Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Tampa Bay Buccaneers

Duration: 02:37 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-10-28 21:11:18
User: kimcpoll
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Matt Bryant makes a 62 yard field goal. Never seen in Tampa Bay before. Gene Deckerhoff is awesome.


spazpatches ::: Favorites
go bucs
07-10-20 18:40:12
Spawn7896 ::: Favorites
07-10-17 18:17:26
ninjantea ::: Favorites
tampa bay is gangster. goooOOOOO BUCS!
07-10-16 20:10:22
ZBone12 ::: Favorites
Bucs are going to the playoffs
07-10-07 11:11:26
sc4rfac3 ::: Favorites
wat a beast
07-10-06 14:12:56
Joseph5689 ::: Favorites
The Bucs have lost some games but they are still a Great Team!!!
07-09-23 16:19:30
bemanidog ::: Favorites
07-09-09 12:41:37
rockitmike ::: Favorites
Gene is the best broadcaster in the world, hands down!!! Amazing call, no one will ever come close...gives you goose bumps. lol Its good!!! GOOD!!! GOOD!!! I'm greatful Gene is the play-by-play announcer for the Buccaneers [and has been for nearly 18 years] and I hope he has many seasons ahead still calling great plays like this.
07-08-10 13:11:24
JKreider ::: Favorites
I love Gene Deckerhoff! He is the best announcer ever.
07-08-09 19:13:19
NickTheMan504 ::: Favorites
Matt Bryant is my hero
07-08-04 00:06:38

Nawal Al Zoghbi - Aghla El Habayeb

Duration: 07:38 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-06-13 10:30:16
User: neno2006
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Nawal Al Zoghbi - Aghla El Habayeb


lenoirange ::: Favorites
yes you have right she was much better...but wonderful song and clip...
07-10-28 11:53:13
sosolicious101 ::: Favorites
OMG i love her now like i have before and will always love her nice and great song keep it up (super star)
07-10-14 06:04:22
kristeenkristeen ::: Favorites
absulotly luv it!!perfect
07-10-13 20:16:21
riada12 ::: Favorites
the guy is so hot!!
07-10-08 13:36:18
guapa1988 ::: Favorites
you are right before she was much beautifuller but she has voice not like the others(haifa, marwa,...)
07-09-29 18:24:33
lulu2628000 ::: Favorites
what about her dress!!!! its sooooo great she has a styl
07-09-27 06:50:57
aliaa20 ::: Favorites
les cheveux courts lui vont très bien et je kiff trop cette chanson
07-09-21 09:15:27
leparrain5 ::: Favorites
pas mal de tout
07-09-19 17:17:00
barbiealasy ::: Favorites
i think this is one of the best song she ever singed..and the guy with her is soo dam cute..no wonder she's hangin arond him
07-09-18 15:28:01
ner30 ::: Favorites
what happened with her face? she was much prettier before! anyway, I love her songs
07-09-06 10:23:55

¿Por qué Sevilla es capital de Andalucia?

Duration: 03:58 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-06-18 05:00:21
User: Granaino1933
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Algunas reflexiones sobre Andalucia, Granada y Sevilla. Andalucia Oriental.


