Sunday, April 13, 2008

Star Wars: Luke vs Vader Mortal Kombat

Duration: 04:14 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-07-22 19:26:25

I made the original version of this waay back in....97-98, somewhere back there. And remade it after I picked up the Star Wars Trilogy DVD set. Soooo much better in terms of quality! Anyways, enjoy!


rhettrongun  2008-04-05 18:15:56

Awesome! Could have done without the intro though...
Sanguiluna  2008-04-02 12:48:20

But if you notice in the MK films, the combatants don't start fighting until the main music starts (right after the dude yells "MORTAL KOMBAT!"); before that they just face each other or bow to each other.
oopopp  2008-03-30 05:35:18

For some rason I like the old trilogy's lightsaber fights waaaaaaaay more than the new thrilogys even though its slower and less technical moves. Maybe cause the fight scenes in the first ones meant more to the characters.
RBLM1A2Tanker  2008-03-28 06:19:45

Then it would throw the timing off on the rest of the video. I started it where it started specifically because it's when they have drawn weapons and are about to begin combat. That's the point.
JediHighGeneral  2008-03-08 22:41:19

Awsome stuff

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