Thursday, August 2, 2007

Playstation 3 Games Release Reel

Duration: 377 seconds
Upload Time: 06-12-06 12:52:33
User: DeadPixels
:::: Favorites

A compilation of Playstation titles most avalailable at launch. Song: Fasten your seatbelt - Pendulum

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joeri200292 ::: Favorites
07-03-20 16:27:25
zeesham13 ::: Favorites
xbox 360 iz ps3 has motion senser so beat dat u faggot!!
07-04-26 15:26:32
george1459 ::: Favorites
What kinda of dipshit goes out and buys a fucking PS3 which is almost double the price of a 360, doesn't supply as much RAM, graphics are pretty much equil to the 360 and they miss out on the best game of all fuckin' time! PS3 owners...u've made the biggest mistakes of ur lives!!! but its not to late, get rid of ur shitty, waste of space console and get a frickin XBOX 360!! copy and paste this on all other vids plz!
07-06-17 07:43:36
wangegala ::: Favorites
oh my daze i just have to luagh at you george you are pathetic 1st off the graphics are better it is free to go on the internet on a ps3 you can email other ps3 users you can go on msn on ps3 and also websties like ps3 and also well it is fucking better than xbox360
07-06-21 16:55:27
tatang93 ::: Favorites
george.. lolz.. u must really hate ps3's.... but truth is ps3 kicks 360's ass... but i dont hate 360's just dont like em as much as a PS3!!
07-07-03 08:00:22
ugonnady1 ::: Favorites
lol dont be sad poor beggar
07-07-04 10:13:15
mynameistr0y ::: Favorites
I got a 360 right now with alot of games and i have to say - I HATE IT. Fuck you, i'm getting a ps3.
07-07-15 05:15:29
forkspoonverysoon ::: Favorites
Hi! Would you like to comment and rate a <b>Final fantasy parody</b> video? I will gladly return the favour whenever you ask! :) Search: <b>Final Selectscreen XXIII</b> Ps: I gave your video a <b>5/5 star</b> :)
07-07-17 13:36:34
ToxicatedLum ::: Favorites
how is tony hawks a playstation title its on xbox too
07-07-22 06:38:14
trickfool ::: Favorites
YOU want a PS3,360 or Wii? just follow these steps: 1. go to xpango(dot)com 2. click at: sign up now (its free) 3. fill in the required fields , and enter by the REFERAL ID this number: 90589288 > FILL IN AN VALID E-MAIL ADDRESS! and choose also the gift you want! 4. than click at register 5. you will recieve a e-mail from xpango, click at the link they gave you to activate your account. 6. log in, 7. complete free offers for credits FILL IN THIS REFERAL ID: 90589288
07-08-01 08:07:03

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