Sunday, August 5, 2007

The Legend of Zelda Prequel of Time

Duration: 468 seconds
Upload Time: 06-07-27 22:08:00
User: nintendodsg
:::: Favorites

Video Download Coming Soon! The Legend of Zelda Prequel of Time

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pianistofsymphonia ::: Favorites
its sad..the guy still cant pull a bush yet
07-07-29 00:08:18
elmaduro6 ::: Favorites
how may help you today mam lol
07-07-29 11:11:18
Omondii ::: Favorites
Awesome! Keep up the great work!
07-07-30 18:35:14
colbalt007 ::: Favorites
you didnt make it
07-07-31 22:39:14
Botekbiz ::: Favorites
No offence, but Saria wasnt hot in this movie, in Ocirana of Time they do mention Links real story and that wasnt it. Also ganondof didnt steal link, the mother ran into the forest to avoid the blazing fires in Harul Field (At the time they were in the middle of a war)...
07-08-01 02:18:41
Botekbiz ::: Favorites
and the Duku tree took hem in. The duku tree made links tunic AND boots, Saria didnt even know link til he was 7 because he was keep guarded near the duku tree til he grew up, AND LASTLY, that wasnt the fire boss. Like the move, hate the supject
07-08-01 02:19:03
surferguy597 ::: Favorites
No offence, but Saria wasnt hot in this movie, in Ocirana of Time they do mention Links real story and that wasnt it. Also ganondof didnt steal link, the mother ran into the forest to avoid the blazing fires in Harul Field (At the time they were in the middle of a war)...
07-08-01 11:17:52
Ryoohki946 ::: Favorites
"Saria I didn't even knew you were pregnant! Who is the lucky man whose essence you've stolen?" Lol!
07-08-01 23:02:22
legendofarthur ::: Favorites
we all know this wasnt the story he just did it to make it funny.
07-08-02 17:09:25
Magnushalten ::: Favorites
07-08-04 17:06:18

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