Sunday, September 30, 2007

Resistance on the BBC news 9/06/07

Duration: 02:05 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-09 16:34:43
User: Clawz114
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Resistance fall of man appears on the BBC news due to complaints about the cathedral/church scenes.


supraroyalty ::: Favorites
that women is so dumb, y does she think theres ago ratings on games, if she dont like kids playing 15+ games dont let them buy the game. but loosing her son is pritty bad
07-08-29 02:44:50
mixjayb2k ::: Favorites
That's not funny. I'm black and i didn't still my PS3 or my games.
07-08-27 14:50:55
karlms10 ::: Favorites
SACRALIGIUS my ass fucking british bitchs!!!!!!!! lol i wonder if u can go glitch in real life
07-08-20 08:45:59
Silencer111 ::: Favorites
so what if aliens did take over all of europe and attacked london and manchester the churches would be attacked to ,its freakin common sense.
07-08-10 16:09:43
benjarni92 ::: Favorites
there is a fight in a church in tom clancys rainbow six vegas but no one complains about that its just stupid religion causing unnecessary conflict.
07-07-27 04:30:20
haydenhaydenhayden ::: Favorites
It amuses me that instead of the journalists actually gaining first hand information and actually playing the game they take the short cut and use a You Tube video. That's why I don't trust the media one iota. I mean, media and journalism is there to uncover the truth by being investigative and impartial, let if they can so clearly contradict the basic principal of what they are there for to begin with on such a trivial as this, what crap are we being fed on the bigger stories!
07-07-15 16:08:57
bombitto ::: Favorites
that woman makes me want to stop being a christain
07-07-07 17:12:58
jordo1441 ::: Favorites
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh, a game is set in a church, what if RFOM had a level set in a butchers shop? Would the there be complaints from butchers? Awnser is no and i know a church is a sacred place but other violent games had levels featured in churches as well so the point is that people should not be so bitchy over something so small.
07-07-06 18:34:20
krayzeeryan ::: Favorites
they just nick em instead
07-07-06 09:05:21
HumanHighway ::: Favorites
I can't believe the woman compared the war in iraq to such a small scale thing.. Very disrespectful. I appreciate that she may have lost her son but it doesn't give her the right to act as a moral signpost for anybody. It's not a "war", it's a small scale creative dispute. No need for all the preaching..
07-07-02 12:43:19

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