Saturday, September 29, 2007


Duration: 00:49 minutes
Upload Time: 07-05-16 08:48:03
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I hate it when some stupid dumb honkies start saying shit like, ' 2pac was racist, BLA!, BLA!, BLA!...well guess what ? We all fucking the same you STUPID RED NECKS.... THIS SHIT RIGHT HERRE IS STRICTLY FO MA NI99AZ... FUCK ANY RED NECK WATCHIN THIZ SHIT!!


killswitchmanforlife ::: Favorites
what the fuck is your problem?
07-09-09 21:27:01
Rob1417 ::: Favorites
hes right black bitches are dumb . but so are slave niggas so i guess all black people should just go die . Go get a boat and and drive back to africa . wait i forgot that niggers don't have any money . fuck it just swim or better yet go get a white guy and tell him to kill u becuase that's all ur good for
07-09-09 21:21:38
yo but serious, kobe is a living legend, and rip pac & eazy, but oj snd rkelly are guilty
07-09-05 23:13:07
ttyysshhaawwnn ::: Favorites
lol this is not him singing you guys are all retards
07-09-04 19:18:44
shindogg ::: Favorites
this is the eminem song? its mean but he was obviously pissed off because a black girl used him for his money and dumped him. its weird because accordin to benzino eminem said "i dont bone n**** shit/im here for a bigger hit"" and eminem never used the word in the song. so benzino basically made up a lie.
07-08-28 09:54:57
MistahRipstah ::: Favorites
Look at how many blacks there are..not much...look how many are criminals and rap about it and degrade woman... even BLACK people admit it... deal with it, dont fight with me...fight with your fellows who dont love vulgarity... Degrading woman by how you talk about you love to smoke doobies man, i just dont want to hear all this remarks.
07-08-27 22:27:02
MistahRipstah ::: Favorites
Well iv been all around the world, same with my dad...and well almost ALL black guys act the same...and weird how the ones who didnt have different race in them... and well most of em say nigga nigga nigga all the time, but limit the whites to say it? now thats racist... You talk like you deserve a medal because you lived in the ghetto and because your father left your mother for another girl... Well you NEVER EVER see a black guy with a white dad and if you do, its very rare to see him leave...
07-08-27 22:24:58
129749 ::: Favorites
you the fuckin stupide faggit why do you fuckin try to make war fuckin pussy eminem had just 16 y when h said this shit and every body know now that he is not raciste and if he is raciste you are just like him and you heart other white people so shut the fuck up mothefucka
07-08-26 21:59:38
129749 ::: Favorites
bbygrl1079 first shut the fuck up you fuckin bitch you are stupide slut
07-08-26 21:53:51
killswitchmanforlife ::: Favorites
LOL, what did you forgive him for dumbass???
07-08-25 21:21:08

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