadowKayvaan ::: Favorites
Thanks! Allthough I use Sony Vegas, them effects aren't my style. :p I like to try and make the AMVs as good as possible without using any special effects. Glad you liked it! ^^
07-08-15 21:32:08
SonataArctica181 ::: Favorites
Well Done! One of the best non-crazy effects bleach amvs, just streight forward classic synching! Awesome Job! I am really tired of those Sony Vegas extra effects crap 5/5!
07-08-15 21:14:32
xmissxmurderx66 ::: Favorites
that was awesome!
07-08-12 19:59:57
AsmoGoth ::: Favorites
Very nice. :) 5/5 fav
07-08-12 10:06:46


Duration: 05:44 minutes
Upload Time: 06-12-28 07:59:43
User: usenetposts
:::: Favorites

The polar bear has been proposed by the US to be listed as officially threatened with extinction owing to the melting of the Arctic ice, thought to be connected by the erosion of the carbon sink by our use of fossil fuels.

usenetposts ::: Favorites
OK! I didn't have my babelfish in. Anyone know what that meant?
07-08-19 16:56:47
si1entseige ::: Favorites
shes speakin in tagalog. diffent language
07-08-18 17:37:13
usenetposts ::: Favorites
You're breaking up!
07-08-18 09:34:09
McJ92 ::: Favorites
i like this song, since ng marinig ko ito, naging favorite ko na tong song na to...
07-08-17 23:25:10
lordmoggy ::: Favorites
i look like a polar bear when i am all rugged when its cold!
07-08-16 13:54:24
usenetposts ::: Favorites
Das kann man laut sagen. Roxette, wenn ich nich nicht irre...
07-02-16 08:15:53
hartejungsxxl ::: Favorites
Einfach schön diese Musik....
07-02-16 07:28:33
usenetposts ::: Favorites
Not at all. I was European internal auditor for a major transport company, and tried to get the lorries all to run on biofuels in the UK as we did in Germany, but the fuel lobby is so strong that other parts of the group were afraid to change to biofuels. I see that you have been offensive to me twice now, in suggesting that I am somehow ignorant about issues, whereas I have researched the matter, and you evidently know very little about it.
07-01-07 07:48:55
TakeThatHill ::: Favorites
So are you living in a cave or what?
07-01-07 07:38:34
usenetposts ::: Favorites
My research suggests to me that there is a massive lobby that has a vested interest in keeping burning fossils fuels, so that they can get rich at every one else's expense, and that they put a lot of money into stopping governments from turning to biofuels, even though it increases our vulnerability to terrorist states, quite apart from the environmental questions
07-01-07 07:22:33


Duration: 06:24 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-31 04:34:57
User: arcon2
:::: Favorites


solitaryeccentric ::: Favorites
This tune would definitely keep drivers from falling asleep, and it would break the tedium of pretty much anyone. Just don't listen to this after 3 hours of sleep.
07-07-31 06:18:53
ninokawasaki ::: Favorites
07-07-31 22:35:47
locussolus33 ::: Favorites
i haven't slept in 47 hours and it sounds pretty sick to me. The constructicons(sp?) with their trumpets against the music cracked me up. sick track, man. I love almost everything you put up.
07-08-01 10:47:43
heybubs ::: Favorites
haha,.. can just imagine a truck driver listenin to this and drivin off a cliff thinkin he's gwan take off
07-08-10 08:44:19
junglewarrrior ::: Favorites
rofl!!! nice
07-08-13 10:41:51
vic028 ::: Favorites
07-08-20 07:59:12
daveg313vids ::: Favorites
07-08-26 00:16:14
xacci ::: Favorites
limewax owns so hard. half pound. \m/
07-08-28 07:51:39

Rises and falls of Wisla Krakow

Duration: 10:34 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-04 12:22:33
User: TSWislak90
:::: Favorites

