Saturday, October 6, 2007

Sign of the Hour fulfilled with the Bush Administration

Duration: 03:50 minutes
Upload Time: 07-09-14 15:49:37
User: Hashemsfilms
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There will appear in latter times a people who will gain this world with the help of religion. (Tirmidhi) This is in my opinion talking about the Illuminati (CFR) plans for one world government which of course Cheney and the Bushes are part of.


zalgofre ::: Favorites
These Neo con nut case evangelical christians believe that the only way to bring about the 2nd coming of christ is by killing all of the muslims and giving the land to Isreal and destroying the dome of the rock so they can build a jewish temple is the only way to fullfill biblical propehcie
07-10-06 01:47:40
ICofT ::: Favorites
He worships the "Almighty" Lucifer.
07-09-27 21:01:45
MunichBMW ::: Favorites
Jesus Christ saved those people who were in need and Jesus never tried to save Himself and died for the people of the world. But Bush gained profits and oil from the Afghan and Iraq wars, and now Bush is trying to pardon himself(Because he could get executed under the War Crime act of Geneva convention) He is trying to save his sorry ass.
07-09-22 19:54:31
rOaCh2000 ::: Favorites
07-09-20 18:46:13
holdingcompany ::: Favorites
07-09-16 12:45:59
holdingcompany ::: Favorites
07-09-16 12:45:41
sharaquey ::: Favorites
We need to be ready!
07-09-15 20:18:55
MarilynsGhost ::: Favorites
I hate to see his face
07-09-15 19:36:35
factsnow ::: Favorites
there is one video that shows how he made perfect sense before, well spoken many years ago, then shows afterwards where its like he is programmed to spit out jiberish
07-09-15 15:17:41
wiskawind ::: Favorites
Bush is an unGodly Pig! He uses our children for fodder for his war machine!! I hope you burn in HELL!!!!!
07-09-15 06:08:16

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