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Duration: 09:19 minutes Upload Time: 07-07-24 23:40:09 User: PierreElliottTrudeau :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: Video Cam Direct Upload |
Comments | |
avoozl07 ::: Favorites You're an inspiration for birth control...poke a hole in your mask boy. 07-08-02 21:17:57 __________________________________________________ | |
avoozl07 ::: Favorites "cock's good" videos only give Pierre credability...magus your mom should have swallowed. 07-08-02 21:15:16 __________________________________________________ | |
billbacon ::: Favorites HAHAHA! What are you doing talking to that guy? You'll see how pointless this is. At least it'll be fun to watch. 07-07-26 20:49:30 __________________________________________________ | |
MagusStryfeZ ::: Favorites Perhaps you should watch CGs video, where the stupidity and bull of "Pierre" is exposed 07-07-26 18:45:55 __________________________________________________ | |
MagusStryfeZ ::: Favorites Kiddo? You're what a few years older than me? LOL. We all saw your video, and Conservaguy exposed your bullshit - you're just another liberal retard, CG has never mentioned Mel Gibson you moron, twisting is words is the only way you can form a (poor) argument 07-07-26 18:44:06 __________________________________________________ | |
UnhealthySalad ::: Favorites What's with liberal being some kind of insult anyway? "Oh no liberals are trying to destroy the world, get them!" You guys are pathetic. Blah blah liberals blah blah blah. Don't you guys get tried spouting the same, meaningless bullshit? Liberalism & conservatism no longer exist in their true form anyway. It's all neo-liberalism & neo-conservatism now for the most part. Haven't you guys realized you're playing a silly little game--or rather, being played? Grow out of this ridiculous paradigm. 07-07-26 17:06:55 __________________________________________________ | |
Fringe111 ::: Favorites I agree with most of what you say. But here's my question. This has always been a two party country and of course people see things diffently. But that's how our country has worked for 200 plus years. I for one would like it to stay that way 07-07-26 16:41:43 __________________________________________________ | |
Fringe111 ::: Favorites He never said that 07-07-26 16:37:14 __________________________________________________ | |
PierreElliottTrudeau ::: Favorites a.k.a? Anyone who is part of the elite class. I make no distinction based on their religious beliefs. You're trying to group me when I am an individual not part of a collective. We're all different. Think outside the bubble kiddo. 07-07-26 15:29:41 __________________________________________________ | |
MagusStryfeZ ::: Favorites It is perfectly clear from your videos what type of person you are - The "jews" aka the elite? Get a grip 07-07-26 15:19:16 __________________________________________________ |
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Re: C'est une guerre M.P.I
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Duration: 05:50 minutes Upload Time: 07-05-30 14:45:24 User: PierreElliottTrudeau :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: Mon Vidéo démontre la réalité. Ce n'est pas de la propagande car je laisse les images parler. Ce sont de VRAIE photo démontrant les deux cotes de chaques conflits. |
Comments | |
tameremesucelegland ::: Favorites Bon toi aussi tu dis n'importe quoi PierreElliottTrudeau surtout que tu nous raconte ta vie et tes opinions politiques. Tu souffre d'une solitude extrème. PS : Ce ne sont pas les Québécois qui ont annexés les Amérindiens (tu dis Indiens, tu ne connais même pas le nom de ta propre nation), ce sont les français. 07-08-31 19:53:29 __________________________________________________ | |
Qclibre2K7 ::: Favorites T'es bête comme ca se peux pas ti-coune, tu n'aime pas la loi-101 que tu trouve raciste, Parizeau inclus, et c'est clair que t'es fédéraliste. On à p-e fais ce dont tu nous accuse effectivement, mais devine quoi, la paix des braves ca ne te dis rien ca? 07-08-29 20:32:28 __________________________________________________ | |
rejet147 ::: Favorites Bravo, excellent commentaire. Tu devrais penser à voter pour le NPD, je crois que ce parti représente tes valeurs. 07-08-26 15:41:12 __________________________________________________ | |
ght29kc ::: Favorites Québécois n ont rien avoir avec le sort des Mowhaks back then anyway you were Brittish Suckers , remember ? 07-07-22 23:40:30 __________________________________________________ | |
