Friday, February 22, 2008

Vlog #3

Duration: 06:24 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-08-30 18:30:13
User: FerociousFox

ferociousfox | vlog | metroid | nintendo | wii 


Yeah, a few more Metroid impressions and some thoughts.I might make another vid tonight if I feel like it, but chances are I won't, lol.


Ryuk150  2007-10-02 22:24:40

ruroni kenshin lo nice i made a amv of death note with that song
jcandpacquiao  2007-09-01 18:22:13


Barilari - That´s Life - Así es la vida - En vivo 29-12-07

Duration: 03:13 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-01-01 17:09:37
User: HellfireNico

Barilari | Adrian | Rata | Blanca | Alianza 


Barilari en La Trastienda en Buenos Aires presentando Canciones Doradas. Acá tocando Así es la Vida


almostinfamous03  2008-02-20 23:23:38

amo esa cancion
fede135lanonna  2008-01-03 15:46:11

que grande Javi ja

House Party Part 3

Duration: 10:00 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-10-04 20:53:42
User: meme0304

House | Party | Kid | Play | Full 


Sidney and Sharane converse while preparing for the party while Bilal is upset with Play for leaving him and eventually coming to get him hours later. Kid once again gets caught up with Full Force.


cravens91  2008-02-21 00:17:08

anybody notice that 'Peanut' is the little kid in 'Boyz in the Hood' (2:02)
kevincostnermyhero  2008-02-18 18:00:08

I was named after the character Sharane in this movie. My name is Sharane E. Alvarez (my name sucks because no one can say or even spell it).
ddcrrj  2008-02-15 23:41:20

I was thinking the same thing...Then I saw a commercial for Garanimal the other day..and I was like ohhhh... I got this from their website. Garanimals was founded to help parents and children coordinate outfits easily. Each animal represents a line within the collection. Each of the distinct animal lines consists of mix and match separates, whose color and style coordinate with any piece within that same animal line. Each animal then becomes an identifier for the simple piecing system.
bYz4rEel  2008-02-12 11:49:48

lol giranimal outfits lol whats giranimal mean?
E1985Man  2008-02-07 20:34:25

lmao you and me both!

19-11-2007 pick up Linkin Park in Hong Kong

Duration: 00:21 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-11-21 08:54:01
User: Joyceho517

linkin | park | brad | delson | hong 


in the airport


woahxeatworld  2007-12-08 00:22:25

haha wow you're so lucky you get to have information like that :P i've always wanted to wait in the airport but then i never know when exactly they'll arrive, haha ooh thats cool! did you happen to watch xtina live in hong kong?
Joyceho517  2007-12-07 08:51:29

My friend gave a call to Warner Music. Yes, it was excellent! Omg, 30STM, MyChem, Xtina! They're all my favorite musicans!
woahxeatworld  2007-12-07 08:08:54

gah lucky... how did you know what time they would come??? anyway, their concert was awesome
Joyceho517  2007-11-24 10:45:19

Brad arrived at about 9.10. Chester and Mike, about 8.20. The others of them arrived at 7.50 or something. Me and my friend arrived in the airport at 5pm.:)
woahxeatworld  2007-11-24 10:34:34

awesome! What time did they arrive in Hong Kong? did you wait for them the whole day or something???

温岚 - 热浪 [完整版]

Duration: 04:32 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-08-17 08:58:31
User: s3ptemberr

温岚 | 热浪 | Landy | Wen | Lan 


温岚 - 热浪 Landy Wen Lan Latest Music Video [Complete Version]


joannasamlee  2008-02-17 02:53:43

Landy Rocks.
wariousz  2008-02-13 05:58:18

as u know.. jolin is very popular as always.. so .. ppl like to compare with jolin..
callumbrr  2008-02-12 05:53:49

This song was played endlessly at the taiwan gay pride parade-it was the perfect anthem for all us homos---thanks landy :)
dvlarry  2008-01-28 08:39:33

Landy can dance well and have a sexy body . Jay Chou(who helped Landy with her career) said after their breakup : "Landy's is like a man(her personality) and why would I want to date someone like that". Landy's a reeaally wild chic at parties.
walaoA123  2008-01-25 21:46:37

cool song!!!

