Friday, August 24, 2007

Loch Ness Monster Latest from Fox News

Duration: 01:28 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-01 13:04:56
User: leonlazarevic
:::: Favorites

Viewers are blaming Rosie for trying to fake the new sighting of "Nessie" the most famous monster after the big foot.

hawkfriday ::: Favorites
ha. i live in memphis. cool
07-08-18 14:57:29
Sonics1fan ::: Favorites
I go CRAZY under water like in the ocean or something not a pool but like the ocean i dont feel safe AT ALL I dont know what it is or that its my mind tricking me
07-08-14 01:54:49
shaansmsm ::: Favorites
07-08-03 07:01:06
okifeelthat ::: Favorites
i hate fox news too..
07-07-04 16:36:51
djbutipower ::: Favorites
07-07-02 00:52:56
hoolezsf21 ::: Favorites
hmmmmm what if they make a mini submarine that can fit like 5 people on it to swim under the lochness lake what of they do that?
07-06-17 06:08:31
teckbestofdawest ::: Favorites
its possible but there to stupid to do that.
07-07-03 11:31:49
sampepkestudios ::: Favorites
there is too much seaweed other wise they wood have done that or something else
07-08-13 20:12:27
halostar109 ::: Favorites
people are saying when nessie was first seen a circus was passing though and nessie was a swiming circus elphant the trunk the head of nessie the back of nessie was the head of the elphant this proves them wrong!!!!!
07-06-11 17:37:51
stephenisuncool ::: Favorites
poor, poor, narrow-minded news anchors with their insignificant opinions. Go to hell nessie haters.
07-06-07 01:35:46
trait7 ::: Favorites
"what idiots for condemning a blurry video of absolutely nothing! god I hate fox news argh argh argh" Go hold hands with your same-sex partner and cuddle up around the fire watching CNN and sipping cosmopolitans.
07-06-06 07:27:33
blobgak ::: Favorites
Fox news is so biased. go to hell
07-06-04 21:25:17
savvyanne ::: Favorites
Another gem from fox. Man, they really have no integrity.
07-06-04 04:30:59
yetimasta ::: Favorites
07-06-04 02:09:57
Skycamper ::: Favorites
the video was recorded with the a volume way too high..
07-06-03 06:19:18
LMBandKid ::: Favorites
It Does A Real Shadow of an airplane or something.
07-06-02 16:22:24
okifeelthat ::: Favorites
uhh why is the sound so loud!!!! my eardrums bursted!!!!damn you fox!
07-06-02 14:48:40
jimmyjazz420 ::: Favorites
its on the right
07-06-02 13:45:36
ilovelucyandrenee ::: Favorites
haha fox hasn't "turned" into a bunch of morons, they were from the beginning.
07-06-02 13:31:14
kudjo24 ::: Favorites
fox has turned into a bunch of morons, there is nothing absurd that a dinosaur from millions of years ago is still living. if you figure, there's probably a good number of nessie's in the lake
07-06-02 12:08:19

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