Monday, November 5, 2007

Madtv- Doggone Tired of Them

Duration: 04:36 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-11-02 20:50:24
User: kwon01
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Crazy Dog (Pomeranian) Lady (Mo Collins) watches as she finds a man (Josh Meyers) attempting to commit suicide.


MysticGem15 ::: Favorites
What's really funny, is that I sometimes talk to my cat like that ^_^
07-10-29 20:42:15
poodleperson25 ::: Favorites
november 3rd
07-10-27 12:42:22
poodleperson25 ::: Favorites
i know they're pomeranians...duh...and i know they are not actually barking...duh....i also know nobody asked you...duh
07-10-27 12:41:16
infect1985 ::: Favorites
ahahahha LMAO
07-09-29 07:13:23
lostfate25 ::: Favorites
FIRST OF ALL... they're POMERANIAN'S not poodles. duh. and secondly the sounds of barking is added over the set...the dogs aren't barking like that it was recorded earlier and dubbed it's kinda obvious...again duh.
07-08-16 17:20:13
poodleperson25 ::: Favorites
well i didn't threaten anybody, and i know little dogs can get annoying sometimes as they are very yappy lol, but i love dogs and that comment really pissed me off
07-08-10 18:50:58
poodleperson25 ::: Favorites
omg, shut the fuck up, poodles are the best dogs ever
07-08-10 18:49:33
GravityExNihilo ::: Favorites
Poodles are fucking ugly. I kick poodles for joy.
07-08-09 23:21:31
kwon01 ::: Favorites
okay okay listen up.. i guess some people could be offended that someone would WANT TO throw these dogs out the window but they are kind of annoying :] so please poodleperson25, no more threats to throw someone else out of the window for WANTING to throw these dogs :] kthxbai
07-08-07 14:30:16
vjswhippet ::: Favorites
I LOVE this video !!! My husband says it's me ?? HUH ??? I don't spoil my dogs likt that .. I pamper them :)
07-08-06 21:15:25

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