ZETANO7 ::: Favorites
Os animo a visitar: Blog Sevilla. Opina sobre tu Ayuntamiento.
07-10-29 13:12:24
txikodesakorde ::: Favorites
joé supongo qe esto será una broma , y si no lo eh tampoco tiene sentío almerienseh , granaínoh y jienenseh votaron en referendum x una gran mayoría absoluta la autonomía y el estatuto asi qe dejaroh de rolloh raroh qe soih 4 pringaoh , si llegaih a 4 aro Viva Málaga y Andaluzía libre
07-10-28 14:49:34
kalancha ::: Favorites
NO a la Andalucía Sevillana que no nos representa ni a Jaén, ni a Granada, ni a Almería. AUTONOMIA PARA ANDALUCIA ORIENTAL YA!!! andaluciaoriental org (¡¡¡APÚNTATE!!!)
07-10-27 19:47:03
lysketo ::: Favorites
los sevillanos vais a la playa de huelva y la dejais ASKEROSA , os llevais vuestra propia neverilla para no gastaros un duro alli ! ademas por experiencia puedo decir que en 8/10 casos sevillano = problemas , sevilla tendra sus 2 o 3 cosas pero de toda andalucia prefiero granada , donde vivo , o malaga , soy de leon por cierto . de envidia nada , en verdad los sevillanos me dan un poco de verwenza , y ojo , gaditano NO es sevillano , tp hay que meterlos en el mismo saco .
07-10-27 11:40:30
jose21a ::: Favorites
Región almeriense !
07-10-26 09:18:44
holitas6988 ::: Favorites
A pesar de ser granadina, reconozco que Sevilla es mucha Sevilla y Graná no avanza.. por culpa de nosotros mismos, dejémonos de victimismos de una vez. En cualquier caso, en plena era de la globalización andar con estas pequeñeces, jo cada vez me siento más mundana, es decir del mundo mundial y olé
07-10-24 20:10:45
luiguelopez ::: Favorites
Ayer me enteré de algo curioso: Andalucía no tiene santa patrona. La Virgen de la Cabeza es la patrona de Andalucía Oriental, y la Virgen del Rocío es la patrona de Andalucía Occidental. Es, sin duda, uno de los pocos restos de nuestro pasado en el que ni Granada, ni Almería ni Jaén eran parte de la región cultural de Andalucía. ¡¡AUTONOMÍA PARA PENIBETIA YAAA!!
07-10-24 11:12:20
kalancha ::: Favorites
Y porqué este tema no procede? Porque lo digas tú?
07-10-24 06:46:30
jmartinperez ::: Favorites
Oye lo de "habemos" puede ser muy andaluz (no sé si occidental u oriental), pero si no me equivoco es incorrecto. Por cierto, granaino1933, soy sevillano y gracias por hacerme entender por qué los sevillanos somos tan odiados por Andalucía Oriental. Si te digo la verdad, las autonomías son una chorrada, y es cierto que hay muchas diferencias entre esas provincias que mencionas, por lo que no vería mal la separación. Un saludo,
07-10-22 15:54:45
Sencillamente creo que este tema no procede mas que nada porque la mayoria que habemos visualizado este video cuanto menos nos ha sorprendido que a estas alturas se trate temas de este tipo. Bueno granaino1933 un saludo y viva españa y andalucia!
07-10-22 06:35:46

Will Smith Beatboxing

Duration: 02:59 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-06-16 05:26:15
User: saensu
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The Star Will Smith is practising beatbox. Enjoy this movie and watch other videos of me! ;-)


Trigunlover231 ::: Favorites
hahah this rocks its so funny
07-10-18 17:53:35
nabmeg ::: Favorites
dude u just stole this whole video
07-10-14 08:29:21
AnkushB ::: Favorites
07-10-10 21:50:10
kittyanimeluvr90210 ::: Favorites
xD...love Will Smith...<3
07-09-29 13:14:37
conconcanet ::: Favorites
trp de la balle il assure trop will!
07-09-28 15:38:58
AwsomeAris15 ::: Favorites
beatbox legend
07-09-27 12:03:45
GMeinKampf ::: Favorites
what is the name of the intro song?
07-09-21 16:55:58
jamrakki ::: Favorites
hey kitty cat hey kitty cat lol
07-09-17 11:22:21
chairgame ::: Favorites
will smith is the coolest person allive!
07-09-11 15:43:39
666over777 ::: Favorites
fatass you took that from another vid
07-09-09 01:19:50

It Started With A Kiss Ep.29-3

Duration: 10:38 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-05-25 03:50:41
User: bluemarz04
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part 3


airish85 ::: Favorites
i can't get enough of this series..i just love it!!!...everytime i get a chance....i'll surely visit all my favoite episodes of "it started with a kiss"...so funny,lovable and so hard to forget.....zhi shu and xiang qin, both are so kawaii,so cute!!!!
07-10-27 00:25:07
dangraze4 ::: Favorites
07-10-26 17:14:07
cendayyxdances ::: Favorites
i would have to say that would be the most akward dinner EVERRRR. haha nice but weirdddd. i love this drama this is like my fourth time watching ittt. <3
07-10-22 19:22:03
Amenat ::: Favorites
LOL. Love this!
07-10-19 04:53:22
skyzrachel ::: Favorites
da business stuff is soooooo annoying!! MY GOODNESS
07-10-18 06:12:27
focusexcel ::: Favorites
when she imagined him sleepin with her..it was soo cute,he looked adorable when he smiled,he even looks good when he wakes up.
07-10-15 10:45:31
llildragon ::: Favorites
LMAO yay! XD
07-10-13 18:19:25
peachycal ::: Favorites
i've noticed that xiang qin usually uses a spoon and such to eat and zhi shu always uses chopsticks.^^ or.... i my observation totally off?
07-10-07 02:16:22
peachycal ::: Favorites
yu shu: I'm warning you, i'm still in elementary school. i don't want to be an uncle yet. yu shu approves! yay ^^
07-10-07 02:11:55
Vampire4003 ::: Favorites
i still think mike looks better than joe but i shant say anything now
07-09-22 02:25:51

Iranian Army - PT

Duration: 05:55 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-05-08 22:10:38
User: tubs2222
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Video of the iranian army made by me.


