Thursday, October 4, 2007

Barack Obama, Washington Square, New York City - Rally 9/27

Duration: 01:04 minutes
Upload Time: 07-09-27 21:49:31
User: eightfold
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What's my point here? For those of you who get mad at this video: I do have some thoughts for you who are involved with the campaign. At this rally, the Obama campaign made a mistake. They had tens of thousands of people standing around for hours "waiting" when they could have had all those people "participating." Why weren't we engaged in some kind of campaign activity? Why didn't they use that time for networking, outreach? Voter registration? Explaining to people why we need Democracy and not Aristocracy (Hillary). Why did the Obama campaign ban all signs from the event? At least with signs, the attendees would have been expressing themselves, participating in democracy, not just waiting for a speech. What's my point? It was not a participatory event - instead of actively engaging the crowd in anything, they had them wait around for hours to go through metal detectors which they ended up scrapping in the end anyway. (The campaign has explained that this was a secret service requirement, and that's fair - but they still should have had the people doing something while they waited!) We ended up leaving, going to have dinner, coming back and getting a perfect view of the speech 2 hours later. The waiting was pointless, the campaign wasted all of that potential energy of the crowd. And that makes me very concerned about Obama's ability to beat Hillary. And we MUST beat the closeted republican Senator. Next time this happends, how about the Obama campaign gets 20,000 waiting people to chant "DEMOCRACY, NOT ARISTOCRACY!" That would have been worth standing around for!


eightfold ::: Favorites
Anyone else wondering why the Democrats aren't using the power they have to defund the war are force Bush to bring the troops home? I'm starting to think it's so that they can do it when one of them is elected President. Could they really be holding off on ending the war just to be able to take credit for it? How many soldiers and Iraqis will die during that time....
07-10-02 12:43:23
coulibaly203 ::: Favorites
thank you all student thank all the gassroot organizer we all appreciate your good work make it happen B.OBAMA08
07-10-01 15:12:21
undertheacrylic ::: Favorites
Do you really mean to tell me that you didn't see all of the volunteers walking around, registering voters? Come on, now. Give us more credit. The wait was worth it!
07-10-01 10:46:13
eightfold ::: Favorites
Yes, I stood in line, toward the front of the 'Rapid Access' line for 1.5 hours and the only person I saw was someone who walked by and yelled "this isn't your final destination, thanks for your patience."
07-10-01 11:13:48
eightfold ::: Favorites
A waste of potential, but that's not how anyone in the campaign will see it, because it's being run EXACTLY like Hillary's. No participation, just a hierarchical top-down management with the veneer of participation. It's a calculated risk, and I think a mistake. Tell me why you think it's a good idea, I'm here to listen.
07-10-01 11:14:03
Rorchik ::: Favorites
I was a volunteer at the rally, and the hold-up was due to the Secret Service and their metal detectors. Barack made an executive decision before he spoke not to leave people outside the rally, regardless of the implications for his safety -- hence the "sea" of people. He actually risked a lot to speak to us, and that deserves praise.
07-09-30 14:00:17
JMRnyc ::: Favorites
This is absolutely hilarious. I was there. Also shooting video (shameless plug, it' on my page). Also waited over an hour with my "rapid pass". It wasn't all that bad, right? And how about that SEA of people they allowed to enter w/o screening, all of a sudden? THAT was a lot scarier than the wait! Very funny video.
07-09-29 00:30:05
Boomdog14 ::: Favorites
Oh spare me. So you couldn't snap your fingers and suddenly Barack Obama and 24,000 people appeared for your pleasure? Stop whining.
07-09-28 20:15:21
eightfold ::: Favorites
And yet, it gets you so worked up! : )
07-09-28 22:11:28
ralphnelle ::: Favorites
Zzzzz zzzzz zzzzzz Welcome to the world of political rallies. It's a lot of standing and waiting. But it's often worth it, as this was.
07-09-28 18:35:14

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