Wednesday, April 9, 2008

how to make 5mil a day on runescape

Duration: 08:39 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-03-19 00:34:00

this my way to make 3mil-9mil a day


darkbow101  2008-04-07 19:11:01

yea.. i dont think art money works when u open ur bank lol...?
runescaper60  2008-04-05 19:55:52

rockstar by nickleback
ruttergreg  2008-04-04 05:46:27

there r better ways thn tht with those stats like killing blk drags for the dragon hides and the bones
miggshawn  2008-04-03 22:35:20

hey sas english retard it can be money art and btw you stupid dumb fuck most of these vids r shit like your face and learn to spell
bryan770  2008-04-03 16:03:47

dude i anit fucking jealous over a game lol your a chode u cant spell "jealous" dude get a life a ton of people said the same thing

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