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Duration: 01:03 minutes Upload Time: 2007-09-08 00:00:03 User: fatpoopy :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: last part, ight? |
Comments | |
SuperHaste ::: Favorites Looks Like YOUR The Nerd. 07-10-12 04:05:48 __________________________________________________ | |
k0f0rl1f3 ::: Favorites lmao u r a runescape nerd and look as ugly as a piece of shit xD 07-10-08 10:27:24 __________________________________________________ | |
pikles9 ::: Favorites you skipped #2 dingy dingy dongo fat poopy your jsut a fatpoopy aren't you fatpoopy lol 07-10-06 17:56:15 __________________________________________________ | |
fatpoopy ::: Favorites um... im...not...sure...what...your...talking about. did you take a look in the related section?...dumbass 07-10-08 01:59:34 __________________________________________________ | |
enjoi568 ::: Favorites omg i kno you go to dixon smith right 07-10-05 18:24:20 __________________________________________________ | |
fatpoopy ::: Favorites no.. 07-10-10 23:42:18 __________________________________________________ |
Monday, October 15, 2007
runescape nerd quiz last part (3)
Dangers in America: Ch1ld Pr3d4t0rs
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Duration: 07:35 minutes Upload Time: 2007-09-01 16:08:34 User: DominationVideos :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: Host Joey Greco shows live footage of ch1ld pr3d4t0rs and interviews with the pr3d4t0rs and victims themselves. No offense to Paul Lee, Benjamin Lee, and Grace Lee whose pictures and videos were used in this video. |
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kimmykimkim07 ::: Favorites HAHA. yeah, who doesnt want teddy bears? darn those child predators. xD 07-09-09 17:30:23 __________________________________________________ | |
Tofyi ::: Favorites LOL, the hooters part and zsnap thing was hilarious 07-09-03 02:35:21 __________________________________________________ | |
wishcometruexx ::: Favorites hey! that girl is me(: GO DOMINATION VIDEOS. but uh james. i would never say ANYTHING like that. LOL --x 07-09-02 23:28:16 __________________________________________________ |
Karuzela z Madonnami (Fragment- Ewa Demarczyk
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Duration: 00:55 minutes Upload Time: 2007-09-01 13:26:48 User: sspatryk1993 :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: Karuzela z Madonnami- Ewa Demarczyk. Wystep Piwnica Pod Baranami ( Na krupniczej). |
Comments | |
KochamWiatr ::: Favorites O matko! Wielkie dzieki za wrzucenie tego występu:):):):) 07-09-10 08:24:36 __________________________________________________ |
Guía Para Sismos - Cuarto Poder (1/2)
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Duration: 09:11 minutes Upload Time: 2007-08-27 07:21:36 User: sheenny :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: Con la participación de: -Carlos Zavala Dir. Cismid Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería -Isabel Montalvo (Defensa Civil) Edición: 26/08/2007 |
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jancelotsp ::: Favorites quien hace la auditoria a las "zonas de seguridad" de los edificios? alguna entidad independiente de las grandes constructoras? y que no sea burocratica? NO... 07-08-28 03:10:36 __________________________________________________ |
Mortimer Part 3 ( The Flute )
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Duration: 02:36 minutes Upload Time: 2007-09-05 20:01:59 User: sosr :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: Mortimer is finaly back and ready for nerdy retardation. hahah enjoy |
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darkflag11 ::: Favorites haha nice job! 07-09-18 21:29:46 __________________________________________________ | |
NewfFound ::: Favorites lol wow that was awsome 07-09-06 15:54:13 __________________________________________________ |
(2T 87') Tiro libre de Juan Manuel Vargas
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Duration: 00:43 minutes Upload Time: 2007-09-08 23:52:32 User: sheenny :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: Este disparo no llegó a concretar gol alguno pero ha sido incluído para adicionarlo al Playlist (lista de reproducción) sobre el encuentro disputado entre el seleccionado Peruano contra el Colombiano. ATV Eddie Fleishman Daniel Kanashiro 08/09/2007 Estadio Monumental (Lima) |
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iliyup ::: Favorites esa zurda es crema..dire..de oro...grande loco 07-09-17 14:31:57 __________________________________________________ | |
sheenny ::: Favorites Ajá! este es el mismo que hizo el primer gol ante Bolivia, en el reciente amistoso frente a Perú y además del gol, ¡Se hizo un partidazo! 07-09-14 02:29:53 __________________________________________________ | |
