Thursday, August 30, 2007

Nuri sahin Türkei 2:1 Deutschland

Duration: 00:22 minutes
Upload Time: 07-03-03 16:28:05
User: ReMiXPaRTy
:::: Favorites


kurdigga23 ::: Favorites
ey ihr arschgepoppten deutschen seid froh das es uns türken oder ausländer gibt oihr huren woher kriegt ihr alles he?? ebenmittel usw alles ausland also schnauze ihr hirnampotierten missgeburten
07-08-26 22:38:08
uefa84 ::: Favorites
haha fussball? u stupid germans! its football u fuckhead! haha
07-08-26 19:14:27
DrKopf ::: Favorites
LoL es bringt einfach nix mit türken zu reden die können nur hetzen und verachten...wie so wilde affen ausem jungel total hirnlos...einmal haben se gewonnen die wollen auch maln stück vom kuchen abhaben im endeffekt werden die es nie in der welt zu was bringen
07-08-23 12:38:07
h4yk0 ::: Favorites
Nuri sahin bu golle tarihe gecti milli takımda en genc yasta gol atan futbolcu. 17 yasında
07-08-21 06:59:00
gSfaNatIK ::: Favorites
muhahhaaha 100'000'000 turks all over the world .. 7 Mio greeks?.. one nuke..= 0 greeks
07-08-19 06:23:35
gSfaNatIK ::: Favorites
was will man von einem rassistischen nazi haufen wie deutschland erwarten.. alles verfluchte huren mit blut an den händen.. ich warte auf den tag an dem die juden euch wegbomben werden.. und die ganze welt wird einfach nur zuschauen und geniessen
07-08-19 06:20:21
TheUnknown88 ::: Favorites
"Wir können in jeder scheisse arbeiten und so gut darin sein," Schon klar das du gerne in Scheiße arbeitest.
07-08-13 12:06:38
TheUnknown88 ::: Favorites
Und noch was: Glaubst du ernsthaft die Türken die 1960+ gekommen sind haben es getan um Deutschland einen Gefallen zu machen? Die sind gekommen weils den beschissen ging in der Türkei da der Lebensstandart ganz unten war/ist.
07-08-13 12:05:40
TheUnknown88 ::: Favorites
"was scheiß türken schweine du HURENSOHN HURENSOHN aller HURENSÖHNE DU HURENSOHN ich FICKE DEINE MAMA" Sowas nennt ihr also diskutieren? 1. Hab ich nichts gegen Ausländer an sich, hab nur gegen solche Vollspacken wie euch. 2. wwediva2015: DIR muss ich mit Sichherheit nicht danken. Danken muss man der Generation nach dem 2. Weltkrieg die es ermöglicht haben das überhaupt welche kommen können.
07-08-13 12:03:10
killermuschi ::: Favorites
Türken Fussball = Loser Fussball Ihr spielt keine Rolle im Weltfussball. Gegen euch zu Spielen ist nur lästige Pflicht! Lernt man diese Toilettensprache bei euch im Türken- Gehtto? Armes Deutschland
07-08-13 09:00:20

funny farts

Duration: 00:41 minutes
Upload Time: 06-10-14 04:56:10
User: kickenchicken360
:::: Favorites

funny farts video i found online

nitroluxm157 ::: Favorites
Try _SUNNYFIRE.NET_ for lovable cam girls
07-08-29 17:16:14
odessyrcr589 ::: Favorites
i woulda paid to be that toilet. i luv her.
07-08-25 04:23:07
chamans946 ::: Favorites
This vid is nice but youtube will delete it, girls are posting way better uncensored ones on <B> _CAMSJUNGLE.COM_ </B> -chamans946
07-08-22 03:31:58
robbatkinson666 ::: Favorites
Ya, Carmen Electra soooooooooo sexy! Wish she done that on Bay Watch in that swim suit!!!
07-08-21 12:58:03
Caitty24 ::: Favorites
she didnt wip her asss thats gross
07-08-20 15:16:00
steveochs ::: Favorites
Like epic farts? Check out a clip from our film!
07-08-19 21:49:09
malc210 ::: Favorites
that was funny
07-08-15 20:19:55
malc210 ::: Favorites
That was funny but carmen electra looked good
07-08-15 20:19:05
sexboywonder ::: Favorites
she didnt wipe her ass after
07-08-13 21:46:16
Familyguyrocks999 ::: Favorites
Its a blind lady
07-08-07 17:27:55

