Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Michael Jordan a Love Story

Duration: 05:32 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-05-05 06:04:22



nparga23  2008-03-31 01:25:52

hey fucking shit liberals.... shut your trap you boring pricks!!!ill start shit how ever i want,dont make pathetic comments and you wont get destroyed you sad little virgin!!!now go tell your mum to have wash and close her legs she stinks...DROP DEAD LOSER LIBERALS..
nparga23  2008-03-31 01:25:51

hey fucking shit liberals.... shut your trap you boring pricks!!!ill start shit how ever i want,dont make pathetic comments and you wont get destroyed you sad little virgin!!!now go tell your mum to have wash and close her legs she stinks...DROP DEAD LOSER LIBERALS..
nparga23  2008-03-07 19:17:15

you got issues fuckface
itowedin  2008-01-09 04:37:02

Love is cheating on your wife. Not showing up for your kids basketball games. Love is managing 2 NBA franshises into lottery teams. Love is immasculating the same 18 year old rookie you choose as your #1 pick, by using anti-gay slurs, to the point of him crying.
NextGenSports  2007-08-01 12:35:06

sweet video man thank you

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