Locoxx19 ::: Favorites A la mierda eso fue un tiro a lo Roberto Carlos xD! 07-09-14 00:13:30 __________________________________________________ | |
superfranthemanscwe ::: Favorites un patadon! 07-09-09 02:43:58 __________________________________________________ |
N*Sync - Live - July 12th, 2000 (Albany, NY)
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Duration: 06:40 minutes Upload Time: 2007-09-07 23:13:21 User: upst8 :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: N*Sync on the "No Strings Attached" tour |
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eeophoto ::: Favorites Thanks for posting this! I was there. One of the greatest shows ever! 07-10-04 05:42:50 __________________________________________________ |
(1T 35') Perú Vs Bolivia (2-0) - Gol de Paolo Guerrero
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Duration: 01:03 minutes Upload Time: 2007-09-12 21:45:18 User: sheenny :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: 2-0 Más detalles: http://youtube.com/my_playlists?p=7AB4EC9392FD6507 ATV Eddie Fleishman 12/09/2007 |
Comments | |
w1ss1n ::: Favorites puta ..acabo de leer por alli que Paolo fue desconvocado** q tal baja** y pa su reemplazo van a poner a Maestri ..pueden creerlo?? 07-10-10 22:37:08 __________________________________________________ | |
sheenny ::: Favorites Está lesionado (noticias deportivas 09/Oct). Gonzalo Núñez del 4 especuló sobre el reemplazo de Paolo, mencionó a Vigil.. desconozco lo de Maestri y cómo esté su nivel de juego en éstos momentos. 07-10-10 22:49:08 __________________________________________________ | |
ivanmed100 ::: Favorites escriban en el buscador "HSV vs Litex 1:1 Guerrero" y veran el golazo de guerrero(chalaca)en la copa UEFA 07-10-07 17:38:29 __________________________________________________ | |
RendonCrespo ::: Favorites Les deseo lo mejor para estas eliminatorias .Vamos chicos al mundial 2010 ... LO MEJOR PARA TI CHEMO. 07-10-07 11:23:07 __________________________________________________ | |
eduardokinta ::: Favorites paolo "DEJA LOS HUEVOS EN LA CANCHA" jeje... guerrero llega en el momento preciso a la seleccion!!!!! 07-09-16 00:54:22 __________________________________________________ | |
82ndAirborne123 ::: Favorites PERU CORAZON!!!!!!!!!!!!! 07-09-15 20:57:25 __________________________________________________ | |
superfranthemanscwe ::: Favorites peru tiene definidores guerrero farfan, gonzalez vigil son mas por afuera pero igual son buenos! es mas gonzalez vigil puede jugar de 9 y es bueno! 07-09-13 13:49:57 __________________________________________________ | |
4674279 ::: Favorites k sueerrteee que tiene este hombree y que bien nos cae a la seleccion que carecia de un definidor 07-09-13 09:58:54 __________________________________________________ | |
sheenny ::: Favorites ¿Delanteros? creo que no.. mediocampistas será. 07-09-13 10:08:52 __________________________________________________ |
Secuelas después del Perú Vs Colombia (3/3)
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Duration: 10:17 minutes Upload Time: 2007-09-12 13:04:06 User: sheenny :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: III Parte Teledeportes (09/09/2007) Bloque Deportivo (90 Segundos) Bloque Deportivo (América Noticias) El Deportivo Ediciones: 10-11/09/2007 |
Comments | |
andretolentino ::: Favorites Y donde esta Baldesari? 07-09-16 06:28:02 __________________________________________________ | |
manolitopena ::: Favorites El sr Oblitas a quien quire enganar dice que Pizarro es uno de los mejores jugadores del mundo entonces por que el Bayer lo dejo libre, el Chelsea lo sienta y en la seleccion no rinde.El jugador que no rinda que lo cambien y punto, en la seleccion no pueden haber intocables, Si Brazil sienta a Ronaldino y a Caca que si son de los mejores del mundo, por que no se puede sentar a Pizarro. 07-09-16 03:09:52 __________________________________________________ | |
mtorresg10 ::: Favorites buena jean ferrari como comentarista. 07-09-16 01:16:39 __________________________________________________ | |
manolitopena ::: Favorites Senor Burga por favor cumpla con su trabajo no es justo que uno pague su plata gaste su tiempo y no lo dejen entrar al estadio. Senor Burga por favor cuando cumpla su mandato en la FPF no postule mas escuche el pedido de la gram mayoria de Perunanos que no lo queremos como Presidente. 07-09-15 01:26:35 __________________________________________________ | |
herbenmanuel ::: Favorites es verdad chemo, pero pizarro tiene que estar AHI , solo para anidarla, y ya esta 07-09-14 09:47:14 __________________________________________________ | |
cesaries ::: Favorites excelente video, muchas gracias 07-09-14 05:43:03 __________________________________________________ | |
kingvasco87 ::: Favorites Pizarro es titular indiscutible y no jodan mas! 07-09-13 16:41:38 __________________________________________________ | |