baal26 ::: Favorites trudeau j'ai écouter intégralement ton message même si le contenu ne me plait pas bon tu t'affirme comme abénakis ami de ces cher mohaks qui sont déja nos ennemi alors meme si nous attaque quesse tu veut sa me criss moi mes ancêtre étais en parti huron donc mowhak ou anglais c'est la meme chose pour moi et deuxieme chose tu dit detester la violence pourtant tu porte le pseudonyme du pire pourris qui a jamais eu et qui a déclarer les mesure de guerre et tenu le quebec dans la terreur 07-07-02 20:43:26 __________________________________________________ | |
philbox17 ::: Favorites Nous Vaincrons!!! 07-06-12 06:35:23 __________________________________________________ | |
bizzchou ::: Favorites ok ok debors phill chui de ton bord XD 07-06-10 17:51:38 __________________________________________________ | |
philbox17 ::: Favorites mais sans perde de vu notre but premier l'indépendance!!! 07-06-10 17:23:50 __________________________________________________ | |
philbox17 ::: Favorites faudrais ce soucier plus de la cause amerindienne. 07-06-10 17:23:09 __________________________________________________ | |
bizzchou ::: Favorites lol jpense ke tout lmonde se fou un peu des amérindiens mon cher la tu fais un parallèle ac eux autre mais la comme tu dis faut regarder le futur bin moi je dis VIVE LE QUÉBEC LIBRE! et puis fuck les anglais. bon bin voila 07-06-10 16:24:13 __________________________________________________ |
Crank Dat Spiderman
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Duration: 02:39 minutes Upload Time: 07-07-27 18:00:11 User: bchockey514 :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: BOSS |
Comments | |
lickmehead2toe89 ::: Favorites goshdern babe!! the guy in the black..woooowee babe!! 07-09-29 18:17:41 __________________________________________________ | |
bowlingrules54 ::: Favorites these guys rock!!.. guy in the blue hat is hot!!.. and good.. the one in the red is good too!!....where can I find these guys woot!!!.... 07-09-29 16:32:39 __________________________________________________ | |
dominicanpapi470 ::: Favorites dis shit was hot..only white boys dat can dance.. 07-09-28 21:28:04 __________________________________________________ | |
SuperFlyChika ::: Favorites yeah that kid in the blue hat is Sick Nastyy.. 07-09-28 20:00:04 __________________________________________________ | |
nikkinova91 ::: Favorites the one in the blue hat did better, sorry red head 07-09-26 21:35:04 __________________________________________________ | |
gfb24769 ::: Favorites ayyy that shit was tight 07-09-25 20:53:54 __________________________________________________ | |
yaya722334455 ::: Favorites where can i find so white boys like this 07-09-25 07:05:41 __________________________________________________ | |
pr1chick ::: Favorites not bad white boiiz.......not bad.....jk 07-09-24 15:56:23 __________________________________________________ | |
Shunda94 ::: Favorites nice video! you can dance! 07-09-24 15:56:11 __________________________________________________ | |
hiimshiannex3 ::: Favorites you guys are prettty damn good. 07-09-23 19:19:17 __________________________________________________ |
BlueDevils_Hey Ya!
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Duration: 02:50 minutes Upload Time: 06-04-28 01:27:05 User: ayid87viccb :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: drum mie!!! |
Comments | |
crazyforbagminton ::: Favorites Why? 07-08-21 00:47:14 __________________________________________________ | |
Zero724 ::: Favorites If you think its dirty, ever stop to think it might be because they're in an abandoned warehouse? 07-03-06 17:43:09 __________________________________________________ | |
sluggythezealot ::: Favorites sorry man, we all know they are good but that was dirty as shit. They don't care, we don't care either since they are just screwing around. 07-01-05 21:14:35 __________________________________________________ | |
Hmongguitargod ::: Favorites six-tuplet at 1:31 is hell a dirty guys....c'mon...this is not blue devil "A" corp quality 07-01-05 04:41:00 __________________________________________________ | |
drumperson1 ::: Favorites wow dirty? dude THEY ARE THE BLUE DEVILS WHAT EVER THEY DO THEY MEANT TO! do you realy think they would have a video of them playing dirty or would they do a retake? you have no idea what you are talking about man. THESE ARE UMONG THE BEST DRUMMERS IN THE WORLD! 07-01-04 02:22:32 __________________________________________________ | |
drumperson1 ::: Favorites well i was unaware of the blue devils entertainmeant group but there are alot of 02 ppl in there so i thought it was 02. 06-12-07 20:13:42 __________________________________________________ | |
thisismax ::: Favorites I don't think it's 02 BD. Our drumline's snare tech (from high school and drum corps) is in there, and he didn't march BD until 04. 06-11-30 19:05:33 __________________________________________________ | |
