Thursday, August 30, 2007

Abortion Sentence Question

Duration: 00:36 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-31 00:37:34
User: jcwelch
:::: Favorites

Since the Republican party, and most, if not all of the candidates are anti-abortion, I feel it is appropriate that they lay out how many years a woman who tries to have, or succeeds in having an abortion should get.

prunepower ::: Favorites
I read a column similar to your in Newsweek- interesting proposal. I would also ask someone who plans to end abortion- "How do you prevent a woman from having an abortion?"
07-08-01 13:37:33
ideovay ::: Favorites
Abortion is murder for hire, so a woman who has an abortion should get the same penalty as anyone who hires a hitman. The minimum sentence varies state to state, but is in the range of 20-30 years.
07-08-02 15:29:08
jcwelch ::: Favorites
really...shouldn't it be considered a capital crime? I mean, it is premeditated and planned. Why not support the death penalty? What about women who aren't too poor to have abortions overseas? What do you do about them?
07-08-02 15:36:58
ideovay ::: Favorites
A doctor who performs an abortion is a hitman and that is a capital crime. The woman who hires the hitman should get at least 20 years. Maybe current penalties on murder for hire are too lenient or that the person doing the hiring should get the same penalty as the one who does the murder. But our system works by reference to existing law so the simplest thing is to make the punishment for abortion the same as any other murder for hire.
07-08-02 15:47:16
jcwelch ::: Favorites
actually, california v Manson showed that inducing another to commit a capital crime is seen as deserving the same penalty as the person who actually does the killing, so there is ample precedent for the death penalty in this case. With that in mind, why NOT execute the mother, as surely hers is the worse crime? What about self-induced abortions? Also note you have not addressed the issue of women leaving the country to commit what would be a federal, capital crime.
07-08-02 16:08:45
jcwelch ::: Favorites
of course we haven't even begun to address the resources needed to actively prevent abortion.
07-08-02 16:11:28
chromium77 ::: Favorites
40 years
07-08-04 16:47:32
jcwelch ::: Favorites
So now, how do you all propose to house these women? Maximum security, right? Same prison as the Mansons and the Bundys and all the rest is what I'm assuming.
07-08-04 17:04:52
jhbbunch ::: Favorites
The first women to go to jail for abortion or to die in a back-alley abortion will be the death-knell for the conservative movement in the US. You won't be able to get one elected as a dog catcher.
07-08-11 00:41:11
Hexl702 ::: Favorites
Women wont even have to go overseas, about 15 states will keep abortion legal. so how do the righties propose to stop women from crossing state lines..
07-08-27 18:22:16
alexandriacsmoky ::: Favorites
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07-08-27 21:05:52

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