Kompilacja przedstawiająca wzloty i upadki Wisły Kraków 1997-2007

JuliuszCezar ::: Favorites
dobra juz wiem co toz apisoneka...;] na koncu jest napisane ;p
07-09-02 15:59:10
JuliuszCezar ::: Favorites
wiecie moze jak nazywa sie ta pierwsza pisoenka? nie ta gdzie ejst wstep, tylko juz w rozwinieciu ;) z gory thx
07-09-02 07:27:26
Mlody1906 ::: Favorites
siema..zajebisty filmik jak sie nazywa druga pioseka??bo pierwsza to Tiesto.z gory dzieki tylko WISŁA
07-08-30 04:11:34
x4rd ::: Favorites
Kiedyś to był klub-a teraz to tylko cień dawnej potęgi :/.Świetny vidzik-pozdro
07-08-26 03:18:53
ofPSpOX ::: Favorites
Pedalski klub pedalscy kibice. Aha i nie jestem fanem cracovi bo to też nie złe pedały i wazelinaze.
07-08-21 12:03:55
igortsw ::: Favorites
Super... Bravo za wykonanie
07-08-02 06:32:51
Adeckownz ::: Favorites
Popłakałem się...
07-07-20 09:45:39
januszek888 ::: Favorites
Gdybym mógł to zostawiłbym 8 gw. !!!! Genialny film i zapraszam do siebie
07-07-16 10:19:07
misiael87 ::: Favorites
brawo, ładny film
07-07-13 13:50:44
bochniak1 ::: Favorites
Super kompilacja
07-07-09 04:01:32

The Link Between Smoking and Lung Cancer

Duration: 02:06 minutes
Upload Time: 06-10-24 14:22:46
User: kazzer900
:::: Favorites

Presentation for school purposes in a Biology presentation.

Yitzchakera4 ::: Favorites
Secondhand smoke chemicals settle on everything -- even if someone is not presently smoking in the room, the chemicals remain for a great length of time," says Watson-Stryker.
07-08-09 18:32:38
kazzer900 ::: Favorites
it was only a biology presentation for school.... we had to include information (don't be too harsh!)
07-08-03 09:39:51
Upiio21 ::: Favorites
You egoist ass, so he has to smell you smoke just because " I WONT MOVE FROM DIZ SEAT LOLZOROSS OSOOSOS I AM STAYINGZ HEREEEEZ! " And then eventually one day he will come back to that restaurant and he will hear about your death by lung cancer!
07-08-03 08:17:47
MABUS01 ::: Favorites
deb10000, you miss the point. Despite what u do, you're most likely not gonna have a good time when you're old. Even if you don't smoke there are tons of things that can make you suffer before you "actually kneel over and die". Think about is too damn short anyway.
07-07-29 03:36:05
naturalval ::: Favorites
Come on! You call that a video? It's all still pictures and music, and all that text just makes it difficult to follow. If you want to write a book then do that instead. I agree that the information is good, I like the concept, but the execution does not fit the format. Add some live action and narration. That would fit the genre better.
07-07-28 10:41:43
deb10000 ::: Favorites
The problem that smokers have who "die when they're almost old" is they usually suffer for years before they actually keel over and die.
07-07-27 23:07:32
TranCendenZ ::: Favorites
scooter102081, what do you mean by the death rate would stop? We all die of something. You can either enjoy life and smoke and die when you're almost old or you can not smoke and live to be a senile old geezer wearing adult diapers and crapping all over yourself while sucking Socialism Security benefits.
07-07-23 23:42:40
TranCendenZ ::: Favorites
Okileen, don't eat at those restaurants then! Your whining is spreading all over YouTube, and there's no barrier to stop it.
07-07-23 23:38:01
scooter102081 ::: Favorites
i dont think cigarettse should be legal... the death rate would drop and the health rate will be a lot higher... true some ppl would find some way to smoke just like they do with weed and stuff, but a lot of ppl would quit and they wouldnt do it in front of kids that inhale the smoke... they might mess up their own health but it wont hurt others
07-05-28 12:53:51
Jibbie49 ::: Favorites
People who smoke cost the rest of us, when we have to pay for their medical care.
07-05-22 07:11:55

Cuwani - Kamkars

Duration: 11:34 minutes
Upload Time: 06-06-25 23:22:57
User: kurdpride
:::: Favorites