EMBRYO (Trailer) - An Angel Ruiz Flick

Duration: 01:12 minutes
Upload Time: 06-12-27 01:20:00
User: annspade
:::: Favorites

EDIT 7.31.07: Embryo was screened at the Phoenix Comicon and the Phoenix Film Festival. It is submitted for the Phoenix Horror/Sci-Fi Film Festival in October '07. EMBRYO, an Angel Ruiz flick, is an independent film short. There were limited copies of the DVD with plans to make more. For production stills and more information on Embryo and other projects by Flicks of Fury, please click on link below. This is the trailer for an independent film I was fortunate enough to be a part of. Angel Ruiz is a writer, director, producer, film maker, and actor. I love working with him because of his attention to detail, his clever storylines, his patience, and his organization. His work most closely resembles the artistic genious of M. Night Shyamalan. Yes, it's a big compliment. It's also very true. EMBRYO is his latest project and will be submitted to the Phoenix Film Festival in 2007. Angel Ruiz

annspade ::: Favorites
I actually asked him about more copies and he said he had plans to produce more but we'll see. :) I love that you appreciate stuff like this. Thanks, Goofy!
07-07-31 23:28:07
goofygirl7rockz ::: Favorites
Totally welcome! lol, i'm glad i could be of assistance! I'd love to see this out on DVD! So, how can i get this limited DVD? Is it done with? Well, whatever the results, i am looking forward to seeing more films! :-) Goofy
07-07-31 21:05:18
annspade ::: Favorites
Hey there, goofygirl'! :) Thank you for checking it out and for your comment. Thanks to you I updated the description, too. <i>Thank you!</i> :D This is an indie film short and limited copies of the DVD were available. The director, Angel Ruiz, has plans to possibly produce more but is currently working on 3 other projects. :) I appreciate you asking!
07-07-31 02:12:50
goofygirl7rockz ::: Favorites
wow! That looks so good! And the effects are amazing! So is it out? I'm kinda confused.
07-07-30 21:01:04
Fireartssk8tergirl ::: Favorites
looks nice.
07-07-15 03:45:20
kiwichick14 ::: Favorites
07-06-24 19:17:57
annspade ::: Favorites
Oh, well if you're interested I can ask the Director, Angel, if there's a way to get more copies. I'll let you know, okay? And thank you for your interest! :)
07-06-24 19:17:23
kiwichick14 ::: Favorites
would u wanna send me one:p
07-06-24 19:09:18
annspade ::: Favorites
There are a few DVD copies (I have one, of course). :) Take care!
07-06-24 19:08:39
kiwichick14 ::: Favorites
oh k cool
07-06-24 19:03:13

How to: Eat an Octawhopper (12 Minute edit)

Duration: 13:39 minutes
Upload Time: 06-08-15 01:06:00
User: Wildarms7000
:::: Favorites

(Edited from the 30 Minute version, Featuring music) This is Ebenezer and I eating an Octawhopper for me, and a Quad Whopper for the him.

