Friday, October 26, 2007

Ron Paul- Demand free speech, demand the constitution

Duration: 08:20 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-05-17 13:55:57
User: anyusmoon1
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The constitution is the great mediator, if we simply read it, apply it, defend and obey it. Our servant government is not doing that now and Ron Paul can lead the way. Carry the message to all government.


anyusmoon1 ::: Favorites
Did you see the Tom Cryer videos? And hear the good news? The jury ACQUITTED!
07-07-13 08:11:35
MyStrangeMind ::: Favorites
Actually, I just saw the story about what happened with Tom Cryer. It will be interesting to see what happens as a result of this!
07-07-13 08:22:08
ronpaul2008la ::: Favorites
Go to ronpaul*meetup*com Join or start a Ron Paul Meetup in your area. With your meetup group, set up tables in front of supermarkets, post offices and other public places to talk to the people and distribute leaflets, brochures, postes, stickers ect.. and collect funds. Contribute monthly to Ron Paul's campaign ronpaul2008*com and collect money and send it in regularly. Get out from behind your computer and get active! WE CAN WIN!
07-05-29 02:21:29
anyusmoon1 ::: Favorites
I'm signed up! Thanks for the reminder. We are meeting on June 11th, 2007 and awaiting direction from RonPaul2008HQ on a unified plan for all meetups. Great comment here ronpaul2008ia, thanks.
07-05-29 05:02:58
bigeffendeal ::: Favorites
Do " We the People " have a right to hold them to the oath they made to us? Ron Paul 08
07-05-23 20:54:30
anyusmoon1 ::: Favorites
Yes. First the checks and balances must be working whereby a breach in one office is busted by another. But when you have lackies, lobbyists, special interests and pundits helping or concealing information or skewing info and therefor adding violation upon violation it's hard to enforce. Then if you do get the scoop the public has to believe the whistle blower. Pretty tough gig but still, yes, we have not just a right but duty to be vigilant.
07-05-23 23:57:45
bigeffendeal ::: Favorites
Complex & confusing matters can usually be boiled down to a simple truth. This is the oath of office high gov officials make to the American people. Article II, Section I of the U.S. Constitution: "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."
07-05-23 20:51:33
anyusmoon1 ::: Favorites
lol, thanks elliswonder- I am going to remove that video, it's far too ridiculous for long term posting. I really just want to show Pumaman, the director of 'Fox Style' my honest reaction. Go RON PAUL
07-05-19 06:28:41
unobb ::: Favorites
Yes!! we love Ron Paul!! and I also love you because you stand for reason :)Thanks
07-05-18 23:59:39
anyusmoon1 ::: Favorites
;-) Nice post unobb, you're very kind. Please put at least one 'Ron Paul' item on your daily to-do list. I added a line to my email 'signature' VOTE RON PAUL. Will be ordering some bumper stickers soon (never EVER have done that before) :-) Thanks again for the post
07-05-19 06:30:41

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