Sunday, September 9, 2007

Namewee's Negarakuku Vid Response (malaysian must watch)

Duration: 03:05 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-07 07:18:58
User: da42twinstar
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Its a video response to Namewee's Negarakuku.. We malay understand ur feeling but the way you show your emotions is wrong... this is a video for you Namewee...

Jason1448196 ::: Favorites
We are M'sian.I have Indian & Malay as well as Kadazan friends.I don't hate them,on contrary,I'm willing to help them if they face any problems. As a Malaysia Chinese,myself have to look forward what are resultants & impacts to our next generation which under government's unprotected policies.
07-09-09 11:21:56
Jason1448196 ::: Favorites
8.The case had been reported to police & found out the truth that the Indonesian maid abused the owner's three years old son.She was scared n ran away as her bad behavior was captured by hidden CCTV. BTW,why don't you tell me why the Indonesian trainer being hit by M'sia policemen just happened recently.
07-09-09 10:29:35
Jason1448196 ::: Favorites
Pls understand my comment carefully.[Sila fahamkan ulasan saya dengan teliti] Why most of the Malaysia Chinese are successful in their business or life,because they are; 2.I was not insulting other races,on the other hand just telling the facts that disagreed this vid.We must admit our mistake,learn from mistake n do not repeat it.One will not succeed without his or her great efforts or hardships. 3.Don't blame other,nobody can not be easily manipulated if he or she is wise.
07-09-09 10:28:33
bobbythamby ::: Favorites
ko ni cina tak sekolah la, cina bodoh! cina tak belajar agama punya org! How shallow u r! bodohnye... cina takde ramai anak coz konek cina men tak sedap!! manyak kecik.. manyak basah cepat.. manyak cepat keluar air.. belum masuk sudah kalah..apa mcm mau buat anak? tak berjaya loh... :> cina spesis konek kecik, SERIUS! Only few have normal one, but superb one, u have to take viagra! hahahh!! pure chinese lady, not satisfied... :)
07-09-09 08:34:19
bobbythamby ::: Favorites
2. malay too hardworking, indian too, sabahan too! all other races too! 3. Not Positive BUT SELFISH, MANIPUTAIVE THINKING! U survive bcoz u know how to manipulated other races for your benefit! No. 8? R u sure?? U cina people very IMPATIENT! Look at how u treat ur Indonesian maid? bcoz u all tak ada kesabaran!! Tak tahan dgn org lembeb mau pukul!! sabar ke? Itu namanya JAHAT, KEJAM!! I Continue someother time ok, i want to work now.. Jason, I have all the above criteria that u listed :)
07-09-09 08:28:31
duckshines ::: Favorites
malay sakais. check this site out -> w w w . urbandictionary . c o m / malay
07-09-09 05:25:10
savein5237 ::: Favorites
sadly not1 malay seen negarakuku lirik as a positive comment on Malaysia goverment! truely we respect muslim n malay but they seen this as a "must" to them,so they didnt actually respect us!! Malay will corrupt if they still depent on goverment DEB,i hope all malay in malaysia will known their wrong!! thx god!!!
07-09-09 00:10:36
mightyhunk ::: Favorites
This video is from anjing haram. FXXX him.
07-09-08 22:23:45
patricksongchuan ::: Favorites
梦很美,梦话很好听。。。 鸵鸟把头埋进沙堆里以为什么事都没有发生。
07-09-08 13:15:23
orgmsia ::: Favorites
Melayu masih tak boleh terima negara ini untuk semua....Mereka ingat Melaysia ini Melayu Sdn Bhd... Walaupun sudah 50 tahun merdeka.
07-09-08 12:49:45

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