Saturday, September 1, 2007

Giuliani... For President !!!!!!

Duration: 02:54 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-22 21:10:07
User: BigFatTonyCal
:::: Favorites

The Revolution has come.

BigFatTonyCal ::: Favorites
Vote Ron Paul absentee ballot and make a copy of it. Spread the word.
07-08-31 21:53:52
Heartbreakin ::: Favorites
The pic at 0:37 just.....makes me want to vote for this fine American..........baarrf!
07-08-26 11:11:11
kebon ::: Favorites
so giuliani the law&order moralist is also a cross-dresser who wants to be President. One thing you americans should know about giuliani: he is a snake of a more dangerous kind than Stalin or Hitler could ever be.
07-08-26 10:15:47
TheEvilDetector ::: Favorites
Liberty has 2 first names.
07-08-26 09:02:21
RonPauladvocate ::: Favorites
Go Ron Paul. Tu ne cede malis
07-08-24 08:00:19
smb12321 ::: Favorites
No, RP is not "stuping" [sic] to this kind of stuff. I assure he is not at some PC making Youtube videos. There are a boatload of nasty videos by the corporate candidates - Billary, Guli911, Obama & Edwards. Try them.
07-08-23 21:38:37
HomoAvenger ::: Favorites
guiliani can KEEP the queer vote if he is willing to dress up like a transexual, then let em have it!
07-08-23 20:29:54
QueenNidian ::: Favorites
Ha Ha funny! I'm kinda gay, and love Ron Paul! Giuliani is a mobster. Bisexuals for Honesty in American Government. BiHAG FOR RON PAUL!
07-08-23 18:53:59
BigFatTonyCal ::: Favorites
Lady is too much of a title for Rudy.
07-08-23 18:53:36
BigFatTonyCal ::: Favorites
He's a horid man.
07-08-23 18:52:30

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