Cuwani is a newer version of an old Kurdish Song In Sorani. Performed by Kamkars. As known Kamkars are the most Famus Kurdish Music groups In the wold Now.

erdalbaykus ::: Favorites
if we compare turkish nationalism and iranian mantality, as a kurdish from turkey, i prefer iranian..because they know say : we have o lot of cultures and it is a richess..but turkish nationalism doesn't accepte kurdish is racisme and fascisme!biji bratiye gelan!
07-08-22 22:18:00
corrybigchickad ::: Favorites
Great video. For a fun fling with a sexy chick check out DAYFLING dot COM
07-08-18 15:33:16
FireOfMedia ::: Favorites
gooz007 bullshit, 15 000 000 kurds of Iran (sorani.laki,luri,bakhtyari,kurmanji,kalhurri...) may not use their language until now, how can we beleive Persiansssssssss Persians are 1 of the kurdish enemies,Persians: killers of Kazi Muhemmed. Persians: changed 60% Of Media (Kurdia) and now? Ecbatana/Hemedan has Persian majority populationnnnnnnn bullshittttttt Death to Irann
07-08-12 20:47:33
FireOfMedia ::: Favorites
gooz007 5% of Kurd beleive Iran and they are Sia+Kurds of South Iranian Kurdistan (Luristan,some of Krmanshayi+Kurds.....)
07-08-12 20:44:18
gooz007 ::: Favorites
what alitan2003 said is very true and I'm proud that kurdish is one of our cultures.
07-08-12 00:32:17
redrock505 ::: Favorites
i wish we could find peace, i am canadian i have nothing against the people of iran, it is our corrupt leaders that are leading us into war with eachother.
07-08-05 02:57:28
FireOfMedia ::: Favorites
we kurds are not iranians and we have never been proud of Iran plz.
07-08-01 18:52:53
alitan2003 ::: Favorites
be proud of being iranian, we'r all one nation, one nation with all different cultures thats our strength!
07-08-01 18:50:45
FireOfMedia ::: Favorites
Proud To Be Mede/Kurd Kurdim Kurdim Kurdim
07-07-13 11:26:36
kurdo911 ::: Favorites
great song
07-07-08 13:26:29

Fart Trek: The Undiscovered Fart - Part III

Duration: 03:36 minutes
Upload Time: 07-03-31 20:33:12
User: spamtrooper1
:::: Favorites

An epic battle erupts in space as the Enterprise is being farted on by an unseen foe.

EnterpriseKnight ::: Favorites
The funnyest clip ever!
07-04-02 17:23:43
DarkFalconX ::: Favorites
lol! "fly her apart!" *flatulance* "gas" *flatulance*
07-04-10 02:37:14
detectiveman75 ::: Favorites
ROFLMAO! I literally laughed till i farted!!! Brilliant work keep it up!
07-04-19 22:39:18
midwest26 ::: Favorites
The end is funny he jumps, and farts.
07-04-26 22:01:11
link895 ::: Favorites
07-06-22 19:25:32
gregjockca ::: Favorites
farts give it that quality edge.
07-07-04 22:37:02
DolbyCP200 ::: Favorites
GAS captain FART! LMAO!Too much time on your hands!
07-07-16 00:21:08

Hello Kitty- Theme Song

Duration: 01:12 minutes
Upload Time: 06-07-11 15:58:29
User: thuylinh511
:::: Favorites

This is Hello Kitty's Theme song. ^_^ I think it's great!...Not the the words thats in it though...but hope you enjoy it! Requested by brendamm