samuraixt ::: Favorites
I don't know why I find this video amusing, maybe it is because I don't eat junk food.
07-05-11 00:40:06
morsemoose28 ::: Favorites
Hahaa Funnyy :D im eatin my *Small* Big Mac Frm Mc donalds =P
07-04-03 13:31:22
KeroroGunsouTX ::: Favorites
07-03-30 23:12:04
boxx0r ::: Favorites
07-03-27 02:15:20
kitten007ccts ::: Favorites
*giggles* ur not fat... ur cute ^__^
07-02-27 19:41:03
kidmalid ::: Favorites
your a pig
07-02-26 20:15:45
Squirreldeath ::: Favorites
My friend JP would slaughter that burger
07-02-14 23:10:03
MidgyBang85 ::: Favorites
Hahahahaha james ur a crazy prolly dont remmember me but i lived next door to ur crazy ass in da brick house. Mike Dodge. well ive watched most of ur vids and there fuckin halariose lol. keep up the good humor and the great entertainement.
07-02-09 20:29:16
dannyboyyy14 ::: Favorites
Wait... They do not play that version. The version you have is The Presidents Of the United states tho.
07-01-31 19:51:13
dannyboyyy14 ::: Favorites
James this is Dan Rollins, Cheap trick does not play Cleveland rocks! Its the Presidents Of the United States of America! look it up and i got the CD! funny ass shit tho!
07-01-31 19:49:05

Hulk Hogan goes too far...

Duration: 03:06 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-14 18:11:24
User: patrobertsoniscool
:::: Favorites

First off, I'd like to thank Larry Flint for defending the first amendment & making it possible for nonsense such as this. Oh yea wrestling sucks. :)

Hexy69 ::: Favorites
Hogan as GG Allen.
07-07-15 02:25:29
XGRIMYONEX ::: Favorites
07-07-15 05:41:11
jklharry ::: Favorites
07-07-15 15:22:59
10timeworld ::: Favorites
hulk hogan sucks seriously.
07-07-15 21:39:51
GKingD ::: Favorites
don't joke with benoit dead
07-07-30 15:00:33
vegas666 ::: Favorites
mah. not bad, just not funny.
07-08-03 21:14:35
Woddy1 ::: Favorites
the part with benoit sucks you suck damn wtf?
07-08-14 06:59:47
mechhound360 ::: Favorites
this was very stupid
07-08-17 00:47:35
patrobertsoniscool ::: Favorites
You hurt my feelings :(
07-08-18 01:51:27
RJB0314 ::: Favorites
Hulk hogan pwns you suck patro. wrestling pwns u
07-08-19 17:43:09

Ghost Sighting / 1st Picture

Duration: 05:02 minutes
Upload Time: 07-05-29 05:40:53
User: Kidkel69
:::: Favorites

Okay, this picture could get me famous! Yeah on Mysterious of the Unknown

mjrchapin ::: Favorites
Filmed in Zapruder-Vision!
07-07-20 22:22:38
boogieboo16 ::: Favorites
yo thats my mom and dad
07-06-10 19:17:22
lightprincessknight ::: Favorites
lies all lies
07-06-10 12:35:49
rwp80 ::: Favorites
...? 1/5
07-06-03 14:06:14
phredroq ::: Favorites
Greg Brady is at it again.
07-06-01 15:11:38
iseehaters ::: Favorites
yeah its a station.. i saw it when i was in az... no bid deal..
07-05-30 19:49:19
Furnifur ::: Favorites
I don't dare, I can';t even drive stick lol Me driving a bike would not be pretty.
07-05-30 17:24:21
JohnnyStorm2006 ::: Favorites
See! I'm not the only one who thought
07-05-30 14:58:33
moxiethedog ::: Favorites
Wisconsin? Or Minnesota?
07-05-29 19:51:50
Furnifur ::: Favorites
I want a Harley someday. Axel Rose has forever tained my image of him when he came out with braids and a gut. What were the police responding to?
07-05-29 18:38:38

Cats and Dragonflies

Duration: 03:04 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-14 13:17:53
User: joe6panther6
:::: Favorites

A first for me. Something different..

