Monday, March 31, 2008

Farrakhan Music Video " Bush Meets with Black Preachers"

Duration: 09:17 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-01-02 19:57:59

Minister Farrakhan speaks over hip-hop beats. Support The No.2 Poor Treasury Send check or money order Donations payable to: No.2 Poor Treasury Mail to: Minister Louis Farrakhan 4855 South Woodlawn Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60615 Help Support The Propagation of The Teachings of The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad. Your Contribution helps further the progress of Minister Farrakhan in continuing the work of The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad. FARRAKHAN MUSIC VIDEOS ADDED DAILY SPREAD THESE VIDEOS EVERYWHERE Check out these websites


nubic  2008-03-31 15:00:22

voodoomagicman. Blacks are not being taught to hate whites,jews etc. The minister teaches us to love our own. If that is a crime then we are guilty. And we are in trouble because the WHITEMAN does not want us to love our own and it would seem neither do you.
VoodooMagicMan  2008-03-23 11:40:13

The Blacks are being taught to Hate Whites, Jews, Asians and probably Hawaiians everywhere. Know wonder so many young Black's are in trouble if this is what they learn in Church.
Fulani123  2008-03-17 22:27:40

Knowledge + Wisdom = Understanding. The Minister is Right and Exact from Knowledge to Born. Peace be to him.
zyruemusic  2008-03-13 22:56:59

That is why I wrote the song "VIETNAM".I wish that more black men would say the truth like the MINISTER speaks.I am so far behind tryin to catch up...and I still have not received my G.I.BILL for college because I was blackballed for being a smart NIGGER...HOLLA!!!! JUDAH
akvalues  2008-03-04 12:35:16


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