Monday, October 1, 2007

Sh. Ahmad Al-Waeli, Ramadan 1996, Language: Arabic

Duration: 59:43 minutes
Upload Time: 07-02-13 08:35:18
User: MrMehdi
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The late Dr. Ahmad Al-Waeli was one of the most knowledgeable scholars the modern Islmaic world had. The late Ayatollah Khomeini called him the "mobile Islamic library"! This specific clip was from year 1416 Hijri, the night of 19th of Ramadan, which corresponded to 9th of February of the year 1996 AC, the night that Imam Ali (a.s.), centuries ago, was hit by a poisoned sword when he was performing the morning praying, and he was then martyred two days after that. Consequently the speech is about Imam Ali (a.s.), as it is Shi'it traditions to commemorate these events. Language: Arabic Further, The Commander of the Believers, Imam Ali [a.s.] said: " ...The reward of a religious scholar is greater than the reward of a person who is fasting on days and establishes prayers during the night and fights in the Holy War for the sake of Allah. And, when a religious scholar dies, there will appear a gap in Islam which cannot be compensated except by a replacement of that (kind)." - Bihar-ul-Anwar, vol. 2, p. 43


mahhdi ::: Favorites
a7sant, barakallah feek!
07-09-12 07:55:13
MrMehdi ::: Favorites
Well, there is nothing in contradiction to what you are saying in our belief! Unless you have been misinformed.
07-09-01 06:32:09
abdulramadan123 ::: Favorites
salam my brother mrmehdi,i've never disrespect our prophet mohamad peace and mercy be upon him even imam ali peace be upon him too but we should talk about our prophet mohamad more than his family he is the ORIGIN of islam.if we love imam ali and his 2 sons because of prophet mohamad peace be upon him not love prophet mohamad because imam ali is his cousin.
07-08-31 23:22:08
MrMehdi ::: Favorites
What a disrespect of you towards Prophet Muhammad (s.a.) the best of creation, and then towards the Imams After him Ali and Husseyn (a.s.). Whatever you are, you are most likely a non-Muslim!
07-08-29 04:39:05
abdulramadan123 ::: Favorites
who's the prophet?is it mohamad or ali or hussein?
07-08-28 22:44:04
MrMehdi ::: Favorites
" That is (the bounty) whereof Allah gives glad tidings to his servants who believe and do righteous deeds. say: 'NO REWARD DO I ASK OF YOU FOR THIS EXCEPT THE LOVE OF THOSE NEAR OF KIN.' and if any one earns any good, we shall give him an increase of good in respect thereof: for Allah is oft-forgiving, most ready to appreciate (service)." (42:23)
07-08-25 15:43:47
MrMehdi ::: Favorites
Hmm... I think you SHOULD listen to the lectures by shi'a preachers. We DO have a lot of mentioning of prophet (s.a.). Shi'a ought to love prophet Muhammad (s.a.) more than any other Muslims, do you know why? Well, because shi'as are the ONLY Muslims who did as prophet (s.a.) asked them, i.e. loving his Ahlul-Bayt (a.s.). As God SWT ordered his prophet (s.a.) to:
07-08-25 15:42:38
freethinker2007 ::: Favorites
سوال بري لماذا لاتذكر سيره محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم , سيرته,حياته, جهاده, تاريخه في محاضرات الشيعه الافاضل, اذا كان هو صاحب البيت وهو رسول الاسلام؟
07-08-25 09:14:35
vampireq8 ::: Favorites
the best shaikh God bless him
07-07-22 15:04:44
zolfigar ::: Favorites
allah yirhamek ya sayedna waeli
07-07-08 06:09:38

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