Rivers Crew with Pepsi MAX - Showcase

Duration: 02:11 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-02-02 14:57:34
User: xfarsx

rivers | crew | bboy | physcix | born 


Rivers Crew with Pepsi MAX Pepsi MAX Show


alexliu1987  2008-02-17 11:27:53

wow could this song be anymore subliminal?
bboysnow  2008-02-15 23:19:53

I could really go for a Pepsi Max right about now
flyskyairflair  2008-02-11 04:16:18

everyone on rivers must have been grimacing while they were dancing to that shitty song. it must have been f*ing torture...
st1k  2008-02-06 23:24:15

I want a Pepsi.
jaesung  2008-02-05 17:11:53

lol thjis song is terrible. i dobut rivers actaully like spepsi that much either haha

[Breakin' Dishes]_Rihanna_Chipmunk Version

Duration: 03:27 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-01-06 15:55:54
User: skimurphyski

hip-hop | pop | r&b | Rihanna | Breakin 


A bunch of clips of Rihanna singing her new single "Breakin' Dishes," edited to sound like a chipmunk is singing. **Please comment and rate** AND PLEASE CHECK OUT MY WEBSITE! . . .it is all about Rihanna


stepupfolifeex0  2008-02-09 14:28:56

love this song! chipmunk version is so cauute<3
vivvie  2008-01-17 22:36:40

love it!!!
Maze2392  2008-01-17 16:53:21

It sounds good
TaCsMi  2008-01-14 16:07:00

mtsotter  2008-01-06 18:16:25

This is a funny video. . . . .I like it

Kubla Khan - Samuel Taylor Coleridge

Duration: 04:30 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-12-28 17:32:02
User: voxinabox

voxinabox | samuel | taylor | coleridge | kubla 


Can you create a paradise by building material things? Or, how about creating paradise in your imagination? This was written in 1797 (possibly) and first published in 1816. Coleridge's note, published with the poem is as follows: "The following fragment is here published at the request of a poet of great and deserved celebrity [Lord Byron], and, as far as the Author's own opinions are concerned, rather as a psychological curiosity, than on the ground of any supposed poetic merits. In the summer of the year 1797, the Author, then in ill health, had retired to a lonely farm-house between Porlock and Linton, on the Exmoor confines of Somerset and Devonshire. In consequence of a slight indisposition, an anodyne had been prescribed, from the effects of which he fell asleep in his chair at the moment that he was reading the following sentence, or words of the same substance, in Purchas's Pilgrimage: ``Here the Khan Kubla commanded a palace to be built, and a stately garden thereunto. And thus ten miles of fertile ground were inclosed with a wall.'' The Author continued for about three hours in a profound sleep, at least of the external senses, during which time he has the most vivid confidence, that he could not have composed less than from two to three hundred lines; if that indeed can be called composition in which all the images rose up before him as things, with a parallel production of the correspondent expressions, without any sensation or consciousness of effort. On awakening he appeared to himself to have a distinct recollection of the whole, and taking his pen, ink, and paper, instantly and eagerly wrote down the lines that are here preserved. At this moment he was unfortunately called out by a person on business from Porlock, and detained by him above an hour, and on his return to his room, found, to his no small surprise and mortification, that though he still retained some vague and dim recollection of the general purport of the vision, yet, with the exception of some eight or ten scattered lines and images, all the rest had passed away like the images on the surface of a stream into which a stone has been cast, but, alas! without the after restoration of the latter!" What do I think it's about? Well, there are many books and papers written about this poem and many theories. Sadly, we may never know. But I think it's about the power of imagination, and the human mind being able to create paradise or heaven on earth through imagination as opposed to constructing a paradise through material things and the construction of monumental buildings. But who knows? - Kubla Khan. In Xanadu did Kubla Khan A stately pleasure-dome decree : Where Alph, the sacred river, ran Through caverns measureless to man Down to a sunless sea. So twice five miles of fertile ground With walls and towers were girdled round : And there were gardens bright with sinuous rills, Where blossomed many an incense-bearing tree ; And here were forests ancient as the hills, Enfolding sunny spots of greenery. But oh ! that deep romantic chasm which slanted Down the green hill athwart a cedarn cover ! A savage place ! as holy and enchanted As e'er beneath a waning moon was haunted By woman wailing for her demon-lover ! And from this chasm, with ceaseless turmoil seething, As if this earth in fast thick pants were breathing, A mighty fountain momently was forced : Amid whose swift half-intermitted burst Huge fragments vaulted like rebounding hail, Or chaffy grain beneath the thresher's flail : And 'mid these dancing rocks at once and ever It flung up momently the sacred river. Five miles meandering with a mazy motion Through wood and dale the sacred river ran, Then reached the caverns measureless to man, And sank in tumult to a lifeless ocean : And 'mid this tumult Kubla heard from far Ancestral voices prophesying war ! The shadow of the dome of pleasure Floated midway on the waves ; Where was heard the mingled measure From the fountain and the caves. It was a miracle of rare device, A sunny pleasure-dome with caves of ice ! A damsel with a dulcimer In a vision once I saw : It was an Abyssinian maid, And on her dulcimer she played, Singing of Mount Abora. Could I revive within me Her symphony and song, To such a deep delight 'twould win me, That with music loud and long, I would build that dome in air, That sunny dome ! those caves of ice ! And all who heard should see them there, And all should cry, Beware ! Beware ! His flashing eyes, his floating hair ! Weave a circle round him thrice, And close your eyes with holy dread, For he on honey-dew hath fed, And drunk the milk of Paradise. -