sXebroK3NhE4Rted ::: Favorites
Very interesting, and a vicious cat! Nicely done, Joe. Perfect choice of music, as well.
07-07-14 13:39:59
terrijane61 ::: Favorites
5 Big ***** Stars!! It never ceases to amaze me how all cats, from the biggest tiger to the smallest domestic pet, have the same mannerisms!! Cracks me up! The thrill of the hunt! That's what it's all about! when one of my indoor cats catches a bug, they act like it is an amazing feat! Carrying it around, showing it to everybody, growling, very proud of themselves. Oh, and I loved 2:55, when cat glances up and looks like "WTF are YOU looking at" Great job! I needed this!! :)
07-07-14 19:51:55
Sirsin888 ::: Favorites
Beautiful. Wonderful choice of music. What's that called, by the way?
07-07-14 23:53:15
joe6panther6 ::: Favorites
Thanks! The Ocean from Collide
07-07-14 23:58:41
31193JaH ::: Favorites
i really find this video soooo goood....and lyke everyone else, the music is brilliant! 5 stars!
07-07-15 03:53:24
jenidevilgirl ::: Favorites
I love kitties! This was cute :)
07-07-15 23:35:34
F4O4U4R4S ::: Favorites
that is one big ass dragonfly,is the thing part godzilla,the human race is forced to respect cats! for cats look at the human race as inferrior to themselves!you gotta respect that! you gotta love cats man! good job joe...
07-07-17 15:45:24
sharonclyon ::: Favorites
Poetry in motion.
07-07-17 23:57:39

Kobe Bryant Still ballin' (A MUST SEE)

Duration: 04:55 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-19 09:35:27
User: RyersoNNNNnnn
:::: Favorites

my First own mixed video ! I don´t know how to use special effects, so I kept it in a simple way! "I wanted to do a movie which motivate´s me when I watch it, and after 3 days I´ve made it done." TRACK: 2pac feat. Kurupt (dj fatal remix) - still ballin'

arthur09r ::: Favorites
very good
07-08-19 11:11:26
jfarahnik55 ::: Favorites
07-08-19 15:34:26
unr1 ::: Favorites
Wow you used the DJ Fatal remix! Love it man!
07-08-19 17:28:43
farude ::: Favorites
nice mix dawg
07-08-19 22:41:18
XStreetbasketballerX ::: Favorites
nice nice nice T.W.MIKE
07-08-20 19:37:01
slmnsulaimon ::: Favorites
This is the best video i've ever seen, perfect song, perfect clips, you gotta make more. Wish I made this.
07-08-25 20:30:41
leaderofsithclan ::: Favorites
——————- /¯/) —————--/—-/ —————-/—-/ ———--/´¯/'--'/´¯`·_ ———-/'/--/—-/—--/¨¯\ ——--('(———- ¯~/'--') ———\————-'—--/ ———-'\'————_-·´ ————\———--( ————-\———--\ Kobe is a baller
07-08-27 00:07:04
airnikolov ::: Favorites
this is a great mix, kobe is the world's greatest SCORER
07-08-27 16:14:21

Acoustic Guitar Lesson. Part 6

Duration: 12:42 minutes
Upload Time: 06-12-13 08:49:26
User: geetar01
:::: Favorites

