Sunday, February 17, 2008

Tom and Kaji vs Handicapped Yoshi

Duration: 05:55 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-09-01 08:00:04
User: SmashTom

Tom  Kaji  SSBM  Smash  Bros.  Melee  Yoshi  


Damn, Yoshi's one tough Handicapped player X.X Anyway; ... the pause in this video (during the second music file) is completely done on purpose ¬_¬ DAMN YOU, LUDO! o_o You and your evil poses... *** For now, this will be my last video; for school starts the 4th of Septembre. Keep sending me ideas and suggestions; and I'll try to work on video's between school and homework ^^


tttc  2007-07-25 07:11:42

Epic fight
mkman1  2006-10-24 11:59:14

Man Yoshi should have just DIED!
todbot1  2006-10-14 15:12:07

dont CPU's ever shield,i mean,at all? o.o
shadowkirby2006  2006-10-13 00:15:17

You Kick ass wow!!! 5 Stars. add to fav.
Falco3900  2006-09-14 15:48:52

keep up the good work im luvin ur crazy ass videos

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