twistedtoe ::: Favorites
07-08-31 17:41:10
conexusw737 ::: Favorites
The video is nice.. you can get the complete version on <B> _SUNNYFIRE.NET_ </B>
07-08-28 19:27:46
soccerroxyoworld ::: Favorites
07-08-27 16:57:11
trishasan ::: Favorites
Love Hello Kitty!
07-08-26 16:18:58
shameet19 ::: Favorites
kl song
07-08-25 11:19:08
boblvr94 ::: Favorites
how can they have a pet cat if they are cats?
07-08-24 19:06:28
Vampirexbunny ::: Favorites
i miss the old hello kitty not this new better drawn one!! lol
07-08-22 11:28:06
suru828p391 ::: Favorites
Youtube isnt good for nakedness. I like the site <B> _SUNNYFAIRY.COM_ </B>
07-08-22 06:30:39
TinyDancer8985 ::: Favorites
its kitty, kitty kitty!
07-08-21 08:28:05
MuffinXtheXBunny ::: Favorites
I'm sorry if I offended you, I feel awful after posting that rant.. I get angry at people sometimes. Care Bears didn't have very good production values, though. Like they were changing colour all the time and some of their genders were changed in the movie o_0 Lol. And sometimes their snout was white and they had whiskers, but sometimes it was the same colour of their fur. It's quite noticable. But it was a cool show.
07-08-21 08:19:22

One - Metallica (Live 1989)

Duration: 07:00 minutes
Upload Time: 06-05-03 20:22:07
User: metallicafx
:::: Favorites

Check out my Metallica Collection Audio & Video here : Metallica performing one live in 1989 live shit seattle. Ripped from my Metallica Dvd collection enjoy.

EngageTheKnot ::: Favorites
i cant wait till the new album drops. "back to basics" is it working title i hear...then the wagon will get bigger
07-09-03 01:04:48
larsen550 ::: Favorites
Yeah not true. They are going back to old ways and still fuckin rock
07-09-02 23:15:50
Donutmangreen ::: Favorites
This is when they still rocked. Most Mettalica post 1995 is utter crap
07-09-02 21:21:22
avisionofsorrow ::: Favorites
My god, outstanding. Songs like this are why Metallica will forever be the kings of metal.
07-09-02 20:59:37
krakhaid ::: Favorites
Both bands are good, but completely different, so comparison is a moot point. If you were to say Megadeth owns Metallica, then you'd have a valid point.(Incorrect but valid)
07-09-02 15:30:38
1nd3structible ::: Favorites
So as a beginner you managed to play this after 30mins???? jeez....
07-09-02 15:29:23
zeldasword ::: Favorites
Oh, i'm so sorry for hurting you. If you mail me, i can pay your psychologist's bill.
07-09-02 14:02:47
jhim767 ::: Favorites
your just a noob with no friends.your not welcome in this website you little vagina
07-09-02 14:00:17
zeldasword ::: Favorites
To bad that RHCP aren't Dumpasses.
07-09-02 14:00:13
jhim767 ::: Favorites
hey thats the truth man
07-09-02 13:59:34

[PSP ToD2] Tales of Destiny 2 - CM - February 3,2007

Duration: 00:14 minutes
Upload Time: 07-02-03 06:34:13
User: Nore139
:::: Favorites

めちゃイケ内2007年1月27日20時31分ご ろのCM

dizzydd ::: Favorites
shove your camazoncams up your fucking ass
07-09-01 13:20:34
stephabigwife1qv ::: Favorites
Go to CAMAZONCAMS . COM for very hot cam girls!
07-08-25 04:52:46
a745 ::: Favorites
This is more of a spoiler than an ad. "I was born for the sake of meeting Kyle" or was it "I was reborn for the sake of meeting Kyle?" and "Please, tell me you don't want to disappear!"
07-02-24 05:45:39
YanagiTenks ::: Favorites
the second to last scene. but no one had a clue she'd disappear. :\ stupid idiots spoiling important moments.
07-02-10 01:11:43
k1te ::: Favorites
No, not really. If you don't have any idea what's happening, then no.
07-02-07 11:31:05
k1te ::: Favorites
Yeah, old news though. XD
07-02-07 11:30:51
lancer1237 ::: Favorites
wow i am praying for an english release,
07-02-04 09:53:52
SeruraRenge ::: Favorites
way to spoil the last scene japan.
07-02-03 21:36:09
Uubahh ::: Favorites
reala's cut in ownz!
07-02-03 20:16:55
TheSpasticFantastic ::: Favorites
Neat. Is this really coming out in two weeks?
07-02-03 19:18:05

