Thursday, August 16, 2007

"Stealing a Nation" by John Pilger. 1 of 6

Duration: 09:19 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-02 20:27:27
User: cheegum
:::: Favorites

A report about about the people of diego garcia (a former colony of Britain) and how the 2000 some population of black people was betrayed by its government, the British government. These people were living a peaceful life when the british government decided to deport them all unconditionally and hand the island over to the USA to be used as a MILITARY BASE! Those who refused to leave were tortured, starved and whatever deed possible was done to evacuate them. They were then relocated in horrendous slums in Mauritius. Most of them died of hunger, disease, poverty or just depression. Whole generations uprooted and destroyed. All thanks to the righteous British and American governments. This island today is used as a military base from where the americans have launched attacks on Iraq, Afghanistan and other countries.

mariettaga ::: Favorites
What in the hell is wrong with the U.S and Great Britain? I don't like to call people devils but these governments r pure evil, beast, and yes savages 2.
07-06-03 00:09:53
aljawadn ::: Favorites
I agree mariettaga! They're so hypocritical!
07-07-31 17:13:50
BlueBerryPickn ::: Favorites
OMG... I can only say, be grateful you aren't an 'American Protectorate' like Saipan... or Puerto Rico... small mercies... Spread Love... ... but wear the Glove! BlueBerry Pick'n can be found @ ThisCanadian "Silent Freedom is Freedom Silenced"
07-06-03 21:06:36
papernigga ::: Favorites
And America calls itself the greatest nation on the earth...and then they wonder people all over the world don't like they ass...this makes me ashamed to be from this country...but then I think it's not the nation...its the powers that be...that people don't like...that is a shame.
07-06-03 21:29:20
blackhebrew06 ::: Favorites
The answer to these problems are found on this 2 part video. The problem and solution regarding the Hebrew Israelites pt1
07-06-04 14:01:43
zamanikarmana ::: Favorites
Watch it on my page: "Globalization: New Rulers of The World" >> Yet another "greatest country" crime. Please show your support againts Globalization, Capitalism, Poverty, Unfair Trade, and other injustice that happen in the world by spreading the video! Best regard and Thank you..
07-06-11 05:08:43
airemember ::: Favorites
Thanks to John Pilger and people with great concerns, I get to feed myself with information. Yes I am with you. Front page of new major medias, we dont see any of these hidden sad facts. Sad to see this huge divide between money hungry monsters and people who are trying to live and happy. The world seems to be heading facism state and officials would like to catagorize these movements as threaten terrorism acts yet they are much harsher to people. It does not make sense.
07-08-06 09:39:21

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