Saturday, February 9, 2008

Bad day today

Duration: 05:46 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-11-01 03:15:50
User: eddygoombah
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I just got back from the doctor. News wasn't great. I have a polyp in the back of my throat that has been bothering me for a while, and my doctor gave me the, "yeah, that doesn't look good" look. So I'll find out the extent of the damage when the biopsy results come in. I'm sure it's nothing. but my doctor didn't seem that thrilled... I'd be lying if I said this doesn't scare me.


FormerFollier ::: Favorites  2007-11-03 02:29:09

You just had to break out a tearjerker, didn't you? Great song, great rendition... from a great member of the online atheist community. You've got friends in us, man.
Kunado ::: Favorites  2007-11-03 00:03:48

Yeah, my mother was just diagnosed with cancer. It's a solemn feeling. Pull through my friend.
pornoopel ::: Favorites  2007-11-02 10:23:13

very sorry to hear this my friend! :-( are young and strong and youll come through this just fine anyways..will probably be some hard work though, but youll grow from it..but i hope for the best for of luck..
PackratCND ::: Favorites  2007-11-02 06:41:01

HOPE.... We beleive in you Eddy ! !
hairyreasoner ::: Favorites  2007-11-02 06:29:44

Thinking about you. All the best. Keep your chin up.

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Duration: 00:7 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-08-29 13:08:59
User: emsie76
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mrsarny ::: Favorites  2007-09-05 10:00:10


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How many is too many??



Duration: 07:20 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-02-08 06:19:00
User: yousui20080207
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他が無事でこれだけ削除されたということは フジやエイベッ糞にとって都合の悪い内容はここにあるらしいなw


JANKASHEILA ::: Favorites  2008-02-09 03:18:41

「エイベッ糞」とか「マスゴミ死ねw 」とか、書き方が・・気持ち悪い(笑)。細かく箇条書き、はは・・暗い。 歌手はイメージ作る程度のしゃべりで良いんだから、今度は失言に注意して、元気なうちに復帰できれば良いけど。パワフルな女性歌手が消えるのは残念です。 アップ、ありがとうございました。
EmperorChiCheung ::: Favorites  2008-02-08 15:02:57

mdbook ::: Favorites  2008-02-08 13:25:22

salut06 ::: Favorites  2008-02-08 12:11:35

泣いていいとこじゃねーだろ。 ほんと下劣。
oioioiois ::: Favorites  2008-02-08 11:18:06

・「宜しくお願いしま-す」と笑顔で入室 ・インタビュアーより先に着席 ・シャツの襟は閉めず ・涙が黒くならないようにした睫にはマスカラ付けず ・正面からの撮影は拒否 ・年上のマネージャーのことを「マネージメントの子」 ・「とにかく謝りたいなって気持ち」 ・何を言っても言い訳がましく聞こえてしまうと「すごく嫌なんですけど」 ・「揚水は腐る発言」に対しての訂正・謝罪は無し ・騒動になってから「羊水についてインターネットで調べた」 ・「羊水が腐る」と思ったことはないが、本当に腐ると思っていた ・唯一の「御免なさい」は自分の言葉が繋がらないことに対して ・最後まで一度も頭を下げず 「謝罪」「会見」と表現する媒体があるが、 「謝罪」でも「会見」でもない。

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Shenzo Gregorio Stunt Violinist - upside down inside QPAC

Duration: 03:32 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-10-10 00:30:11
User: shenzo2000
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Shenzo Gregorio the worlds only stunt violinist performs inside the Queensland performing arts complex upside down hanging from the ceiling


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The Office UK - David Takes a Headshot

Duration: 00:58 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-04-29 01:00:23
User: OFFICEuk
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Should we take a light reading? sums it up


ivorbigun08 ::: Favorites  2008-01-01 16:46:55

the bloopers for this clip are funny as fuck
GibsonMusician ::: Favorites  2007-12-29 06:29:49

' that?' 'not really... just be yourself' 'yourrre the boss'
dubzy81 ::: Favorites  2007-11-15 21:10:54

youreeeeee the boss!

