Monday, August 13, 2007

Ron Paul vs. Morton Downey Jr.'s audience 1988

Duration: 62 seconds
Upload Time: 07-06-15 22:06:33
User: PatPeeve416
:::: Favorites

Ron Paul takes on Morton Downey Jr.'s buffoons just before the 4th of July weekend 1988

Lincoln6Echo1 ::: Favorites
LOL! Are you calling me an Israeli??? Hmmm...a common tactic used by those who would love to abandon our friends just so that we can twiddle our thumbs here at home. Sorry, I don't abandon my friends just because it might save my own ass. You might, but I don't.
07-08-12 14:22:22
smithcart ::: Favorites
Ask the men who were on the USS Liberty if the Israelis are our friends???!!!
07-08-12 14:27:59
Iamtheice ::: Favorites
Wow, that was funny, but a lot of people will think that's kind of rude and childish of him. Hope this doesn't get too much attention if Dr. Paul gets more popular.
07-08-12 16:52:39
voltrabbit7 ::: Favorites
Let people talk about it, so what if Ron said that guy was (and I quote) "a little overweight". He made a strong point, the government has no place in telling us how to live. If you want to eat junk food and not exercise, the government can't tell you different even though obesity has been declared a national epidemic. Drugs (perscription and illegal) are also a public health issues that should be handled by each state, not dictated by the government.
07-08-12 17:19:39
911guy ::: Favorites
tesci... No, what Ron Paul supporters have become is fringe fanatics that are closer to being Libertarians than Republicans. Exactly why, as you saw yesterday in Iowa's straw poll, that he can never be nominated in the Republican primary,is that America is not going to elect another Texas politician so soon after the last. Sorry, but Ron Paul is a lost cause.
07-08-12 18:55:07
AVRILfuckingSUCKS ::: Favorites
911- People should be elected for their individual platform, not by residence or place of birth associated with another individual. That's collectivism.
07-08-12 19:22:37
hpmc6 ::: Favorites
I dont like ron paul because he voted for H-1b visas, but he totally owned that 'war on drugs' hack with the weight remark
07-08-12 20:13:55
bertraaa ::: Favorites
Ron needs to be president of the USA, the country is falling apart fast and hard and we need someone like him to grab the bull by the horns and pull everything together!
07-08-12 21:44:29
tescr ::: Favorites
Breaking Mews: Americans have learned to see beyond the labels (Libertarians, Right, Left, Liberals, Conservatives, Pro-this-that etc) that our media and leaders would like to use to divide us. The message of freedom cuts across all lines. FREEDOM IS POPULAR.
07-08-12 22:31:41
macarion ::: Favorites
07-08-13 02:15:29

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