Sunday, October 14, 2007

How to Compress Time for Manifestation: Part 2 of 2

Duration: 08:30 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-03-31 15:16:42
User: DattatreyaSivaBaba
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Techniques from the Siddhas: Secret Techniques to Compress Time for Manifestation - Part 2 of 2


Kelidiscope ::: Favorites
What we would call Gawd(Creator/Creation) originates in this place. And can manifest anything imaginable. When we enter into this place, we are able to transcend our small personal self and become one with Creation, and manifest through our imagination with the power of Creation.
07-10-09 07:20:52
Kelidiscope ::: Favorites
There we can manifest as the Univerese manifests. Which Unlimited Infinite potential. Beyond Time. Which is apparently where people such as Jesus or Criss Angel, and other magicians go when they perform miracles and instantaneous manifestations.
07-10-09 07:16:49
Kelidiscope ::: Favorites
In this place is where apparently energy manifests from. Through Intention. The mind of Nature-Evolution. Like our own minds with the ability of Intention. Which Creates and Manifests. If you enter this place-this emptiness, beyond the ego and self, we are connected with Source. Infinity.
07-10-09 07:15:05
Kelidiscope ::: Favorites
In quantom theory, there is a place of apparent timelessness that orignates before creation. Emptiness that is the spaces between subatomic particles. 99.999+% empty space.
07-10-09 07:12:24
itisitsits ::: Favorites
Holy Guru, I feel your presence in this meditation. It is a feeling of finding the way into this space of warmth without time in Love with God. I am still so struck by the power you have through this medium of You Tube for immediacy, no time, all the time, and you are here with all of us in the experience. I see of us together in this warm and timeless center, bound in love, all over the world. It is such a gift, Lord Datta.
07-06-28 23:44:18
jasonfwp ::: Favorites
Try taking some actions to get your results in the real world. Too much inner and not enough outer will fuck you up. Balance.
07-06-26 01:21:49
synergee ::: Favorites
againsacred, please observe the motivation of your 'felt' needs...are they based in vanity? not that your desires wont manifest if they are based on vanity but you would be projecting a lot cleaner energy if you have a justification for your needs that you stand by..also determine if there are conflicting needs within you...self-exploration is the key...hope that helps...wish you the best :)
07-06-22 20:11:19
Lykanthropos4 ::: Favorites
Transend a step out of time? Visualize a though and it will manifest? This all sounds very interesting and I felt pretty nice when listening and trying what he said, but what is this process doing? Can anyone tell me what happened when they tried this long enough in lamen terms?
07-06-20 18:26:07
murderousalex ::: Favorites
repost pleassee
07-06-18 16:50:58
colonelhamilton ::: Favorites
I'm not sure wether awakening kundalini is exactly the same as the taoist alchemy i speak of. Maybe you know? They seem remarkably similiary. In the east when a student has merged his two energies and reached a certain level he is classed as an immortal. I'm guessing these are the same as Siddhas? Have you awakened kundalini? Are you able to manipulate prana outside of your body? Thanks so much for the excersises! God bless Youtube gurus.
07-06-18 15:00:34

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