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JAG - A hundred years
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1MC Podcast: Bow E3



Duration: 05:22 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-12-10 04:46:10
User: BJK520
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bordo  bereliler  özel  kuvvetler  pkk  catisma  kuzey  irak  cekic  harekati  gabar  cudi  gerilla  savasi  


Bordo bereliler catismada


tunazobu ::: Favorites  2008-02-08 03:15:16

vatanı olmayanın bayarağı,bayrağı olmayanı yurdu,yurdu olamayanın tarihi,tarihi oömayanın,ölüsü olamaz.
kaansadoglu ::: Favorites  2008-02-04 14:36:50

gelmeyın tahrıklere arkadaslar onlar sızden ıyı bılıyorlar bordo berelılerı :) rahat olun bır berelı bın eskıyaya bedeldır mermıyı tek tek sıkar sıktıgı canı alır gerısı yalann :)hanı su amerıkalılar fılımler cevırıyorlar ya tahmınım onlarda bızım ozel harptekı askerlerı ızleyıp fılm cevırmıslerdır mılletlerın hayallerını susleyen bır bırlıge sahıbız butun ozel bırlıkler ıcerısınde yapılan butun brans yarısmalarında bırıncıler daha ne soleyeyım merak eden arastırsın gorur :)
XxquantinxX ::: Favorites  2008-02-02 15:57:36

Bu hewal nickli salağın dediğini pkk üst sorumluları eyleme gitcek militanlara diyorlar.İstersen senin yanına getirsinler cenazeleri
BJK520 ::: Favorites  2008-01-30 09:07:01

hewal murat nickli arkadas.bilmiyorum biliyor musun orduya baglı güneydoguda görev ypaan birlikler hep operasyonlara kamerayla giderler ve bu operasyonları cekerler.yani kamera görüntüleri ve ölü ele gecirilen terörist fotoları hep o arşivlerdedir.ordu magazin programı yapmıyor bakın öldürdük sayın 50 100 150 die göstermiyor.buda türk ordusunun bir yapısıdır.bugne kadar youtubedb gördüğün bütün terrist ölü fotları hep askerler taafından kişisel cekilmiş foto ve videolardır.bilmem anlatabildim mi
HewaLNuhat ::: Favorites  2008-01-30 06:44:53

yalan görüntüler devam ediyor kimsekamera görüntülerine aldan masın ordu ve basının palavrası milleti kandırıyor başka bişey demiyecem peki cenazeler nerde hiç bir tane ortalıkta yok ...

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Piece of me-britney spears-official video-2007

Duration: 03:22 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-12-17 19:59:41
User: dramaprincesss2278
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copy right britney spears 2007 blackout piece of me


nickinicki96 ::: Favorites  2008-02-07 21:03:13

u show them who u r brit! tellem u want the whole thing!!!!:)
DolphinGirl0093 ::: Favorites  2008-02-06 18:29:58

Well she can not dance but I think it tough is a great come back:)
yara11998855 ::: Favorites  2008-02-06 13:17:21

yeah but she don't matter if she can't dance (she do!) she got enough money xD
WarriorsRokMySox1223 ::: Favorites  2008-02-05 17:10:03

sorry, like the song, but she cant dance
taffy97 ::: Favorites  2008-02-03 16:33:27

Good ol Britney's come back, i really like this song, the paparatzi must get really annoying for her to write a song about it!

