Wednesday, August 8, 2007

If Argent009 Ran Youtube...

Duration: 109 seconds
Upload Time: 07-01-24 02:10:41
User: mikeskehan
:::: Favorites

A Montage of a dream for one and a nightmare for all.

fourganger88 ::: Favorites
How berate Argent for being "obsessed" with Renetto, and yet here is yet another video about Argent. How many is that now? I'd say you're the just as obsessed with him.
07-02-02 18:44:28
deadhouse ::: Favorites
you are a fucking idiot.
07-02-09 15:09:55
fourganger88 ::: Favorites
What well balanced argument. Sir, I tip my hat to your rhetoric skills! By all means, refute my point with evidence and a cohesive argument, for without those things you just come across as "a fucking idiot", as you so eloquently put it.
07-02-09 16:10:14
deadhouse ::: Favorites
thanks for proving my point, you arent impressing anyone with your retarded college professor talk, give it up a dude, you are just to laughable and fake. HAHAHAHA! This is a fucking website, not an SAT exam so just chill out and no, you arent cool and no one is goign to think, wow that guy is so smart and articulate!! lol loser, gets a life.
07-02-09 18:43:01
jazzi4lucas ::: Favorites
That "Loser" has a girlfriend and a very good life thanks, you're just jealous as he can speak correctly and not retarded, like you.
07-02-09 19:45:36
deadhouse ::: Favorites
I understand you need to stand up for that loser, he cant do it by himself!
07-02-09 21:05:56
fourganger88 ::: Favorites
This is the way I write and talk. Instead of criticising the way I write, why don't you get a life, as trolling is an odd habit for a man of your age, unless said man has some sort of mental deficiency. Failing that, why don't you and Argent get together and have a hegemony party, where you criticse all the guests for being different than you? My final point - when there are You Tube users such as yourself around, why on Earth should I care what people here think of me?
07-02-10 14:04:51
mu301nh ::: Favorites
how did u do that?
07-02-13 21:11:06
Araya9901 ::: Favorites
I'll admit skehan probably has one too many videos about argent, but that's his business. As for speaking properly, who gives a shit how fourganger writes? Fuck, if you have a vocabulary over that of a nine-year old, morons on this site go "000h, teh n00bz tink dey r soooo l33t!". It's totally retarded.
07-05-03 17:25:59
crait ::: Favorites
no, he's jealous because he doesn't fight about stuff to get attention i wish i could do that too
07-06-26 13:33:04

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