alexleehom ::: Favorites serious shit!!! 06-11-16 22:33:03 __________________________________________________ | |
drumperson1 ::: Favorites LOL after i said that i went to some 02 videos and saw some familiar faces and yeah its 02 devils. i just never saw that year of bd. 06-10-07 13:14:58 __________________________________________________ | |
kietey14 ::: Favorites Have you ever "played drumcorps" using the terminology you gave me rather than saying marched. Yea some parts past the singles were fuzzy but it wasnt never dirty. I can tell dirt when I see it but there isnt much here. 06-09-23 16:02:53 __________________________________________________ |
Besenyő Pista - Kultúra
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Duration: 05:11 minutes Upload Time: 07-04-09 04:44:00 User: gorcsevivan :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: Besenyő M. István előad a l'art pour l'art társulat 10. előadásán... |
Comments | |
frequeen ::: Favorites LEGJOBB! 07-09-27 18:00:24 __________________________________________________ | |
csetneki ::: Favorites áááá, befosok akármikoe mnegnézem! :-D a legjobbak!!! 07-09-27 08:39:11 __________________________________________________ | |
Helfi2 ::: Favorites Ezt meg kell néznem minden nap, mert rángógörcseim és kiütéseim lesznek, ha nem. Óriási, ori..o.oriá.oo! 07-09-17 17:30:27 __________________________________________________ | |
drbobee ::: Favorites L art pour L art forever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 07-09-05 14:41:06 __________________________________________________ | |
djhuby88 ::: Favorites muzsikazene.......lol Óriási :) 07-08-31 16:58:27 __________________________________________________ | |
ovalbogar ::: Favorites nem!De!Miért nem? 07-08-21 08:21:16 __________________________________________________ | |
terrorcsapda ::: Favorites ez qrva nagyXD 07-08-21 07:10:13 __________________________________________________ | |
bluggyblugy ::: Favorites Nemcsak Pista bácsi mesteri, de ez a DSR KONFERANSZIÉ AGYELDOBÁÁÁÁÁÁSSS! XD 07-08-10 00:21:05 __________________________________________________ | |
Mumuska16 ::: Favorites ezt könnyen meg lehet oldni megfogod és kitörlöd az ide írt kommentjeiket ezzel együtt 07-08-08 04:25:28 __________________________________________________ | |
gorcsevivan ::: Favorites Srácok, ezt rendezzétek el egy fórumon, vagy mittudomén, de ne itt 'nálam' szemeteljetek. Kérlek. Há' nem? 07-08-05 12:21:53 __________________________________________________ |
Earl Carpenter and Robyn North--"Phantom of the Opera"
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Duration: 03:20 minutes Upload Time: 07-08-26 20:13:01 User: MCfanatic1992 :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: This is requestd so i did it lol Earl and Robyn! Please comment and sorry for the blank screen and Earl beng cut off |
Comments | |
phantomphan42 ::: Favorites I saw this yesterday and it was breathtaking. I have seen it 3 times now and Earl is amazing. It is such a shame that he is leaving. I also thought that Robyn's acting was brilliant. one of the best christines i have seen 07-09-05 07:00:19 __________________________________________________ | |
PhantomJake ::: Favorites i saw Robyn just wen the cast changed, i loved her, her acting im PHANTASTIC, i loveRobyn 07-08-29 17:49:59 __________________________________________________ | |
davidphantomoftheope ::: Favorites Thanks a lot!! I really wanted to hear Robyn's high note. Could you post Tabitha Webb's if you have it? Thanks. 07-08-28 09:33:06 __________________________________________________ | |
davidphantomoftheope ::: Favorites I posted that comment before listening to it. Where's the high note? 07-08-28 09:34:49 __________________________________________________ | |
MCfanatic1992 ::: Favorites oh my god i am sorry i oidnt know about it i will ry and repost it 07-08-28 09:45:47 __________________________________________________ | |
davidphantomoftheope ::: Favorites Thanks! 07-08-28 09:48:51 __________________________________________________ | |
davidphantomoftheope ::: Favorites When are you going to re-post it? 07-08-31 06:04:17 __________________________________________________ | |
okilodolicy ::: Favorites thanks 07-08-26 20:44:29 __________________________________________________ | |
okilodolicy ::: Favorites ok if its not to much troubel any thing with the robyn north from phantom or prima donna london if u can thanks 07-08-26 20:42:26 __________________________________________________ | |
MCfanatic1992 ::: Favorites okies i will se wat i can doo 07-08-26 20:43:59 __________________________________________________ |
