Friday, August 10, 2007

Metal Gear Solid : Philanthropy Next Gen Trailer

Duration: 307 seconds
Upload Time: 07-04-06 13:48:01
User: GiacomoTalamini
:::: Favorites

First trailer of the reborn project by Hive Division. Based on the games by Hideo Kojima.

DerrickCole ::: Favorites
I think this trailer's got the "spirit" of MGS. Just my humble opinion, though. But the music rocks. Is it available for download somewhere? I love it.
07-08-09 06:11:26
travisbarker1982 ::: Favorites
visit our site, it's mgs-philanthropy dot net
07-08-09 06:46:48
travisbarker1982 ::: Favorites
yes, it will be a full lenght movie, check it on our site
07-08-09 06:47:23
tipuib554 ::: Favorites
Not bad. Theres a ton of nekkid girls at <B> CAMAHOLIC DOT NET </B>
07-08-09 16:13:16
maxxspidey ::: Favorites
First Off.. Wow! i thought that MGS surberia was good but this is awesome!!! the cinematic movement the picture quality is top notch for it to be homemade. I'd definantely buy the DVD and its subsistence (if there was one) secondly - Italians Rock! that i mean spag bol, mario, scarface and now MGS-P, fantastic, "isn't that right big cheif"?
07-08-09 18:28:54
maxxspidey ::: Favorites
here's the constructive Critism, the voices used could be a deterant, example - at the start of the prolouge it's had to tell what the lady is saying, it needs to be smoother if that makes sense. also snake's voice needs to be deeper with an edge like david hayter's the guy who met snake in the room can keep his voice to difuse diversity in the movie and the chick who met them both has to time the speech right to get a better dramatic impact.
07-08-09 18:29:58
maxxspidey ::: Favorites
barring that i actually smiled ridiculously on this and i'm hoping that it's done soon, i'll try and donate some cash as i'm working and don't have time to go to that amasing set you used... keep it up... Maxx.
07-08-09 18:30:43
Tom3744 ::: Favorites
holy crap cant believe this is a fan video, i thought fan video r low budget.
07-08-09 19:36:27
woOt744 ::: Favorites
like it!
07-08-09 21:58:39
VRDMatrix21 ::: Favorites
Great job ese!!!
07-08-10 00:48:31

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