Acoustic Guitar Lesson. Part 6 Win a Fender Stratocaster at

eggybaby84 ::: Favorites
Great stuff - thanks alot. Been playing 20yrs, self taught, and never new this stuff til now. Tim - Alabama. p.s. thanks-(Aussies)for AC/DC, INXS, and Mad Max - Rock On
07-08-24 07:49:45
pshiel ::: Favorites
thank you very much mate, your realli helpfull, i'm now learnin very easy
07-08-11 11:11:15
tkatc2 ::: Favorites sounds as though you are not fingering the notes cleanly. Place your fingers as close to the fret wire as possible and hold the strings down tightly. It takes a bit of practice and over time your fingers will get stronger and harder and the notes will become easier to play.
07-08-07 17:14:07
kit120 ::: Favorites
Why is it when i strum it the nice ringing sound dont come out they way it does when the guy strums it. Is it because the strings are different? i tuned them with tuner and they are steel or is it the guitar; i have a yamaha 310?
07-08-05 12:29:45
joelolly ::: Favorites
what was that web site?
07-08-03 13:51:24
RULLEPONG ::: Favorites
i want something more advanced.. this is to easy were can i find a advanced lesson for acoustic guitar.
07-07-13 12:32:14
SaveMeSD45 ::: Favorites
Good video, but should have only kept this lesson 3 chords...Dont want ppl movin to fast, and getting confused
07-07-10 14:43:30
penrhiw1969 ::: Favorites
nic vidio dudex
07-07-02 14:34:50
ikansusu ::: Favorites
thanks so much for your effort.
07-06-08 12:49:55
ricadoh25 ::: Favorites
i was just wondering is there a 7th lesson for beginners on the acoustic guitar. By the way you have taught me heaps in the six lessons on you tube. You rock mate.
07-06-03 05:01:18

Bette & Tina - No Other Love

Duration: 04:04 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-12 02:45:46
User: lwordlatino
:::: Favorites

bettanita ::: Favorites
pathy genial el video...m encanto... menudos bssss....
07-06-12 05:13:43
roo69eoy ::: Favorites
ahaha es hermoso el video (L
07-06-13 10:43:27
esperanzapaz ::: Favorites
Para la mejor pareja el mejor video. ¡Excelente!
07-06-14 15:02:19
magpi00 ::: Favorites
Sisisisisisi Me encato el video ah2 jajajaja divino TIBETTE FOREVER!! -Pio-
07-06-18 07:09:34
Rooey91 ::: Favorites
that is my favoourite tibette video EVER!! well done!
07-06-20 06:39:22
verynda ::: Favorites
me ha gustado mushoooo genial
07-07-03 21:03:47
jimjamaljimjamal ::: Favorites
la cancion es perfecta, la voz perfecta, musica es perfecta y que puedo decir de las imagines, jajaja simplemente genial!!
07-07-04 18:18:29

666 Rail - Rollerblading, shared by

Duration: 03:48 minutes
Upload Time: 06-03-30 08:54:27
User: krapulax
:::: Favorites

The 666 Rail by Chris Haffey and Robert Guerrero, from Lonnie Gallegos' 2002 video NOISE

XxSmLxX ::: Favorites
omg dude thats crazy i wanna try that wheres that at? but that sucks he makes it all the away and messes up on the easiest part that really sucks.
07-08-19 21:37:00
En1gma ::: Favorites
Its called the 666 rail because there are 111 vertical posts (to hold up the rail) and they estimate they are about 6 feet apart. making the rail 666 feet long.
07-08-18 00:42:44
Rasarock ::: Favorites
LOL ! its like Satans Rail of Death ! (--666---) cool skating
07-08-17 11:41:49
mrclean010101 ::: Favorites
lol the guy walking by is just like wtf
07-08-16 20:07:09
zael123 ::: Favorites
/clap /clap /clap /clap /clap /clap
07-08-16 18:15:53
magicmurray ::: Favorites
thats some rail
07-08-15 12:28:20
Jenko696969 ::: Favorites
that shit is easy, i jump out of planes with no parachute
07-08-09 18:52:09
GRIZZboyMaN ::: Favorites
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ah aha ah ah aha ha
07-07-30 15:50:36
sporty2cool ::: Favorites
now to T grind that thing :D i wanna try it so bad... isnt it at new port beach california? oh well great job you 2
07-07-27 18:33:54
mooseface123 ::: Favorites
rob G must be pisst all that way and then falling omg lol
07-07-25 16:01:32