Tsubasa Türkçe Mutlaka İzle Gülmekten Yarıl :)
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Duration: 03:03 minutes Upload Time: 07-06-17 13:53:40 User: hamster544 :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: Tsubasanın Türkçe Introsu :D |
Comments | |
cames007 ::: Favorites hahha süper olmuş lan tbrkler 07-09-30 06:00:43 __________________________________________________ | |
erhanski2001 ::: Favorites 10 numara 07-09-30 04:23:42 __________________________________________________ | |
gfburak32 ::: Favorites emmoglu git al şuniiiiiiiiii zuhaaaa süper olmuş 07-09-26 10:07:39 __________________________________________________ | |
Terfen ::: Favorites abi cok güzel yaa yercekimini altüst etmişler ama hala izlenio... izlediğim zamanlar aklıma geldi sarkının sözleri de dehset olmus ellerinize sağlık:D:D 07-09-25 05:04:27 __________________________________________________ | |
ErotikStyler1990 ::: Favorites cokda orospu var hahaha 07-09-22 05:35:17 __________________________________________________ | |
ClubbingStyle ::: Favorites çokta aradim inan eve suda götürdüm :)))))))))) süper yaw çoğu coğu samba:D 07-09-20 05:40:32 __________________________________________________ | |
apoptoziss ::: Favorites kamp bitti hülyaaa 07-09-19 13:47:54 __________________________________________________ | |
Artech03 ::: Favorites çok ii olmuş =) 07-09-19 09:13:04 __________________________________________________ | |
spawnorion ::: Favorites süper ya kim yapmışsa alnını öpmek lazım 07-09-18 17:56:09 __________________________________________________ | |
ORtEGA0077 ::: Favorites inamato senin taa kısmı süpero lmuş bide çiko dedim sanma bölümü :D:D 07-09-16 16:37:45 __________________________________________________ |
Tokio Hotel & Bill Kaulitz
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Duration: 05:04 minutes Upload Time: 06-08-13 16:27:59 User: DoloresAKADolly :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: Check my next very sexy video about Bill Kaulitz & his band - Tokio Hotel. You must see it !!!! |
Comments | |
kressikrossi1 ::: Favorites he is gay 07-09-29 18:28:15 __________________________________________________ | |
kellyXkiss ::: Favorites At the first it is not Bill and his band, it is just tokio hotel, and second.,,, I LOVE THEM! 07-09-29 12:51:23 __________________________________________________ | |
speedytorek ::: Favorites He`s fucking Nice! 07-09-29 10:43:47 __________________________________________________ | |
alankiwiy756 ::: Favorites This movie is awesome.. you can get the uncensored version on _FUNDATERS.COM_ -alankiwiy756 07-09-29 00:20:57 __________________________________________________ | |
BilLoveJenny ::: Favorites he's hot 07-09-28 18:43:31 __________________________________________________ | |
xMadeOfGlassx ::: Favorites he is NOT GAY!! 07-09-28 13:26:55 __________________________________________________ | |
vanakoulias ::: Favorites he is gay 100% 07-09-27 10:59:06 __________________________________________________ | |
Mirchistheshit ::: Favorites He is a boy you´re foools :S... he has a sexy ass by the way :)<3 07-09-24 06:02:58 __________________________________________________ | |
manonmelodie ::: Favorites dsl mais il est gay ! JE TE LE JURE 07-09-23 13:07:56 __________________________________________________ | |
xFallenAngel94x ::: Favorites A man ofcourse.. 07-09-23 11:04:22 __________________________________________________ |
Yu-gi-oh! Season zero - Episode 9 Part B
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Duration: 10:36 minutes Upload Time: 06-06-03 12:07:58 User: Gehn :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: Episode 9 of the yu-gi-oh! series that never aired outside of japan - includes english subtitles! Part B |
Comments | |
sanityismadness ::: Favorites Holy crap! Why does everybody get the crap beaten out of them in EVERY single episode?! Also, if Yugi is so little and wimpy, how did he survive a beating like that? Couldn't have gone on too long... 07-09-29 16:41:20 __________________________________________________ | |
fireemblemaddict128 ::: Favorites those yoyos looks kinda gay cuz the booble around in a retarded way 07-09-19 17:06:11 __________________________________________________ | |
giannisdan ::: Favorites that yugi should have made some huge muscles since gets hit every day 07-09-16 06:22:19 __________________________________________________ | |
zoeags ::: Favorites i see what u mean 07-08-31 08:05:31 __________________________________________________ | |
aoitsuki27 ::: Favorites hirutoni sounds kinda like he is a gay man at heart!!! XDDD i couldnt stop laughin!!! 07-08-31 02:36:23 __________________________________________________ | |
