Sunday, September 30, 2007

Re: Scientology & Me NEWS ITEM - the one to watch

Duration: 02:41 minutes
Upload Time: 07-05-15 16:20:08
User: PierreElliottTrudeau
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keatsuk ::: Favorites
In my personal oppinion,,, all religion is untrue,, None of it can be proven ,Scientology is all lies and in my oppinion almost a terriorist organisation. if people choose to belive in Scientology,,all i can say is,,,,ONLY IN AMERICA do such religious idiots take it seriously,
07-08-21 08:18:41
Shane72 ::: Favorites
Couldn't agree more with the poster of this interview. Sweeny was extremely restrained considering that Tom Cruise look-alike's behaviour during the investigation. After looking extensively into scientology and it's current practices I'm not surprised they are afraid of reporters. Personally I wouldn't give it the status of a Cult, it's a con more like it which not only takes peoples money but also blackmails and takes away people's self-esteem.
07-08-15 09:54:09
superphonics ::: Favorites
I think that people who say "We" as the source of 'his' opinion, doesn't want you do know that it's 'his' opinion but rather wants you to believe that he has an entire country in his pocket. That's can't be the case if this is the fastest growing religion. I think these people and media are paid by psychiatry and the pharmaceuticals to make it seem like there are so many against it. Psychiatry is being exposed.
07-08-07 22:20:36
gitanoxeneise ::: Favorites
tom cruise is like a wonderful poster child against scientology. Look at that loon and be scared. Be veeeery scared.
07-07-12 04:05:11
Peltris ::: Favorites
The church of Slappytology is nothing more than a brainwashing Pyramid scheming money stealing bunch of moronic Cultists, Who have caused the suicides of many of there followers.
07-06-08 13:36:48
santiagowechsler ::: Favorites
Scientology's like any other religion... regardless of whether I like it or not, they are protected under the US constitution, and I do care about the constitution being protected. If it means that a group with strange habits has to exist, so be it. I think people can think any thing they want against scientology, but they can't strip it of its rights as a religion. If we want to get rid of all religions, I'm all for that, we should start with Roman Catholicism--- pure corruption and deceipt.
07-05-29 14:06:54
jademm ::: Favorites
(H T T P)petitions(dot)pm(dot)gov(dot)uk(backslash)-Scientology An e-petition to Tony Blair--submitted by James Higgs--is currently posted on the 10 Downing Street website. It is asking the British Prime Minister to prevent Scientology from becoming accepted as a religion in the UK. This is not a joke; it is an organized appeal that should be taken seriously. ONLY BRITISH CITIZENS OR RESIDENTS MAY SIGN THE PETITION. Pass on the link to all your British friends and family members.
07-05-23 12:57:45
Ikaftl ::: Favorites
We don't take it seriously in the UK either. He wasn't even a good science fiction writer.
07-05-20 11:37:59
sgtginge ::: Favorites
John Sweeney wasn't acting in a manner that I found offensive. I laughed about it with my mates the next day in college. If anything, it was just embarassing for him, i no i would be. Hes a gud reporter, but he shud have seen fair game coming when he said CULT
07-05-19 12:36:50
ginny0206 ::: Favorites
what are you glad about? do you know what a jock he is? unless are you one of this stupid that things he know everything
07-05-18 02:21:57

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