87emperor87 ::: Favorites
Remember Spanish Morocco? Have you heard of the city of Casa Blanca the only beautiful city in your shitty land.
07-10-24 22:06:47
87emperor87 ::: Favorites
Don't hate on the U.S. just because we took 1/3 of your land and were so superior to you little monkies. While the americans saved the world from german and japanese conquest in WW2, you beaners were having 24 packs of corona, listening to your gay rancheras, having donkey shows. You were raped by the spaniards for 300+ years bitch, that's why youre great grandmothers were filthy central americans and your great grandfathers were conquistadores
07-10-24 22:05:20
87emperor87 ::: Favorites
We blew up 2 of your countries that's costly? Little bitch Osama is hiding in the mountains while were raping you. We have enough nukes to blow up the whole world many times, if you actually read a book rather than fucking camels, you would know that 70% of americans were against the vietnam war and are against the iraq war. Your shahab missile sucks.
07-10-24 22:01:12
87emperor87 ::: Favorites
Your mom's pussy is so worn out by the number of men that fucked her. If Iran is so great and america is so terrible then why the fuck are you in the U.S. you little bitch. You don't know crazy, were crazy so you better recognize before we takeover your country and build casinos in jalalaha. you get it?
07-10-24 21:54:41
87emperor87 ::: Favorites
Bitch Please!!! six islamic countries, egypt, iraq, jordan, palestine, syria, lebanon ganged up on tiny little isreal and Isreal fucked them all in 6 days let the russians backed up the islamic countries while the americans backed up the Isrealis. You brown boys are weak
07-10-24 21:17:08
87emperor87 ::: Favorites
Amen to that.
07-10-24 21:14:01
87emperor87 ::: Favorites
Bitch how many of your cities were destroyed by the greeks, mongols, arabs, and americans? That's why we train the Iraqi army, and that's why unlike you Bush senior was able to disrupt saddams rule you fucking faggot. Remember Gaugamela over 1,000 greek casualities, over 50,000 persian casualties Yet you outnumbered them five to one
07-10-24 21:13:40
87emperor87 ::: Favorites
Bitch Bush blew up two of your countries. Alexander the great fucked you persians up the ass, Genghis khan destroy alot of your towns, the arabs raped you forcing you fo follow islam you fucking pussy don't be crying after your country is destroyed by the atomic bomb just like japan you pussy.
07-10-24 21:10:15
redelman431 ::: Favorites
Your army wont stand a chance against Israel's incredible firepower!
07-10-23 03:36:39
bodchamp ::: Favorites
this vid is bad ass.. but we still need more sofisticated wepons. i am sure mr dinajad is working on that..respect
07-10-20 11:45:55

Rihanna - Umbrella Chris Brown Remix - A Disko Cheddar Video

Duration: 04:07 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-07-09 08:34:37
User: spacemanspiffo
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I edited the videos together. Chris Brown remixed the track


SAMARA123456789 ::: Favorites
is dis the offical remix video, cause i hav seen it on tv
07-10-26 12:58:29
ashleysbiggestfan3vr ::: Favorites
awsome im subscribing and favoriting
07-10-08 11:36:13
this is awesome u did great i love it!
07-10-06 19:02:35
scarlettmahan ::: Favorites
really, really good, best mix of the two i have seen.
07-09-21 17:56:01
keysafcftm ::: Favorites
to much time on ya hands eh eh eh eh ;) lol
07-09-16 14:30:41
jeshec ::: Favorites
shit man!! nice job!!
07-09-15 09:18:14
prettykiara ::: Favorites
i love the Chris Brown part
07-09-15 00:25:06
antiisaacbarbie17 ::: Favorites
You know, they should put AND Rihanna TOGETHER, it would make sence.
07-09-08 15:48:26
kasolina05 ::: Favorites
i love dis im jst listening to it
07-09-04 02:36:59
nanita4rmda831drr ::: Favorites
ii luv da way he danzez..que boniito!!
07-09-01 23:23:29