mobiko123 ::: Favorites yugi sounds like a girl 07-08-30 19:53:38 __________________________________________________ | |
shadowsqwerty ::: Favorites lolz 07-08-21 20:08:26 __________________________________________________ | |
williamhowe1 ::: Favorites Tristen and joey became buddies because of a race? Give me A break! 07-08-20 15:59:47 __________________________________________________ | |
Shaade123 ::: Favorites Thanks for the uploaddddddd 07-08-18 14:52:37 __________________________________________________ | |
kitdude21 ::: Favorites miho is scared!!! XD ROFLMAO 07-08-13 14:37:28 __________________________________________________ |
High School Musical 2 - What Time Is It? [HQ]
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Duration: 03:29 minutes Upload Time: 07-07-02 09:42:34 User: xXpaulineCzkaXx :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: read title |
Comments | |
BlueMe101 ::: Favorites Zac is S00 hot 07-09-13 22:18:34 __________________________________________________ | |
Smil3Story ::: Favorites Jlador Ste Chanson °_^ !! 07-09-06 14:30:53 __________________________________________________ | |
rockerchiq101 ::: Favorites Aviv confirmed that Zac Efron, Vanessa Hudgens, Ashley Tisdale, Lucas Grabeel, Monique Coleman, and Corbin Bleu are all in talks of reprising their roles for a third time.The original plot, which was to have been titled Haunted High School Musical, was to have centered around spooky happenings at East High. 07-09-01 15:34:45 __________________________________________________ | |
LOW3NNA123 ::: Favorites lol me too! my school would be great fun like that but its crap...but schools school! xD enjoy it while u can!! 07-09-01 14:08:22 __________________________________________________ | |
luvinxu19 ::: Favorites me too!!! lol my school sucks 07-08-18 12:48:31 __________________________________________________ | |
travboi56 ::: Favorites i wish my school was like that jumping around 07-08-15 09:52:50 __________________________________________________ | |
XxPinkLambxX ::: Favorites IF teachers would allow us like that , throwing all the papers.. Wow i would be over the moon! 07-08-14 07:03:09 __________________________________________________ | |
stevelex3423 ::: Favorites everyone spread the news! STOP THE INAPPROPRIATE SPAMMING! 07-08-14 01:09:05 __________________________________________________ | |
Sunset189 ::: Favorites i seriously LOVE LOVE LOVE this song. 07-08-12 17:38:48 __________________________________________________ | |
iloveHSMzannessa ::: Favorites hey NeilpertFan,if they could really do that then they're real lucky!!! our sch would'nt let us even if we beg them on our knees 4 it.=D 07-08-08 08:26:49 __________________________________________________ |
Mad World - Canadian Forces Music Video
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Duration: 03:01 minutes Upload Time: 06-12-07 21:48:05 User: pmiketango :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: Music Video On The Canadian Forces. |
Comments | |
Purdometer ::: Favorites Well said copcowboy. The US troops with whom I served in Afghanistan were as close to me as my fellow Canadian soldiers. The "which army rules" debate only rages amongst those who haven't served their country. A soldier is a soldier, no matter which country he fights for. 07-09-25 20:01:01 __________________________________________________ | |
mcaptain1958 ::: Favorites Love you guys, you do so much for Canada! 07-09-14 08:22:55 __________________________________________________ | |
SoccerVictor ::: Favorites guitarist its not what you think it is today, many things have changed, its not like they dont want to be there when you join you know what your getting into, most people want to go and kick ass...i cant wait till i join, if i could i would go today 07-09-14 00:42:58 __________________________________________________ | |
copecowboy ::: Favorites adrianthefisherman, you have no clue, all of us americans in the forces have an amazing bond with the canadians and vise versa, don't listin to the ignorance of the American and Canadian civis. 07-09-09 03:20:32 __________________________________________________ | |
COMPAKDUDE ::: Favorites CAF rule 07-09-08 17:28:09 __________________________________________________ | |
pmiketango ::: Favorites Good point sasjtf2delta they do only focus on the death getting everyone to focus on the troops leaving. Yet the Afghan people cannot thank us enough for all the things we are helping with. 07-09-03 21:34:09 __________________________________________________ | |
