Thursday, September 6, 2007

Scrubs - Underdog

Duration: 02:19 minutes
Upload Time: 06-01-20 18:14:44
User: rtcallaway
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Cuts from Scrubs featuring Speed racer and Underdog

RevanEcks ::: Favorites
me too
07-09-04 04:58:22
thehallsofjacob ::: Favorites
Best Scrubs moment ever. Brought me back to my childhood.
07-08-25 01:35:06
wolfdude ::: Favorites
*hero pose* underdog!!!!!
07-08-23 22:54:49
TheRedNationStates ::: Favorites
I forgive you. And... well I'm touched that you enjoyed that. Even I have to say it's not my best work.
07-08-16 22:28:05
tlisia ::: Favorites
no problem :)
07-08-16 14:38:24
Rincewind1667 ::: Favorites
Darn, I was beginning to enjoy that as well. I apologise for any bad feelings or anger caused, it was all in a warped sense of jest. I hope you can forgive me. And I have to say, I enjoyed 'A Cone Too Far'. Mungo (AKA Rincewind)
07-08-16 14:06:56
TheRedNationStates ::: Favorites
I've been trying to get him to stop, but then he provoked me more. I admit, that was a bit over the top, but first he keeps attacking my intellect, and then he tells me I don't read Douglas Adams. Telling me I don't read my favorite author is crossing a line. Rincewind. I will no longer play your game, thank you tlisia for talking the sence back into me.
07-08-16 07:54:29
tlisia ::: Favorites
Seriously both of you just shush! Drop it. There's no point. You're both being idiots carrying this on, over i don't know what. And 'I hate you. I want you to die. In a fire. Deep underground'. Bit controversial. Bit over the top maybe? From what I can gather this is over a kids program. Maybe kids would be watching this. Act your age. Both of you!
07-08-15 18:15:21
Rincewind1667 ::: Favorites
AAAAAND (If you can be a cock then so can I) I have to just point this out again....WHY KEEP REPLYING? Seriously, is it just so you can have the last word? Or is the attempt to make someone look stupid who is actually laughing at you EVERYTIME YOU REPLY just a little too much to let go?
07-08-15 16:59:50
Rincewind1667 ::: Favorites
Haha no way! It's way too much fun now. And if you were that pissed off why do you keep replying? If you love Douglas Adams so much why take the piss out of the 'fetid dingo's kidneys' statement? And, if I don't have sentimentality, why did I ignore the Garfield films and hold onto what was dear to my childhood instead of it being marred by a crappy film? Also, why not take your own advice and ignore the shit you complain about? How d'ya them apples?
07-08-15 16:56:00

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