Epaksa Documentary

Duration: 10:58 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-02-03 18:59:32
User: heckubusnyc
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Visit http://www.myspace.com/epaksa Epaksa TV documentary from January 2001 on the release of Space Fantasy. Includes great live concert footage and an interview with a student film crew. Does anyone recognize the westerner speaking English at the three minute mark? Let me know. Also seeking anyone to translate this and other Epaksa videos into English. Send me a message. Thanks


duidui2 ::: Favorites
07-09-29 13:33:24
Gonchelo ::: Favorites
Fuckin' best!!!!!
07-08-23 10:01:32
Koreanshin ::: Favorites
E Pak Sa seems to have some fan base in South America (I live in Argentina). He rocks!!!
07-08-06 01:54:59
pajaroH ::: Favorites
E-Paksa ... bendiciones hermano ... lo mejor de KoreaH
07-07-27 04:01:57
borchmmats ::: Favorites
andale esta rola si esta buena!!!! space fantasy rules!!! this song kick ass!!!!
07-05-28 16:14:30
DnTitan ::: Favorites
Maestro EPAKSA, te miramos desde chile XD
07-05-21 23:08:15
toto356098 ::: Favorites
J'ai besoin d'un traducteur français/coréen!
07-03-21 17:16:43
huguesbc ::: Favorites
Great Stuff I love this guy!
07-03-10 23:00:25

Earth Junkies episode 1

Duration: 05:41 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-04-07 13:34:12
User: Dex01
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hi all. this is the first episode of a red vs blue style film i like to call Earth junkies.


atomicpuppet ::: Favorites
lol, I liked it. The jokes were fresh. And that ending was so funny. :)
07-08-02 16:08:41
krautmouse ::: Favorites
need to work on ur jokes .. its more funny wen they actually react to stuff rather thn just stand there!! ill keep watchin tho looks good but honestly still nothing on rvb
07-04-07 06:31:31
IMHAB ::: Favorites
ditch the faggot.
07-03-10 18:40:01
RangeProductions ::: Favorites
the elites sound spasticated but its still good for a 1st episode
07-03-06 11:52:07
Muffinmanone ::: Favorites
Hey dexo baby ^_-
07-01-16 12:08:24
LosTimeProductions ::: Favorites
oooohhh.... So, this is how you two met?
06-12-17 21:50:29
flareddoughnut ::: Favorites
ahh downs hi and dex its good but warped
06-10-17 02:52:32
einfang ::: Favorites
well good hoping to be in your next video (gamertag)DOWNS CHICKEN
06-09-22 13:02:57
Dex01 ::: Favorites
finally somebody appreciates me!
06-05-31 16:51:01
soupman345 ::: Favorites
lol,loved it
06-05-23 10:23:26

Castor Troy

Duration: 00:32 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-07-15 06:01:55
User: pakerpeppie
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Castor Troy with his brother Pollux Troy... taken from the movie Face Off directed by John Woo..


pakerpeppie ::: Favorites
i agree.. and i've been trying to look for the title of the song.. still cant find it.. so if anyone knows where i can get this, please message me.. thanks! :)
07-10-29 09:40:54
snozzwagon ::: Favorites
Perfect music, perfect shooting, perfect wind on the jacket out of the car. Great directing.
07-10-28 22:04:21
JiW311 ::: Favorites
07-10-21 20:27:06
LikeAcheeto ::: Favorites
cage is at his best when he's a bad guy
07-10-18 00:21:33
darude2k ::: Favorites
no better way to introduce the bad ass into a movie!!!
07-10-17 03:12:48
pakerpeppie ::: Favorites
thanks guys for watching this video :D
07-10-16 22:49:43
tswaybuj ::: Favorites
07-10-16 14:01:45
vlammetjegirl ::: Favorites
my personall fav. moment from the movie. Thank you.
07-10-15 17:44:31
Johamrojas ::: Favorites
oe ta que esa camisa es mostrasa on, bacan su mica y sus lentes
07-10-06 14:25:51
smhsenko ::: Favorites
bu adam benim adamım yaaaa
07-10-05 06:08:18

White people can't dance (DDR)

Duration: 02:08 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-07-12 02:03:53
User: Phatpug
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If you were expecting something great...well this is...okay. This is just something for ddr fans out there. Me playing ITG (In the groove) at a popular arcade. The song is lemmings on the Run. People said I sucked and they hated me until they actually saw that I was pretty good. But whenever the freeze arrows came...that was the fun part :3