jquispejr ::: Favorites mi plata ...ratero...la cagada....jajajajajaj 07-09-13 09:49:32 __________________________________________________ | |
esppantapajaros ::: Favorites es increible est chupaverga de periodista del 9, siempre patero con Burga, con Pizarro, diciendo q es una locura pedir cambiar a pizarro, carajo, por eso seguimos como estamos, porq nos da miedo el cambio, lo diferente. Ahh ahora, pizarro esta en el banco del chelsea y sabe q no esta en buena forma....debe seguir intocable?? En el estadio se nota la diferencia de ACTITUD entre paolo y claudio, es una cuestion d garra, solo con huevos ganariamos a Brasil, tecnicament ellos son muy superiores. 07-09-13 09:41:50 __________________________________________________ | |
robertoct ::: Favorites esa gente miiiiiiiii plataaaaaaaa? 07-09-12 14:28:13 __________________________________________________ |
allah has no son
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Duration: 11:49 minutes Upload Time: 2007-09-14 01:58:03 User: iceyyy :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: This is a wonderful video, which speaks volumes of truth and can be a treasure for the seeker. I hope and pray that many muslims will see it and be saved because Jesus is the only way. Let no one desceive you, there is No Saviour outside of Jesus Christ. ... a special thanks goes out to Blazingsky for use of the video |
Comments | |
Flash6891 ::: Favorites Sounds good, thanks Iceyyy 07-10-01 15:30:32 __________________________________________________ | |
iceyyy ::: Favorites hi Flash. I am sorry ..I don't know . I did borrow this from BlazingSky , so you might want to ask her. 07-10-01 10:01:16 __________________________________________________ | |
Flash6891 ::: Favorites Great Vid. Iceyyy Is this a Gospel tract? If yes where can I get some?? Thank you for uploading. 07-09-26 15:51:50 __________________________________________________ | |
Hana085 ::: Favorites Great video! I also hope many muslims will see this video and be saved. 07-09-23 02:50:07 __________________________________________________ | |
MessianicJew2000 ::: Favorites I put this video on my account. 07-09-22 08:36:06 __________________________________________________ | |
drt09 ::: Favorites powerful msg !!! thxs 4 posting !=] 07-09-21 11:58:23 __________________________________________________ | |
wethepeopleUSA ::: Favorites Have all of you noticed how the word "allah" in Arabic looks like the devil's pitchfork? ROFL 07-09-20 10:13:30 __________________________________________________ | |
wethepeopleUSA ::: Favorites Muslims do not know what kindness and respect is, they don't listen when speaking respectfully and they use insults to defend their religion. We have to get a little aggressive so that they can listen. Otherwise, they will not listen. 07-09-19 22:19:07 __________________________________________________ | |
struggleforsuccess ::: Favorites Why do you spend so much time trying to discredit Islam? If you want to spread your religion you would be able to do it much better with kindness and respectfulness towards others. 07-09-18 23:19:56 __________________________________________________ | |
iceyyy ::: Favorites hi tremulent .. its there ! . right towards the end. 07-09-18 13:56:58 __________________________________________________ |
Lanus 2 - Olimpo 1 (1er tiempo)
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Duration: 03:37 minutes Upload Time: 2007-08-27 20:01:37 User: davidmn2004 :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: Sintesis del partido de la 4ta Fecha del Apertura 2.007 |
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capitandelequipo ::: Favorites GRANDE CHAMA 07-09-11 20:33:17 __________________________________________________ |
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Duration: 02:03 minutes Upload Time: 2007-09-12 15:43:21 User: sEkEyc0cUq :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: Zuzummmmmmmmmmmm |
anna yuki
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Duration: 00:10 minutes Upload Time: 2007-09-08 03:16:39 User: jeffreythemonko :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: cute asian av star anna kawai asian porn sex final fantasy 13 crisis core tgs bleach 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 1 bajillion naruto 248 249 250 251 252 10 bajillion playstation 3 wii xbox360 nintendo ds sony iphone ipod resident evil 5 devil may cry 4 halo starcraft wow horrorfest 2007 2008 perez hilton iraq vanessa hudgens dj ozma gackt george bush lindsay lohan tupac t.i nas ben franklin 50 cent neeyo lil john jayz snoop dogg jdogg pussycatdoll akon m-flo miyavi japanese chinese korean vietnamese thailand indian kim jung jay chou hilter myspace strip webcam osama bin ladin kim chee fried rice ice cream sushi monko toyota honda subaru acura mazda hyundai mitsubishi sashimi mtv pv japan pokemon diamond pearl kingdom hearts 3 jesus christ 2012 end of the world doom god space ufo idk |