Sunday, September 16, 2007


Duration: 03:47 minutes
Upload Time: 07-02-23 18:26:17
User: hapiending
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:::::WARNING:::::: I drop the F bomb @ the end of the video, so make sure small children are out of the room. ************************************************* I can't believe the stupid arguments that fox has come up with. Please take a look at the vid that this one is responding to and please visit their site.

johnlgibbs ::: Favorites
I don't give a crap about Obama, I'm just glad this crazy Chick isn't running fo
07-09-09 20:05:51
ZeroShift5000 ::: Favorites
maybe you should watch some FOX News programs instead of chopped up clips with no context whats so ever. Oh yeah I guess Democrats who work for FOX like Kirstin Powers, Alan Colmes, Susan Estrich, Ed Koch,Pat Caddell , Juan Williams, Tammy Bruce, Bob Beckel and Laura Schwartz are actually conservatives in disguise
07-08-22 17:12:16
AmericaRockz ::: Favorites
HAPIENDING: Hi guys, it's Dez. ummm...well..Obooma is a black man..which makes him a black person right?..well..Obooma is running for if he wins the presidency he will be a President right? because he cannot be a President if he does not win the election right?.. then that would make him a black President..wait, let me a black president. WORLD: You ability to reason systematically is amazing. Let me express my condolences for making a fool out of yourself.
07-08-15 00:27:43
AHgreentea22 ::: Favorites
Honey, you got it all backwards. These FOX attacks are meant to get people supporting him! Oh poor Obama, he's a minority! If he was a candidate actually WORTH voting for, he wouldn't have SO much mainstream media exposure! 'Bad' publicity is better than no publicity! I'm not attacking his race or religious views. Hell, I'd definitely vote for him if he was a Constitutionalist, like Ron Paul. But he's a little too close to Hillary for me. He'll probably be that foul woman's VP (Heaven forbid).
07-08-13 13:58:51
TacoJFK3226 ::: Favorites
Obama Sucks. Good for Fox because he is not God nor Jesus!
07-08-11 16:08:38
capslock86 ::: Favorites
excellent video cheers
07-08-10 23:45:56
koya25555 ::: Favorites
AMAZINGLY well said! LOVE YOU! We are teaching children to hate Muslims for no obvious reason. Americans bombed themselves and are blaming Muslims for it. Shame
07-08-08 06:02:04
sonnynamada ::: Favorites
very true... still in the primaries...good point and ps. i also agree with some of the comments: u r very cute too...
07-08-06 05:12:35
blacktigerwu ::: Favorites
get this their biggest bomb was that get this....He's a smoker!!!!!! He smokes ciggarettes OMG he must be the devil himself. FUCK FOX !!!!
07-08-01 11:17:28
Jebus9111 ::: Favorites
07-08-01 08:02:37

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