Phatpug ::: Favorites
lol nah I'm really not that good. I use to be amazing at the game, but I didn't play it for like a year. Seriously like right now, I only play DDR like once every 4 months
07-10-21 13:51:51
shondalgroom ::: Favorites
I read the description of this and realized that you self proclaimed yourself as good. Yes, you are better then people that don't play very much but you suck compared to people who probably play as much as you do. ^-^
07-10-21 12:58:57
devrox2 ::: Favorites
its true! the whites cant dance
07-10-20 21:57:04
IminlovewithRaven13 ::: Favorites
He sucks at dancing.
07-10-17 01:27:50
aznhustlaboy ::: Favorites
whats the name of that song? awesome man
07-10-13 23:18:16
nexttoradio ::: Favorites
kk thanx man
07-10-13 21:59:20
ssdssj843 ::: Favorites
Youtube isnt good for adult stuff. I like the site _GREATTIMEZ.COM_
07-10-09 02:22:03
Phatpug ::: Favorites
There's two different things you can do. You can make your own steps like we did, or you can choose any song you want and make steps for it. I forget what you have to do. I think the audio file has to be an ogg file or something. Send Cosmiccinema a message about this. He even has the steps for this one.
07-10-08 01:10:05
nexttoradio ::: Favorites
how did u get those steps...i got on my in the groove (which i never play in favor of DDRSN) and non of the dificulties were like that. Can you edit a song on public machines?
07-10-07 20:00:30
cocoqwenz189 ::: Favorites
This movie is awesome.. you can get the uncensored version at _GREATTIMEZ.COM_
07-10-07 00:36:50

Vitas - Krikom

Duration: 04:52 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-12-25 02:48:54
User: SvetaRay
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Vitas , 2006 New MV " Crane's Crying " Noone ever saw him, but everyone felt his presence... In all times, in all epochs the eternal stranger came to people and they understood love... He will always return... A rough translation of the beginning captions. ****panfem88***


Scarlett886 ::: Favorites
this is a sad song
07-10-26 18:03:02
Scarlett886 ::: Favorites
i love vitas and his amazing voice.
07-10-21 10:14:19
ilovejamie ::: Favorites
I have watched this video like 30 times in a row..I'm absolutely obsessed with his voice. And this song is sooo amazingly beautiful. Vitas4life~
07-10-18 21:52:46
marat2005 ::: Favorites
I think he is the best singer in Russia now.
07-10-13 00:36:47
misosoup12 ::: Favorites
omg... this song sounds beautiful, even if i don't understand it. :( can someone do me the favor of posting the lyrics so that a person who doesn't speak this language would be able to sing this song? i always get this song stuck in my head, and it angers me so much that i cannot sing it. D:
07-10-11 21:53:21
Lily161 ::: Favorites
I really enjoyed it even if russian's not my language
07-10-11 13:16:02
SvetaRay ::: Favorites
yes, this is a amazing and beautiful video !
07-10-11 04:45:07
Lolapopmentos ::: Favorites
i a, petrified,... that was just, ... i dont know,... amazing
07-10-11 04:43:03
aniolek90 ::: Favorites
cool beautifull :-) 5/5
07-10-10 12:55:51
SvetaRay ::: Favorites
great jo ,thank you !
07-10-10 11:44:10

Aprenda a falar "youTube" com dona Sônia !

Duration: 01:20 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-04-13 20:47:55
User: brunoianino
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Se você não sabe falar a palavra "youTube",dona Sônia te explica!


Biiaangel ::: Favorites
Nssa tadinha.. Fla errado é uma coisa..agora num sabe fla.. Mto 10..Mto 10..
07-10-28 13:48:39
vicbrasilia ::: Favorites
ponfiutu iútubiu kkkkkkkkkkk
07-10-24 19:46:56
ChKrieger ::: Favorites
orrivel deboxar d uma pessoa simples!o pior video q eu ja vi na minha vida ta loco q video d merda!
07-10-20 21:15:11
pakerinha ::: Favorites
07-10-18 13:45:30
priscilinhagguiu ::: Favorites
kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk muito bommm
07-10-15 19:27:09
takuyabae ::: Favorites
aff q video e esse e legal + a qualidade do som...
07-10-14 13:48:30
DivErk78 ::: Favorites
07-10-01 14:12:43
R0CK5E1N ::: Favorites
engraçado essa coisa ridicula? A unica coisa que e engraçado e voz de pederasta filho de uma egua que colocou o video desta senhora na rede francamente tem gente que acha engraçado tirar um barato de gente simples tinha que ser bicha mesmo
07-09-25 16:00:19
tuliogusta ::: Favorites
ahhh que sem graça muitO lixO é o pior video q eu vi na minha vida..... merdaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
07-09-25 13:05:49
surubido ::: Favorites
e muito sem graça
07-09-17 17:56:54