Pride and Prejudice p4

Duration: 10:55 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-19 18:56:07
User: FLgurl4
:::: Favorites

part 4

luv2lax28 ::: Favorites
at 2:49 that wickham bloke looks jest like orlando bloom in the face....well at least a little bit.
07-08-29 00:45:35
witty4wit ::: Favorites
Mr Collins makes me laugh so hard!!!! LOL mr wickham is soooooo evil "he loved me better" ...yeah right! jerk with ugly long hair! his face is a bit like orlando bloom although he's not as hot and his hair is horrible!!! can't believe that lizzie likes him OR believe him!!! blweu and yuck! :(
07-08-28 07:25:45
prongsmwpp ::: Favorites
HAHAHA I know 2:03 cracks me up! And I agree about knocking out Mr. Collin's teeth, he's like, the definition of awkward!
07-08-27 16:13:31
a12z3 ::: Favorites
i know right..
07-08-23 15:28:43
wickedchic15 ::: Favorites
o ur right lol =)
07-08-22 23:52:32
wickedchic15 ::: Favorites
i bet when he followed her and then went away, i bet he was going to ask her to dance then but he chickened out. that's sounds like that would be something he would do lol
07-08-22 23:48:39
singalong934 ::: Favorites
....I never noticed him before!
07-08-21 20:54:11
srstarshine ::: Favorites
Pause the movie at 9:03 and look straight forward and there is the most amazingly gorgeous guy!I have this movie and I found it by accident.
07-08-20 10:23:01
happyshalalala123 ::: Favorites
sorry, i meant to say: when Mr. Darcy first saw Lizzy at NETHERFIELD ball
07-08-19 14:39:32
happyshalalala123 ::: Favorites
when Mr. Darcy first saw Lizzy at , why did he go away? i first thought he disliked her, but then that could not be right, for he asked her to dance afterwards.
07-08-19 14:33:29

Egyptian Shabbi Choreography: Sa'ad il Sughir Abd lelah

Duration: 05:17 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-11 12:19:14
User: 6969aaaaa
:::: Favorites

My choreography to Saad Il Sughir's song Il Abd Lelah.

6969aaaaa ::: Favorites
Shukran ya am :-)
07-08-22 10:25:19
ahmedemamaly ::: Favorites
hhhhhhhhh wooooooooooow
07-08-22 09:07:37
6969aaaaa ::: Favorites
07-08-22 01:06:51
Blossomjrny ::: Favorites
Hi! Fabulous. I love this song. Jeanine
07-08-21 23:36:47
6969aaaaa ::: Favorites
Ya Mamaley da mush bil Husain. Da kunt bi Amrica bil New York.
07-08-21 08:55:01
RavynBlood ::: Favorites
i dont wanna sound nosy.. but what did u and ahmed just say? >.>'
07-08-20 18:09:34
zulaikabaila ::: Favorites
I'mmmm loving it!!! 5 stars from spain!!!
07-08-18 09:29:30
Haddasa ::: Favorites
Ive said it before and I'll say it again....AWESOMEEEEE...
07-08-15 09:39:11
bellyanja ::: Favorites
Hi! Just delicious!!! Fantastisk. Hey thanks. Regards Anja
07-08-15 05:03:39
BaaadRaven ::: Favorites
LAAAAAAAAAAALEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! ;-D I love it!!! Thanxxx Tarik!!!!!
07-08-14 16:18:42

I Don't Recall - Alberto Gonzales Hearing

Duration: 00:50 minutes
Upload Time: 07-04-21 00:01:10
User: elieb2454
:::: Favorites

Alberto Gonzales said "I don't recall" 72 times during his senate hearing. Brilliant

