Friday, October 19, 2007

Iraq Filibuster Rally/Vigil

Duration: 05:30 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-07-18 00:20:41
User: njpitney
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Majority Leader Reid, Speaker Pelosi and others speak at a rally/vigil outside the Capitol during the all-night Senate filibuster of Iraq withdrawal legislation


VoodooMagicMan ::: Favorites
Democrats = Pussy
07-08-07 01:34:49
whitewolfsarctic ::: Favorites
Iran is a Nazi base since 1953, America helped Iran conquer Iraq & Afghanistan. Premature withdrawal from Iraq & Afghanistan is in favor of Iran.
07-07-29 04:37:01
Bo0sh ::: Favorites
So when the Democrats initiate it then they get all the blame and are "pigs in slop" but when the republicans initiate it they are blameless and we justify it with patriotic smoke-screen about how it's America's war? Also, war is not about killing and bombing, those are just tatics, it's about money, power and control. And if you are paying attention then you will realize that the "defeatist refrains" are unfortunately accurate in their portrayal of the current state of affairs in this war.
07-07-19 21:58:17
shaire99 ::: Favorites
YOU ARE ONE SERIOUS NUTCASE, Crawl back into your trailer outside Las Vegas where you live with your alkie mom and shut the hell up. You're just a mentally deranged nobody with nothing to say.
07-07-19 20:44:56
eclecticEel ::: Favorites
If they were honest they wouldn't obscure their defeatism with euphemism such as "a new course" and "redeployment." Seeing this shameful display, it's no wonder why the islamofascists think we're all cowards.
07-07-19 19:51:30
nothankyoumam ::: Favorites
Wrong. The only ridiculous thing about this whole stinking, tragic mess is the president and the misguided idiots who continue to support him. We, the majority, will stop this pointless, wasteful war.
07-07-19 18:57:00
nullusclementia ::: Favorites
This was a rediculous political stunt pulled by the Dems. They have the power to end the war by cutting funding.They could stop it any time. But the Dems know that leaving Iraq too soon will be devastating. And even if they pull out of Iraq, the troops will be redeployed to Afghanistan. This won't solve anything.
07-07-19 18:22:07
patsagainstrats ::: Favorites
Why aren't the Democrats defunding the war if they're so against the policy? Because they're a bunch of cowards, that's why. BTW, I'm not convinced you're not a muzzie, Amir.
07-07-19 18:00:55
asabry24 ::: Favorites
im not muslim dip not religios and im an american first...and my point of view reps. the majority of the country...and cuz i was right about iraq, i get to say it. shitlist? you have a list that has shit on it? that sucks you should clean it.
07-07-19 17:34:40
patsagainstrats ::: Favorites
Your name is Amir? Well, that explains a lot. You're not a Democrat at all, you're a flat out muzzie. I'm adding you to my shit-list, assberry.
07-07-19 16:58:26

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