Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Hog hunt Texas style

Duration: 239 seconds
Upload Time: 07-03-08 21:40:52
User: dwhunter1
:::: Favorites

Wild hog hunting with dogs

utsuriman ::: Favorites
Hey carguy& bigpappa or is that pussy? Go eat shit Im for animal rights. Im a Marine. F U . I fought for this country. What a puss U both r to pic on a woman. If I get up to Wash. Ill look u up & shut your ass up. Pick on a guy not girls U pussie's.
07-07-20 18:00:04
soxy709 ::: Favorites
07-07-27 21:10:50
6peach6 ::: Favorites
as far as evidence to support killing Hogs/feral/boars.. I can give ya some.. Im a wildlife major and belive me when i say all the DNR (department of Natural Resources) and Wildlife Resource Agencies not only encourage these hunts but also conduct them themselves.. and they dont relocate these animals. ill have to be post later.
07-07-31 19:56:10
MISANTHOPIST ::: Favorites
hope u eat it at the end guys!!! otherwise ur a sick mind!! i cant kill a mosqueito!!:D but im not against hunting!!! id love to be a hunter , but not for fun, to eat what i hunt!!lol
07-08-04 21:19:15
zinkcoo ::: Favorites
These people make me ashamed of being a human.
07-08-04 22:04:49
dwhunter1 ::: Favorites
Ok then, go off and hide in your corner
07-08-05 10:47:09
dwhunter1 ::: Favorites
Real hunter always eat what they kill. It is much better for you and fantastic.
07-08-05 10:48:25
zinkcoo ::: Favorites
I'm not exactly against hunting. I can accept the concept of hunting. But is it really necessary to make the dogs tear apart the hog while it's still alive? Why make it suffer so much? Why not give it a quick death and get it over with? It's the practice of Hog-baiting that seems dishonourable.
07-08-05 12:08:42
dwhunter1 ::: Favorites
No where in the video are the dogs tearing up a hog, the dogs hold the hog at bay until the hog is captured, killed or released. Don't underestimate the hogs, I have seen them rip a dog wide open with their tusks on numerous occasions as well as turn on a hunter, these animals can be ferocious
07-08-05 12:16:01
zinkcoo ::: Favorites
Yeah, I've heard of those tusks being dangerous. But in some videos on youtube, I have seen the hunter being unfair to the hog by holding it while he lets the dogs tear apart the hog. I think it's the ethical thing to at least give the hog a fair chance to fight. When ancient American Indians would go hunting, they would give full respect to their prey. Hunting was a way of life for them. But that's my idealistic thinking I guess.
07-08-05 13:00:10

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