Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Iranian Army - PT

Duration: 05:55 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-05-08 22:10:38
User: tubs2222
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Video of the iranian army made by me.


87emperor87 ::: Favorites
Remember Spanish Morocco? Have you heard of the city of Casa Blanca the only beautiful city in your shitty land.
07-10-24 22:06:47
87emperor87 ::: Favorites
Don't hate on the U.S. just because we took 1/3 of your land and were so superior to you little monkies. While the americans saved the world from german and japanese conquest in WW2, you beaners were having 24 packs of corona, listening to your gay rancheras, having donkey shows. You were raped by the spaniards for 300+ years bitch, that's why youre great grandmothers were filthy central americans and your great grandfathers were conquistadores
07-10-24 22:05:20
87emperor87 ::: Favorites
We blew up 2 of your countries that's costly? Little bitch Osama is hiding in the mountains while were raping you. We have enough nukes to blow up the whole world many times, if you actually read a book rather than fucking camels, you would know that 70% of americans were against the vietnam war and are against the iraq war. Your shahab missile sucks.
07-10-24 22:01:12
87emperor87 ::: Favorites
Your mom's pussy is so worn out by the number of men that fucked her. If Iran is so great and america is so terrible then why the fuck are you in the U.S. you little bitch. You don't know crazy, were crazy so you better recognize before we takeover your country and build casinos in jalalaha. you get it?
07-10-24 21:54:41
87emperor87 ::: Favorites
Bitch Please!!! six islamic countries, egypt, iraq, jordan, palestine, syria, lebanon ganged up on tiny little isreal and Isreal fucked them all in 6 days let the russians backed up the islamic countries while the americans backed up the Isrealis. You brown boys are weak
07-10-24 21:17:08
87emperor87 ::: Favorites
Amen to that.
07-10-24 21:14:01
87emperor87 ::: Favorites
Bitch how many of your cities were destroyed by the greeks, mongols, arabs, and americans? That's why we train the Iraqi army, and that's why unlike you Bush senior was able to disrupt saddams rule you fucking faggot. Remember Gaugamela over 1,000 greek casualities, over 50,000 persian casualties Yet you outnumbered them five to one
07-10-24 21:13:40
87emperor87 ::: Favorites
Bitch Bush blew up two of your countries. Alexander the great fucked you persians up the ass, Genghis khan destroy alot of your towns, the arabs raped you forcing you fo follow islam you fucking pussy don't be crying after your country is destroyed by the atomic bomb just like japan you pussy.
07-10-24 21:10:15
redelman431 ::: Favorites
Your army wont stand a chance against Israel's incredible firepower!
07-10-23 03:36:39
bodchamp ::: Favorites
this vid is bad ass.. but we still need more sofisticated wepons. i am sure mr dinajad is working on that..respect
07-10-20 11:45:55

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