druha10304 ::: Favorites
07-08-29 06:52:29
davidsghost ::: Favorites
Another one bites the dust. And another ones gone, another ones gone, dah dah dah Another one bites the dust.
07-08-27 15:46:12
orangequeen920 ::: Favorites
actually 74, and if you count all the "i don't know"s, etc., it would have been almost 400!! but thankfully, the evil man has resigned.
07-08-27 10:28:51
91jew ::: Favorites
I thought ELEPHANTS never forget !!!! Lieing deceiving sacks of crap, Fucking Republicans.
07-08-17 15:43:45
Silverweed ::: Favorites
the angry cat productions shit at the end sucks
07-08-11 03:36:32
marcprolife ::: Favorites
IMPEACH Gonzales!
07-08-09 17:35:53
Street5pirit ::: Favorites
found innocent? I think you've got your parties muddled up. gonzo can fire any attorneys he pleases, that's the law. the problem lies in their reasoning - they smeared the attns when it wasn't true. then when people realized that the fired attns were the least manipulatable and that it was a political move to control the judiciary branch, it hit the fan. call your three reps today and demand impeachment now. then check out moveon(dot)org and sept15(dot)org to take action.
07-08-01 15:37:14
Street5pirit ::: Favorites
close, gonzo got bush off (ahem) jury duty back when he was the governor of texas by claiming that it was a conflict of interest because if bush was on the jury, he might have to pardon the woman (dwi case) after the trial. but then bush once mocked a young girl when she was on death row when her supporters petitioned the shrub to save her life... "oh no, please don't kill me" bush said. what a bunch of f*ckin sociopaths.
07-08-01 15:27:58
narikosmallchickr ::: Favorites
Want more hot women? check out strictlyhotties dot com
07-07-30 11:48:35
Galaor55 ::: Favorites
Even if AG Alberto Gonzalez were found innocent of firing 7 US Attys., he's shown to be mentally challenged to keep the job. He suffers from senility & amnesia; he sounds like Oliver North and the late Ronald Reagan, he recalls nothing. His brain is "full of emptiness," hollow just like the Bush's and his Admin. I'm from Mexican background and the American people should know most of us do not support his behavior as AG. If he had any honor, dignity & self-respect, he would've resigned long ago.
07-07-28 12:13:31

West Ham Fans hate Lampard

Duration: 00:20 minutes
Upload Time: 07-03-18 18:06:28
User: semskid7392
:::: Favorites


toniesoccerchickg ::: Favorites
Great vid. Want to have a fun fling? Check out WEBFLINGTODAY dot COM
07-07-30 20:53:21
MjCadmanDb ::: Favorites
i hate lampard but i hate whutd more cos the fans attitude towards avfc
07-07-06 15:14:15
mzhanslot ::: Favorites
lampard wasnt even rated when he was at west ham
07-06-07 08:15:26
dycezhao ::: Favorites
Come on be realistic, West Ham is not that great to be "continuously" commented by Frank Lampard. The last time when Frank talked about WHU is after the league game, and Lampard cooled things down after you WHU fans broke the Chelsa team bus. You and your WHU just dont deserve him. Keep on hating, you look just pathetic.
07-05-24 19:25:08
DASLIBERTINE ::: Favorites
its football,its not important,get a grip
07-05-16 15:59:20
jamie1972 ::: Favorites
He is 'hated' because of his continuous comments/lies about the the club and fans since he left, hance how we don't hate cole or rio or carrick or james or sinclair or Di Canio. Simple really, leave with a bit of dignity and you'll generally get a good reception when you return, act like a wanker and you get (rightly) cunted off...
07-05-16 10:55:06
boeershna ::: Favorites
haha, he left because you don`t know how to keep talent. You let him, Joey and Carrick slip through your fingers for shit, and now you hate him, because he is a world star, and miles better than he could ever be at your club. Of course he hates you, when you laughed at him when he broke his leg at 18!! what kind of fans are you to do such a thing?!! u thought u had Chelsea good when they paid 11 mill£ for him, but now look who is laughing!
07-05-04 14:00:40
badbusta4lyf ::: Favorites
u only hate him coz he left u. i bet if he was still there ud be like he is the best player ever.
07-05-01 12:43:50
DASLIBERTINE ::: Favorites
lol amazing how lampard gets it but not cole or ferdinand its only jealousy,anyone that can 'hate' someone for leaving a football club needs a reality check
07-04-29 18:01:08
SCdarkAH ::: Favorites
lampard in general is a jerk -.-;;
07-04-18 22:50:52