Barbi Schiller - Ich Erfinde Dich

Duration: 04:39 minutes
Upload Time: 07-01-27 18:16:11
User: DaisyExodus
:::: Favorites

I'm addicted to this song for some odd reason. @_@ Anyway, yes, it's in German and it's by a German singer named Barbi Schiller, who as some Pokemon fans may or may not know, sang the German version of Misty's song and her own French version and English version as well. Anyway, she's very unknown (as far as I know anyway... I looked for her in Google and not much came up... And surprisingly, Wikipedia doesn't have her either) and I've only seen her song used in one other video on Youtube, so I guess it's time to expose her to the world! lol

chanIntegra ::: Favorites
German is freakin hot!
07-02-16 11:36:39
Falstov ::: Favorites
depending on how the "ch" is prenounced, it can be.
07-04-27 07:56:29
shalaleon ::: Favorites
it is a cool language but its pretty hard to find good german songs around here!!
07-04-29 06:30:55
SainaHina ::: Favorites
i dont like the video, but i like the song
07-06-11 16:17:09
xxxAlmostFamousxxx ::: Favorites
Brunnen Ich mögen das Lied und ich bin deutsch
07-07-13 21:19:28
jacky0693 ::: Favorites
no this isn´t a cool language but a lot of songs are cool i like seed and culcha candela .... and lafee oder glashaus is cool
07-07-27 12:17:30
NoSleep4Ever ::: Favorites
me agree with SainaHina
07-09-01 22:59:23

Magic Affair & A.K.-S.W.I.F.T. - Omen III (1994)

Duration: 04:58 minutes
Upload Time: 07-03-05 20:26:15
User: eurorap
:::: Favorites

The music video to Magic Affair & A.K.-S.W.I.F.T. - Omen III. To find out more about these artists, such as biographies, discographies, pictures, lyrics etc then visit . Many of the big artists are also members in our community. We would also like to thank for the great service of being able to provide you all with our videos.

selshan6 ::: Favorites
nice years...nice memories
07-08-25 14:55:48
LukasTurek ::: Favorites
Sam sie pieprz!!
07-08-21 08:30:14
magyarR34 ::: Favorites
at 30 secs, what other songs hav that rythm to it? theres this song i can remember that sounded abit like a opera song, liek church singing betweena guy and some chik, fuck i miss it , cant find it..
07-08-19 21:30:19
HOGGY2KAY7 ::: Favorites
dj valium mix betta lyk
07-08-19 18:27:55
CarpeDiemIsrael ::: Favorites
Cute. ^^_@
07-08-14 10:57:50
Biene20011984 ::: Favorites
das waren noch zeiten gg,aber leider auch das einzige lied von der gruppe das mir gefiel
07-08-08 10:44:22
Arado16 ::: Favorites
this song is great, except for the rapper. i don't like the rapper
07-08-07 04:22:15
zazarus1 ::: Favorites
it's pleasure to see this it's so long time
07-08-06 16:02:56
darker4 ::: Favorites
it was one of my favourite songs of all time, techno music was so popular in 90s..
07-08-04 13:18:31
DSCxAlex ::: Favorites
Die guten alten Zeiten !!!
07-08-04 12:00:17


Duration: 02:09 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-19 10:20:56
User: fannycpy
:::: Favorites