sasjtf2delta ::: Favorites I read in a maclean's issue some months that the reason we canadians are being attacked is because our country is in debate about this war so the rising death toll changes people's side on the war plus the media doesn't focus on the good side they focus mostly on the death toll so the taliban hope this will get us out of afghanistan if it does they have a huge win if they don't they will give up untill our country comes in debate 07-09-01 01:48:20 __________________________________________________ | |
Dlowz ::: Favorites Winning this war, would bring so much glory and honnor to our nation all around the world. Giving up, because of some people wining, is letting the ennemy win. We cannot do that. For the liberty. 07-08-31 01:42:19 __________________________________________________ | |
sasjtf2delta ::: Favorites i agree its also a big win to the taliban when the don't have to fight 2500 more people and every one deserves to go to school and deserve to be free of war 07-08-30 10:54:40 __________________________________________________ | |
sharpshooter33 ::: Favorites Great video. We have to stay in Afghanistan, we owe it to the Afghan people and to our man and women that are fighting over there we cannot let there sacrifices be in vain. 07-08-28 17:05:11 __________________________________________________ |
Acid Android SH-Live music story Mucc
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Duration: 06:35 minutes Upload Time: 07-01-23 13:49:23 User: Geniusrain :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: Acid Android SH-Live music story Mucc |
Comments | |
jetgun18 ::: Favorites My yuki`s hair x( 07-08-29 13:59:45 __________________________________________________ | |
elynsweetmommap ::: Favorites See hot girls on cam at camazoncams dot com 07-07-25 08:54:05 __________________________________________________ | |
ArtistIreland ::: Favorites I must go to Japan next. You guys are having a great time there!. Peace people!. 07-07-15 19:37:53 __________________________________________________ | |
AlucardxFormaldehyde ::: Favorites Where the hell did yuki's hair go!!! 07-07-07 21:07:56 __________________________________________________ | |
katchan1 ::: Favorites this would be the long time word i havent said to a guy but yuki is got :D 07-05-21 21:21:58 __________________________________________________ | |
Chrchings ::: Favorites really ::::DDDD are you kidding? 07-03-27 08:52:02 __________________________________________________ | |
XYesturdaysFeelingsX ::: Favorites mucc = love 07-03-25 13:01:53 __________________________________________________ |
070612 大小爱吃 (换换爱) part 1
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Duration: 10:00 minutes Upload Time: 07-06-13 16:32:29 User: pandasa7er :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: guests: the cast of "exchange love", rainie yang, mike he and king one. |
Comments | |
xoxmabel ::: Favorites can anyone upload this with subs? 07-09-22 15:32:31 __________________________________________________ | |
monasia313 ::: Favorites subs pls 07-09-21 07:47:12 __________________________________________________ | |
Kawaii800 ::: Favorites omg. really? i've always thought xiao s was older.. 07-09-18 00:05:50 __________________________________________________ | |
shigeismine ::: Favorites they have the same mom ^^ 07-09-05 08:18:03 __________________________________________________ | |
littlefatmouse ::: Favorites hey! i didnt know kingone knows how to cook! wow, sing, act and cook!! almost perfect :) 07-08-29 10:56:31 __________________________________________________ | |
imissesyou ::: Favorites its so funny when mike say "ni ying gai wen wo men yao bu yao ta ba " LOL than rainie choose mike since "ta yao bu jiao bu hao na jiu gen ta " than the word "men"appear to wangchuanyi face LOL everyone burst into laughing so funny LOL!! 07-08-15 04:37:34 __________________________________________________ | |
aizelkulet30 ::: Favorites any1 care to put subs? waiting..... 07-08-10 11:08:30 __________________________________________________ | |
Xopinkxloverxo ::: Favorites yeah Da s does look younger htan xiao s but da s is older. yeah i was confused at first to b/c they look nothing alike 07-08-09 12:25:24 __________________________________________________ | |
smilingxxpasta ::: Favorites Really? Whoa! I was confused because Da S looked yyounger that Xiao S, maybe because of the hairstyles or something. But thanks! 07-08-09 10:36:40 __________________________________________________ | |
Xopinkxloverxo ::: Favorites um they are sisters but half sisters. so i guess either they have same mom different dad or same dad different mom. 07-08-08 21:49:13 __________________________________________________ |
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