Monday, March 31, 2008

Pin cracking .48 (New pin cracker!)

Duration: 03:36 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-01-21 21:22:39

ok guys I just worked on a new pin cracker that cracks your acc in 30 mins!!!!! Ok The prices for it are 30 mill- The source + Pin cracker 25 mill- The pin cracker + updates for every pach! 5 mill- Plain 1 patch pin cracker I only accept scania and Broa mesos I will take PAYPAL now to contact me for paypal information. I will also crack your account for free at *LINK REMOVED*


edwardj3773  2008-02-22 19:15:45

Devviil95  2008-01-26 01:36:25

So can i get this for free becuse im the furst ho right a comentar?

Nightwatchers - Insomnia

Duration: 03:26 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-09-23 16:53:02

Video Remix by Nightwatchers


Luparf  2008-03-18 02:50:46

Didn't like faithless' version of this. IMO this one's a helluva lot better.
blackrage1212  2008-03-10 23:54:23

OH COMMON' who would really want to "make mad love" with this guy?! "Tearing tights off with my teeth" - crrrrrreepy
InvalidAttitude  2008-03-04 13:08:05

IMO the original is better but its also nice!
InvalidAttitude  2008-03-04 13:08:03

IMO the original is better but its also nice!
frostyterrance  2008-02-19 21:57:18

this is the best insomnia song.. i love this ver

50 Cent = 2 € ? oÔ

Duration: 00:17 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-03-03 09:40:02

Will lieber 2 € haben xD


313USNAVY  2008-03-31 00:37:07

Mazedonerboy  2008-03-27 08:58:25

euda wie geht das !!! ich will das auch wissen !! kann jemand mir sagen wie das geht ???
rockbanane2  2008-03-14 11:43:04

geschnitten alta. . ich seh das XD
Sockfuss  2008-03-13 11:46:22

ich weiß wies geht haha
SSJ4Chris  2008-03-07 18:25:08

was soll am silbernen Rand schon sein ? xD der ist immer silber^^ und wenn schon...dann hält man das Video nicht an....sondern schneidet es und zwar genau da wo die Hand auf das Bein klatscht xD..somit hab ich jetzt eigentlich den "Trick" verraten xD...aber egal..ich kann den auch hochladen...ohne es zu bearbeiten^^


Duration: 00:59 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-01-10 09:33:48


Kitchen Nightmares S5E2P1

Duration: 10:46 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-11-18 14:10:09

Gordon Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares Season 5 Episode 2 Part 1. Gordon helps out a Scottish girl in Paris.


Pyrotechnic51  2008-03-30 22:09:40

Did you just go through all of these videos and post the same damn comment?
ointment72  2008-03-29 21:18:42

Why would Ramsay gom to south central LA. Nobody there can attempt to cook anything worth critisizing bitch, lol. White men cant jump and black man cant cook brotha !
regineamanda  2008-03-28 01:55:08

All I hear is fuck this and fuck that. What the fuck, man? I want to see fucking Ramsay go to south central LA and hear him curse amongst the black brotha in the motherfuckin' hood. Feel me, you fucking motherfucker. Fuck.
whompus02  2008-03-27 23:48:16

A darky that only speaks dont see that everyday
dmarva  2008-03-25 06:27:14

It depends in what scenario and with whom. (For example, it's not done in a business meeting.) In this case it's acceptable.

Todd can do it...So can I

Duration: 00:36 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-02-24 01:05:06

So i seen ALL 3 videos and decided I will make a response. So check it out ---


weeniebobeenie  2008-03-24 20:31:14

showchoir33  2008-03-06 17:57:56

omg jesse! u are way too funny! haha. i love this video almost as much as i love u
SiberGirlJ  2008-02-25 19:40:02

lol funfun
JeSsEgILdIrT  2008-02-25 19:08:51

Heck yes they are
JeSsEgILdIrT  2008-02-25 19:08:44

I had a lot to do lol

Zephyr: HJ Fox show 2ft6 Hunter (round 2)

Duration: 03:57 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-08-31 20:55:08

Zephyr, for sale. A 1999 16hh TB I trained, ready to move up to 3ft (2ft6 doesn't phase him). DO NOT CRITIQUE.


fairgeek  2008-03-21 20:49:33

he's in Conyers, GA
equijumper2  2008-03-07 19:00:32

hes really cute. how much are u selling him for? Can he do jumpers also? looks like he wants to get some speed near the jumps. and where are u located?
stupidblond428a  2008-02-15 13:34:01

He looks very promising. A ton of potential to be an all-round horse! Where are you located?

Farrakhan Music Video " Bush Meets with Black Preachers"

Duration: 09:17 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-01-02 19:57:59

Minister Farrakhan speaks over hip-hop beats. Support The No.2 Poor Treasury Send check or money order Donations payable to: No.2 Poor Treasury Mail to: Minister Louis Farrakhan 4855 South Woodlawn Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60615 Help Support The Propagation of The Teachings of The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad. Your Contribution helps further the progress of Minister Farrakhan in continuing the work of The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad. FARRAKHAN MUSIC VIDEOS ADDED DAILY SPREAD THESE VIDEOS EVERYWHERE Check out these websites


nubic  2008-03-31 15:00:22

voodoomagicman. Blacks are not being taught to hate whites,jews etc. The minister teaches us to love our own. If that is a crime then we are guilty. And we are in trouble because the WHITEMAN does not want us to love our own and it would seem neither do you.
VoodooMagicMan  2008-03-23 11:40:13

The Blacks are being taught to Hate Whites, Jews, Asians and probably Hawaiians everywhere. Know wonder so many young Black's are in trouble if this is what they learn in Church.
Fulani123  2008-03-17 22:27:40

Knowledge + Wisdom = Understanding. The Minister is Right and Exact from Knowledge to Born. Peace be to him.
zyruemusic  2008-03-13 22:56:59

That is why I wrote the song "VIETNAM".I wish that more black men would say the truth like the MINISTER speaks.I am so far behind tryin to catch up...and I still have not received my G.I.BILL for college because I was blackballed for being a smart NIGGER...HOLLA!!!! JUDAH
akvalues  2008-03-04 12:35:16


Lake Sonoma 50 - 2007

Duration: 09:44 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-10-30 12:11:18

The Lake Sonoma 50 endurance ride is held (funnily enough) on Lake Sonoma in Sonoma Co., CA, about two hours north of the San Francisco Bay. It is one of the most scenic rides around and definitely one to put on your "must do" list. This is the third time I've done the ride and it's the sort of ride you'd keep going back to again and again. This is the second time Roo has done the ride and it was interesting to compare him to this time last year when I'd only just gotten him and he'd never seen a hill before. The ride is very deceptive - it's not a "hard" ride per se, but does have 6800' of climbing (and 6800' of descent) in it - mostly in short steep ups n' downs. Our riding partners for the day were Katie Azevedo and Shrimp. Great company and a really fun day.


orkesh  2008-03-20 12:43:55

lol love it, hope our trail ride just as fun as yours ^^.
westerncowgirlsrule  2008-03-14 14:31:25

were is it in sonoma county?
betsnevada  2008-03-08 22:33:34

This ride looks like tons of fun. Great job! Keep posting... on your horse AND on youtube.
ponyhill  2008-03-08 21:47:54

It's in Sonoma County, CA, a few hours north of San Francisco.
scheyni  2008-03-08 14:30:30

wow, really cool! i wish we would have such a place to ride here in switzerland. i'd really like to come to america vor an endurance ride :-)


Duration: 00:47 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-09-17 07:16:37

