Friday, September 7, 2007

1/18/08 HD Analysis And Geographical Update Ep. 4

Duration: 10:58 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-10 18:19:11
User: nightowl3090
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Description: well in the jj abrams view of things, i know i said i was gonna take a break from all these video's but i had just a few more things to say about a strange figure i found in the HD trailer, and just some geographical info about new york and the statue of liberty. feel free to question my statements because i find it hard believeing them myself sometimes!

Thomas2488 ::: Favorites
maybe it's a big Raccoon...ya know those things can cause quite a ruckus... or maybe it's Elvis making his 08 comeback special.... hey I just thought of something maybe 1/18 is some actors birthday or date of a comic book monster...IDK just a thought..
07-09-05 02:48:03
estupido7490 ::: Favorites
Just to say the Woolworth Building didn't ACTUALLY blow up. The flames stopped just before it blew up. It was still in tact.
07-09-04 14:41:22
Barbaroossa ::: Favorites
Fuck, if this monster turns out to be the Lostzilla on steroids I'm not gonna watch this movie.
07-09-03 11:06:48
SFalc1 ::: Favorites
better be a kickass movie, or else some ppl are going to be really disapointed
07-09-01 16:22:49
nowthatsurban ::: Favorites
it looks like a big cat. MEOW!!
07-09-01 15:48:49
mrsmiley92 ::: Favorites
OMG!!!! its a dinosaur made out of smoke! Yoshi is sick of being rid on by italian plumbers and now hes out for revenge!
07-09-01 14:41:30
IEAT5 ::: Favorites
Mabey the thing brought the head then when he was somewhere around that brodway place he thew the head
07-08-31 23:26:17
TimSpade ::: Favorites
ahhaha!! shows how much you know! the pictures from the website say the date is 1-18-08! hahahahah!!
07-08-28 17:34:56
blueplatypus500 ::: Favorites
Look at the poster picture (the one with the staute of Lyberty in it) you can see that the statue has slash marks on its back. dose this mean it was takin and then carried to NYC?
07-08-28 11:19:39
RoRoGQ ::: Favorites
#1) Vague marketing.. 2 minute preview of a modestly made film that will throw most people off course (going away party, random nobody's- non-professional actors) then progress the preview into an "OMG WHAT WAS THAT". Shortly after, a catastrophe and then blow something up. Everyones excited.. OMG what was that ? I wanna see that movie !!!- NOW THE DIRECTOR HAS GOT OUR ATTENTION, AND WE ARE DYING TO KNOW WHAT THAT WAS. No name, title, rating, only Release date.
07-08-26 16:47:23

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