Thursday, September 20, 2007

Talking about seizures

Duration: 08:59 minutes
Upload Time: 07-02-27 21:38:31
User: Ca8Amy8
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Talking about my epilepsy and seizures and how I hate how the world views it, like it's something light-hearted and not serious. I also don't appreciate when the 'famous' people of youtube have to make fun of other peoples illnesses to be termed funny. It wouldn't be very damn funny if I was making fun of cancer now would it? I didn't think so Here's a link to the kind of seizures I have I hope this has opened some peoples eyes on this subject. Feel free to comment or even video reply to me.

elindsabeth ::: Favorites
So look up ketogenic diet, lobectomy, and vegus nerve stimulator.
07-09-18 23:37:33
Ca8Amy8 ::: Favorites
07-09-15 22:26:10
MonkeysLover12 ::: Favorites
i feel so bad for you. my father has epilepsy (though he's only had 2 seizures in his life;he's on meds). do your parents like not give you meds or something?
07-09-14 01:30:53
gunit4lyfenigga ::: Favorites
where do u live
07-09-09 14:22:05
shulkgreenpower ::: Favorites
I have tonic clonics. I envy people who have auras. If I had just 5 seconds of notice.. I wouldn't have my injuries. I have broken my front teeth. When biking, I took off a strip of my face 1 inch wide by 2 inches and almost to the bone. I had one near a radiator that had the cover off.. its tines impaled my back and I woke up pulling my body off of the blades. I was so worried that my kidneys got injured. If I had some warning.. I think I'd run and hide.
07-09-07 05:50:55
jessicalane24 ::: Favorites
I've had these kinds of seizures for 2 years now. I feel exactly like you do at the beginning...a sense of dread, a sinking feeling, like your world is folding in on you. Strange, I know, and difficult to explain. Mine, however, don't affect my vision. Instead, I have a very strong metallic taste and smell and my mouth waters. It affects me for about a week after--I feel out of sorts for that long. Sucks! Medication helps immensely! (I only have them when I forget to take it--duh)
07-09-03 17:50:22
andrewtom3d ::: Favorites
i got seziers for playing too much video games, and now im on medication, and for all the people whos making fun of seziers u might get it someday, and u wouldn't like it trust me there is alot of things u cant do when u have seziers, like video games, swimming, riding ur bike, and all these other stuff u cant do. and the first time i've have a sezeries i didnt know what just happen, its like u blank out and i didnt even know it, and then few min later i woke up in a streghter in an ambulance
07-08-31 17:48:09
Jeter1992 ::: Favorites
I'm sorry
07-08-29 00:31:43
MySeizures ::: Favorites
Ask your Senator, Just like Alcoholics Anonymous, why isn't the Epilepsy Foundation available any where in USA, except designate areas? Who finances the EFA? Besides dispensing redudant self-serving brochures, how, what, where and when did the EFA helped any victim of Epilepsy since it ever came to happen around? I wonder, if the EFA have any idea that victims of seizures are losing every thing they have ever earned for persistent seizures? WHERE'S THE HELP?
07-08-23 19:48:04
Twomonths ::: Favorites
Do medications decrease the number of seizures, or not? I mean over long-term, not "per incident". Truly,
07-08-21 10:57:07

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