Monday, August 27, 2007

The Term "African-American" Sucks

Duration: 03:12 minutes
Upload Time: 07-04-11 12:10:52
User: XOmniverse
:::: Favorites

Why I dislike the term "African-American" as a way to describe black people.

XOmniverse ::: Favorites
Everyone in the United States has the option of "not caring about the color of someone's skin" e.g. of not being a racist. Your inability to deal with the insults of people whose opinion you shouldn't regard in the first place is nobody's problem but you're own.
07-08-19 00:04:47
BeCoily3Paula ::: Favorites
Its not as simple as an insult.
07-08-19 00:48:01
XOmniverse ::: Favorites
You're free to practice whatever traditions and develop whatever culture you want.
07-08-19 00:03:30
BeCoily3Paula ::: Favorites
Well other groups dont just close their eyes and point to a place and practice a custom that they dont fully understand because they werent born into it. Also, if we do that the indigenous people may get angry because it is insulting to them.
07-08-19 00:46:23
hthmoney ::: Favorites
07-08-25 01:11:42
XOmniverse ::: Favorites
Most of us didn't volunteer to be here; I was born here, personally. The word "We" is invalid here; you do not get to claim credit for the actions of other people who share some portion of your gene pool. To make such a claim is collectivism, plain and simple.
07-08-19 00:02:38
BeCoily3Paula ::: Favorites
Volunteer...meaning we were slaves, no one has that history. Actually Black people would allow me to use "we" as WE all do and its okay with us. It's not valid here...because its your video....a white man. But all that matters is the opinions of Blacks.
07-08-19 00:47:38
SinistralEbb ::: Favorites
You are not that are just like weren't a slave and neither were we. If you go back far enough, most people's descendents suffered great losses in one form or another at the hands of another group of people.
07-08-20 03:58:29
SinistralEbb ::: Favorites
lolol..."a red-headed bitch"...dude...u're 2 funny :D
07-08-18 21:06:42
BeCoily3Paula ::: Favorites
Also, I would like to add that African-Americans encompasses us being mixed up during and after slavery. American implies more than just citizenship in that. It implies a multicultural identity as well, that is common in the descendants of African slaves.
07-08-18 19:08:36
XOmniverse ::: Favorites
Attempting to assign identities to people based on a common gene pool is racism. People are free to be whoever they want to be, and are not bound to a "multicultural identity."
07-08-19 00:05:43
BeCoily3Paula ::: Favorites
Wow. you are very close-minded where you cant even see what Im saying. ME...A BLACK woman. You have it all figured out. Go on and be ignorant, but YOU, a white man...cannot tell me about my IDENTITY.
07-08-19 00:48:38
XOmniverse ::: Favorites
I didn't tell you anything about your identity. I'm simply saying it's not right to automatically assign an identity to other people of the same race as you based on a shared genetic lineage.
07-08-19 08:27:35
SinistralEbb ::: Favorites
You are very stuck up about your color. The guy in the video is absolutely right. I wasn't born in the US., so technically I am a European American, but I refer to myself as just american never european american. A lot of american blacks weren't even born in Africa let alone set foot in it, and they go around calling themselves African Americans. What a joke!
07-08-20 02:26:48
SinistralEbb ::: Favorites
By the subscribe to ChoclitMa (I'm very familiar with her bullsh* much for your credibility.
07-08-20 02:29:09
BeCoily3Paula ::: Favorites
07-08-18 19:06:07
BeCoily3Paula ::: Favorites
Not "special" but our history is different.
07-08-18 19:05:57
SinistralEbb ::: Favorites
But don't you see what goes on? By acting different, dressing differently, and speaking differently and having odd names you are alienating yourselves from the rest of society because there are less commonalities to share with others if you appear so different from the average individual.
07-08-18 21:03:48
BeCoily3Paula ::: Favorites
Well you're in Britain too. It makes sense if you understand America and the history of Africans in America.
07-08-18 19:05:11
BeCoily3Paula ::: Favorites
Well, cracker may be offensive and you have that right to get offended. But the large difference was there was never any violence & power behind "cracker" but there will always be a violent sentiment behind "nigger".
07-08-18 19:03:54

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