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Gundam SEED Destiny Ep 47 Part (1/3)

Duration: 09:15 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-01-03 03:14:46
User: Zik21
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Gundam SEED Destiny


MoonlitRealm ::: Favorites  2008-02-06 20:20:13

well he didnt know meer. how was he supposed to feel that much emotion. i mean he did feel srry for her and stuff. maybe he was angry because once again he couldnt protect someone.
KakashiPwnzU ::: Favorites  2008-01-31 21:53:04

dude the Akatsuki has dragoons dip
mikirana ::: Favorites  2008-01-28 10:18:13

Poor Meer-san she was a very cute girl, I almost got cried. Thanx
A1b2b3y ::: Favorites  2008-01-27 15:05:31

pooooor meer i liked her thanx
philip101681 ::: Favorites  2008-01-26 23:32:42

lol xD

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Duration: 01:24 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-06-09 18:17:46
User: SwisherE
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Boah...da hab ich das KNIE von STEFFI voll in die FRESSE bekommen...leider sieht man das nicht so gut! ich habs gespürt^^


TheFreestylers ::: Favorites  2008-01-04 12:24:16

Einfach nutzlos wieso macht man so dumme videos....wieso lebt ihr? wieso macht ihr was damit leute es angucken .....nutzlos dumm wie brot hhahahahahahha knie in meinem gesicht.....unsere krankenschwester........Ihr kinder!

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Baki Ozel turk litseyi-uploaded by Nurlan Gurbanov tm


5 G

Duration: 09:53 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-02-08 22:18:31
User: gensing7000
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5 G


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Dbz movie 7 Tribute
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50 Cent *MASSACHUSETS SHOW* Fuc*s fan up!!!

Duration: 02:16 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-01-05 01:58:17
User: Mister92503
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Cent  MTV  CRIBS  CURTIS  ALBUM  September  Album  Rap  Hip  Hop  Behind  the  Scenes  Unity  Unit  


when will concert go-er's learn?


im18sureiam ::: Favorites  2008-01-16 03:17:37

i really dont think anyone with so much publisity and other responsibilities (like recording albums) could run new york.
dondezy ::: Favorites  2008-01-07 22:24:36

dam i wish i was there 2 fuck some niggas up
QUARTfam ::: Favorites  2008-01-06 05:47:49

you are right - fuck 50, if you want to see that crack head sniffing coke - just type 50cent-zagreb! Now, he does not want to come back to Croatia because everyone saw his cravings, well - we do not need him, he is just a fake gangsta rapper, you see, a real rapper for example is DMX, he is the real king of NY!
blockustomz ::: Favorites  2008-01-05 19:43:59

hahahhahaha... fuck 50 i remember when i went to the rock the mic in manchester busta spilled 10 bottles of water on a fan that was dissin him.. shit was great. after that he asked for some blunts and billions of them flew on stage. 50 sucked on stage. ill always remember bustas

Little Wonders - VMK Version

Duration: 04:36 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-04-14 23:25:54
User: VMKSrPenguin
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little  wonders  vmk  version  


Alright, here is another movie made by me. The song "Little Wonders" is off of Meet the Robinsons and the artist is Rob Thomas. Enjoy :)


mig1196 ::: Favorites  2008-02-08 18:13:20

You know ,what i like about your VMK videos is that when i think that im too big to go on VMK it makes me remember how much fun it was to go on. Youre great!!Look for PuzzledSurfHero on VMK :)
ToontownFan175 ::: Favorites  2007-12-14 23:02:40

luv it!
katiespaniel ::: Favorites  2007-11-11 09:55:09

Teddy yeti!
VMK4eva ::: Favorites  2007-09-25 01:48:40

aww i love this song :)
Ashleytisdaler0cks ::: Favorites  2007-07-13 00:21:16

:D nice vid

Re: "I think therefore I am!"

Duration: 00:37 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-09-04 15:12:06
User: clicb4
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Independent  Ateist  Movement  Christian  Islam  free  though  clicb4  


Response to Ashetheraven. Quote originated by René Descartes (1596-1650). "I doubt, therefore I think. I think, therefore I am."


ayotollah ::: Favorites  2007-10-16 19:55:05

Yep!!...i do most of the time too. ;).
clicb4 ::: Favorites  2007-10-16 11:43:29

Sometimes I think to the point where I feel like my brain is being overloaded.
ayotollah ::: Favorites  2007-10-15 12:40:09

You look drunk hahaha. Maybe you think too much lol