dogpatchdebbie  2008-01-13 16:33:28

I did not catch the original version, but I love this one:)
pinklantana  2008-01-06 13:40:14

I really like the visuals with this one. Your eyes are a pretty color too! :)
KarenPUK  2007-12-29 17:41:08

Oh I doooo - what's not to like? :-)
voxinabox  2007-12-29 16:04:57

Thanks SC. You are too kind :) I hope you don't get too scared with the 'nightmare' vid :)
voxinabox  2007-12-29 16:02:49

Thanks Manny, and Happy New Year to you :)

Bethany's Story

Duration: 03:33 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-01-02 19:32:05
User: lonelyjewfifteen

I thought you all needed to know Bethany's story so here is what I know. Thanks to PeterBeast for his editing help. He's getting really good at this! --Jerry


thefistofgod  2008-02-21 14:56:54

damnit, you guys make me laugh even when i'm feeling like total shit. love you.
LimePeng1  2008-01-04 19:26:43

I love how he said "we're going to shoot Hitler in the face together" all sweet and stuff XDD
chershaytoute  2008-01-04 05:34:57

But they're all from the Netherlands! We really need to do some of that for over here... Where's that Red Army when we need 'em? ;)
sparkybennett  2008-01-03 17:34:22

and check out those honors!!
sparkybennett  2008-01-03 17:32:57

this is awesome. i can't wait until you shoot that guy in the face! I love how this episode explained things so clearly! that is so rare, ya know?

Szomorú vasárnap (Gloomy Sunday)

Duration: 00:59 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-06-12 18:00:31
User: Tomika73

Szomorú | vasárnap | Marozsán | Erika | film 


Szomorú vasárnap


regenschirm37  2008-02-20 13:12:41

is that the original version?
morbidangyal  2008-02-05 10:09:43

Ez olyan gyönyörű, hogy kirázott a hideg!Katarktikus!Magyarul énekel a legszebben.
3milla3  2008-02-03 07:46:38

ez az egyetlen ahol magyarul énekel? nem találtam többet, csak kár,h ez is csak a fele...
Murakamizo  2008-01-13 15:11:30

From my point of view, Erika Marozsan is the most beautiful woman that I have ever seen. From somewere I say hallow. bright size live
KUSOJennChuuuu  2008-01-10 22:53:19

the last