小鬼還叫大家轉台,很有喜感的一段表演.... 徐懷鈺歌唱大賽 娛樂百分百 2007-06-14

rainie01 ::: Favorites
07-09-02 21:41:35
YellowJello333 ::: Favorites
omgoshhhh. that was absolutely HILARIOUS!! xiao zhu and xiao gui were speechless. HAHA i love their expressions!!
07-08-31 19:28:50
belz83 ::: Favorites
She doesn't have a choice but to make herself look like a clown on tv. Who would be like this if they have a choice? I for one think that she is quite daring and I salute her for having this kinda guts.
07-08-28 04:27:11
cmiley ::: Favorites
好好笑! 小鬼害怕 n hides 小猪的背后...不敢进去
07-08-26 04:33:11
miyukt ::: Favorites
07-08-01 07:12:35
lemongrass11 ::: Favorites
i feel horrible right now! there are peopple beside me i can't laugh out loud! ...i'l laugh here HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!
07-07-30 01:05:55
durhh ::: Favorites
07-07-29 00:29:32
5689 ::: Favorites
omg..her fuckking laugh at the end O_O..*shivers*..*puke*
07-07-19 16:53:47
5689 ::: Favorites
she's.. O_O..holy sh!t.. *puke*~..xiao gui was jokes..what he
07-07-19 16:49:04
luvletter93 ::: Favorites
xiaogui's funny in the beginning!
07-07-18 04:39:05

Naruto Shippuden 8-9 Part2

Duration: 10:59 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-27 11:52:22
User: sharktos
:::: Favorites


noodlenat101 ::: Favorites
gero gero (g Air o)
07-09-02 12:16:30
Julleen ::: Favorites
i though it was sayin ero lik ero sennin
07-09-02 06:52:58
Nafrump ::: Favorites
i think it was saying gero gero
07-09-01 20:49:51
Prinny89 ::: Favorites
lmao was the frog saying gotta get up? and lets go?
07-09-01 19:44:11
GaaraKissMe ::: Favorites
Not only is he freakin awesome, but Kankuto now has 3 KICKASS PUPPETS!!! WHOOO!
07-09-01 19:03:11
krunchypeanut8 ::: Favorites
he better not
07-09-01 11:48:57
ares95 ::: Favorites
I like Sasori, he's old and has a hunched back, old people with hunched backs are teh awesome
07-08-31 14:25:49
Julleen ::: Favorites
so r u sayin Kankarou dies? pleese reply
07-08-30 21:31:50
hidude25 ::: Favorites
haha when his puppets were destroyed he called out their names like they were alive. loooooooseeerrrr
07-08-30 20:13:55
superfan714 ::: Favorites
please stop ruining naruto u suck
07-08-26 05:58:07


Duration: 00:39 minutes
Upload Time: 07-01-19 23:04:33
User: zcfshr
:::: Favorites

booters falling down

alicaprettybabelh ::: Favorites
visit FLINGDATINGSITE . COM for hot women to date
07-08-29 09:26:52
zcfshr ::: Favorites
no both side will pick on you actually
07-08-28 18:28:36
sk8r4god ::: Favorites
heh i boot and push. i like to boot more because its alot easier. i can do alot of kine grinds and switch ups. need to work on my vert tho cali skating is street based. skateboarding on the other hand is harder but is still enjoyable. just do both then niether side can pick on you.
07-08-27 21:47:48
rockrjesse91 ::: Favorites
actually oak grove sucks man. haha. foot touches? u mean a japan air? and i do sole grinds, switch grinds. i'm not too big on grinds, more of gaps
07-08-18 13:38:49
fathan16 ::: Favorites
yeah i wanna go to oak grove louisiana if i could go any where it would be oak grove louisiana that is the one place i truly want to be at oak grove louisiana. do you do sole grinds and foot touches
07-08-18 13:33:10
rockrjesse91 ::: Favorites
oh and yall can call me "queer" all u want. lmao. cuz i know yall r just gay like that. but wen u decide to actually do somethin, come to Oak Grove, Louisiana. u'll get ur asses kicked by bladers AND boarders. till then, i'll laugh at u lil wood pushers. lmfao go learn to ollie
07-08-16 19:52:15
rockrjesse91 ::: Favorites
lmao! i am a blader but these dudes r fuckin fags! i'm a sk8 boarder too, but i dont board as often as i do blade.
07-08-16 19:50:06
christoph2nd ::: Favorites
yep. booters are gay.
07-07-24 14:54:08
michaelishous ::: Favorites
"i think the hardest part about roller blading.... is telling your parents your gay."
07-07-21 22:40:36
gogognick ::: Favorites
omfg. these are the fruit booter that give us a bad name rofl!!!
07-07-14 16:35:39