Friday, August 10, 2007

Battlefield 2 in Real Life- Chapter 1: The Classes

Duration: 430 seconds
Upload Time: 06-02-17 02:37:31
User: JamesAJanisse
:::: Favorites

This is the original Battlefield 2 in Real Life video that introduces and pokes fun of the seven classes one can play as in Bf2. The video introduces the classes as well as the actors who play the characters, and the stereotypes that continue to develop throughout the series. From Smokebomb Productions

41ACE ::: Favorites
fuc kin noobs!
07-07-13 01:44:19
Mauritz93 ::: Favorites
they are noobs , but the weaps , they maded it good xD The machingun , sniper , and the SMG ....
07-07-15 11:00:30
Merlynswolf ::: Favorites
a bit lame but the medic is bloddy hilarious, good effort
07-07-15 21:23:03
beerfest999 ::: Favorites
well the sniper guy really sucks, ure suposed to be able to take out a guy in a single shot not firing everywhere, but the medic was hilarious, nice job guys
07-07-26 02:58:14
pilot385 ::: Favorites
you guys need to get laid.....but overall good job
07-07-26 14:58:11
aeviv ::: Favorites
lol gd job lads, not too keen on ur interpritation of assault, as while 50% of assault players are bunny hopping grenade whoring noobs, the other 50 are some the best players out there
07-07-27 19:44:56
SirZatan ::: Favorites
07-08-01 06:12:49
C759 ::: Favorites
the medic was fun but the rest sucked very hard. get a life guys
07-08-02 04:29:30
raiden233 ::: Favorites
anti tank guy ruls
07-08-08 10:38:35
LoneWolf686 ::: Favorites
lol the weapons are.......... weird
07-08-09 19:41:58

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